View Full Version : I'm so MAD at my VET I am just shaking!!!!!!

03-04-2005, 04:50 PM
I adopted Aspen (see picture below) from the shelter on Saturday (6 days ago). She had already been returned to the shelter 3-4 times. The first few times were through no fault of her own (divorce, moving, etc.) and the last time, the person who returned her said "She got into the trash a lot" and "She couldn't be left alone in the house because she chewed stuff up."

The last family only kept Aspen for one month and she's emaciated and had a terrible ear infection when I brought her home. She shows signs of having been physically abused, but I have left her alone in the house for 3-4 hours at a time and she has never touched a thing. The trash has never been overturned. She's an excellent, well-mannered, quiet, loveable dog.

She let me treat her ears, cut her toenails,etc. without so much as a whine. She's probably the most well-behaved dog I have ever met.

As soon as the vet came in she started treating me like I was ignorant trash. She acted like every question I asked her was stupid. She said "You know this dog has been returned to the pound more than once. That's a bad sign. You're inheriting somebody else's behavioral problems." I tried to tell her that Aspen was a very well-behaved dog, but she wouldn't listen.

If I was reduced to skin and bones over the period of a month, I would be chewing on things and getting into the garbage too! She was STARVING, for crying out loud!!!

Then the vet said "She's awfully ribby. She probably has worms. I'd like to do a stool sample." I hesitated for a second - the woman had been insulting me and treating my dog like garbage and for some reason I was surprised when she mentioned "worms". She sneered at me and said "What - do you want to bring worms home to Max?" I said "Of course not," and she collected the stool sample.

When I left the office, I was almost in tears. Then to top it all off, when I was leaving, I backed into the witch's freshly-washed and immaculately-waxed Lexus.

I left two tiny scratches which could easily be buffed out.

When I went back inside to tell her about she made a big stinking hairy deal about it. she said "That's the THIRD time in six months somebody has backed into me while I was parked there!"

Well - she shouldn't freaking' be parked there!!!!! It wasn't a parking space and her car was sticking way out in the middle of the aisle where it would be a miracle if it wasn't hit!

So of course she called the police and a report had to be filed and the whole nine yards.


:mad: :mad: :mad:

This vet costs literally three times as much as another vet I would prefer to use, but she's closer so I decided to keep going to her in case there was an emergency and I needed to get help fast. I've been using her for eight years - I've probably paid for 20% of that stinkin' Lexus.

OH - AND GUESS WHAT ELSE????? While we were in her office, the receptionist realized that Aspen's last owner is a client. Her owner told them Aspen was dead, instead of admitting she turned her in to the pound.


03-04-2005, 04:53 PM
Sounds to me like it's time to get another vet. I would never put up with that. I have two pound pups that did have issues but they are the best.

03-04-2005, 04:57 PM
OMG how awful! I feel bad for you! What a stinking witch! I would switch vets for sure!

03-04-2005, 05:00 PM
I'd be switching to the other vet. If a big emergency comes up, you can always still call the closer one if you really want to.

BTW, Aspen is adorable! She's lucky to have found you.

One of my dogs was starved too. I think dogs can overcome alot of things, but I don't think they ever forget being hungry. I know Kayleigh hasn't!

03-04-2005, 05:05 PM
Why have you wasted 8 years with that sorry excuse for a vet?? I would let the BBB know about her and if there was an association for vets, make a complaint IN WRITING! She sounds like a horrible person, much less a vet. I would drive 30 minutes before I'd keep her as a vet. Poor Aspen. Give her lots of luvin from me. Also, I cannot believe that about the previous "owner". They should be ashamed, as well. I wish someone else would do massive damage to her Lexus. Want me to bring my old, beatup pickup there for a smash up derby?

PJ's Mom
03-04-2005, 05:10 PM
I was thinking the same thing. Don't take it anymore. Complain about her and find yourself a new vet!

03-04-2005, 05:11 PM
yikes, I knew there was a reason we drive to the other side of the city for our vet and refuse to see any of the other vets in the office unless its an absolute emergency, when there are plenty of clinics much closer to us. I would find a new vet, and sabatage her lexus lol

03-04-2005, 05:12 PM
ggrrr, she sounds like a right know it all! i hate people like that.

OH - AND GUESS WHAT ELSE????? While we were in her office, the receptionist realized that Aspen's last owner is a client. Her owner told them Aspen was dead, instead of admitting she turned her in to the pound.

:eek: people are sick.

03-04-2005, 05:15 PM
Glacier, it's the saddest thing - isn't it? It's like starving a 2-year-old child. They're so trusting and sweet. Why would you want to do something like that?

Val - I think it is time for the smash-up derby. And by the way - I already DO drive 30 miles to get to her! I'll be driving 60 miles for the new vet but it will be worth it.

She wasn't always so mean. I think she's mad at me for rehoming Tony and Chloe (my mom's chihuahuas - remember them?) Chloe was only 3 lbs and Tony was 3.5 lbs. I live way out in the middle of nowhere. They could have been snatched up by hawks - even though I kept them confined. Plus Max is kind of a clutz and if he'd stepped on them he would have broken bones.

I kept them for about 8 months, I think,then I found a wonderful home for Tony (he's working as a therapy dog 3 days a week now, too!). Then I called my vet's office and asked if they knew anybody who would be good for Chloe. I explained that I didn't want to put up any ads or anything because they were very valuable dogs (Chloe was worth $800 and Tony around $500) and I didn't want somebody to adopt them and then just turn around and sell them. I wanted somebody my vet was familiar with and I didn't charge her, of course.

Her vet tech. took Chloe and now she has a very good home, but I think they got the wrong idea about me - like I was the sort of person to just throw dogs away or something. I'm not like that at all! Our home is simply not the right environment for such fragile dogs.

When I saw the vet tech today, she said Chloe is afraid of men - like she thinks somebody abused her or something. My soon-to-be ex husband was the only man she was exposed to and even though he can be a real SOB, he would never hurt an animal in a million years.

03-04-2005, 05:20 PM
That is awful, i think i am as mad as you are!!!
I would take her somewhere else, in fact i probably would have just walked out of there in the middle of her saying things like that.
That is too bad that you hit her car, but sounds like she deserves it(haha)
She doesnt sound like a very caring vet, and Aspens previous owners should be ashamed of themselves!

Pit Chick
03-04-2005, 05:26 PM
Even if they are upset with you for rehomeing those dogs, it's really none of their business and it's very unprofessional to treat you like that because of their own personal feelings. I would complain about her to the vet association too. I'm not afriad to ram things with my car, just point me in the right direction, I have insurance. :D :cool:

03-04-2005, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Pit Chick
. I'm not afriad to ram things with my car, just point me in the right direction, I have insurance. :D :cool:

I probably should have backed into it a few more times - the result would have been the same. It went on my insurance the same as if it had been severe damage, I'm sure.

My Peanuts
03-04-2005, 05:34 PM
I had an experience like that, but not as bad as yours. I had a veiled chameleon that I was treating with antibiotic shots, but the poor guy was getting worse. Instead of letting him starve I decided to take him to the vet (not the exotic vet I take my birds to) to be put down. Anyway, the doctor was writing down all my info and I had Frank (the chameleon) in a towel on the examining table. She flipped her hand and the towel went flying across the table. I was super mad and just remembering it I'm still mad! :mad: I jumped up off my chair and grabbed him and started petting him and seeing if he was ok. I hope that witch got the message!

Anyway, I would go to the other vet if I was you. You don't need to be dealing with a vet that treats their career like a job. Come on, she's not washing cars, she's taking car of living things and she should be more compassionate. (I'm not saying there is anything bad about having a job where you wash cars. Just that living things need more compassion than cars/objects). When I have a bad day maybe a few invoices have errors or something like that, but if I was a vet I would treat every patient like gold! :mad: I’m sorry for being so mad, but that is ridiculous. Plus, who cares that the dog was returned so many times! Would that vet rather have the dog put down!?!

03-04-2005, 06:00 PM
Sounds like time for a new vet. Too bad she wasn't in her car when you hit it. :rolleyes: Aspen is a beauty! :)

03-04-2005, 06:12 PM
I'm speechless and like you, I would be shaking!:(:(:( She dares to call herself a vet? Well, maybe a technician would be a more appropriate title:mad: :mad: :mad: She was cruel, judgemental and just plain stupid! Instead of congratulating you, being supportive, offering advice, she was discouraging and dismissive! This woman MUST have recognized Aspen if she was at one time her client's dog. Perhaps she could have more appropriately asserted her veterinary judgements by filing a complaint against the client who neglected this poor, helpless pup to begin with:( And to think YOU had the concscience and courtesy to go in and report hitting her car. This is the kind of person I pray will ond day find their way to my stretcher in the recovery in SEVERE pain, frightened and in tears, begging for some relief. "Gee, sorry, I'm a little busy right now.";)

Definitely, find a vet with a kind and caring heart, somene who will listen to you and treat you and Aspen with respect! You and Aspen deserve nothing less! BIG hugs to beautiful Aspen and to you, for finally being the one person she can count on! What a wonderful mom you are!:)

03-04-2005, 06:43 PM
I would be mad and upset also. Sounds like the woman is a vet for the money and NOT the love of animals.:mad: Sorry you had to deal with that today.

03-04-2005, 07:44 PM
i can't add to the vet and car comments but Gee Aspen did look almost dead. May be you should make sure the next time those people come in the vet really checks them over.

03-04-2005, 08:55 PM
I agree with the others.
Get a new Vet and use this only if you
have to. :(

What a nasty woman, she must have gotten
up on the wrong side of the bed. :mad:

03-04-2005, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by KYS
I agree with the others.
Get a new Vet and use this only if you
have to. :(

What a nasty woman, she must have gotten
up on the wrong side of the bed. :mad:

Totally agree with everyone, though I tend to think she got up on the wrong side of life.

03-04-2005, 10:40 PM
You all can't imagine how much your supportive comments mean to me right now. I was wondering if I was crazy for being so mad at her - but you have validated my feelings.

tats - as a nurse, myself, I understand your sentiments exactly. A person like that doesn't deserve compassion.

Aspen is laying on the sofa next to me right now. She's so grateful for every little thing we give her - and right now it seems like she's soaking up every little bit of attention, sleep, food, and exercise she can get. I wonder how long it will take to get her healthy.

She weighed 55 lbs today. That surprised me - I thought she was a lot lighter. She needs to gain at least 10 lbs. The vet did answer one question I asked. I asked if I should switch her to a puppy formula until she gains the weight and she said that would be a bad idea since she's a large breed dog and rapid growth is bad for their bones and joints.

She went to work with my friend for a couple of hours today. He said he couldn't imagine a more well-behaved dog. I'm making her two dog beds - one for his work (he can stow it away under his desk when it's not in use) and one for here. She tends to spend most of her indoor time on my bed or my son's, though, and we're happy to have her there.

03-04-2005, 10:47 PM
What a jerk. I would definitely get another vet.

03-04-2005, 10:54 PM
Here's what she spends most of her time doing. The rest of the time, she's running around and wrestling, or eating. None of her time is spent "chewing on stuff" or "getting into the garbage", by the way.


03-05-2005, 12:02 AM
I am with everyone else - I would definatly report her and not be going back to her!!
The vet I use isn't popular with some people- it depends on who you talk to and what town you are from.
But I have never had any problem with him and the 2 younger vets he has in there I LOVE... so I continue to go to them. Until I have an issue to not go there something like happened to you etc, I have no problem with them.
Good Luck to you and sweet Aspen.

03-05-2005, 06:58 AM
Last night when I was trying to go to sleep, I remembered another thing she said.

Two days after I got Aspen, I got some really bad unexpected financial news and I'm temporarily dirt poor.

So when I made Aspen's appointment, I said all I could do was get her rabies shot and license and the rest would have to wait until I could afford it.

The vet said that the reason I wasn't getting the heartworm test, giardia vaccine, lyme vaccine and the whole nine yards was because she might not work out and I didn't want to invest a lot of money in her.

How dare she make that assumption?

03-05-2005, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Why have you wasted 8 years with that sorry excuse for a vet?? I would drive 30 minutes before I'd keep her as a vet.

Thats what we do :p we've just switched vets after a similar "experience". We now drive 25-30 minutes but its worth it for Jillian and Frankie to be complimented, respected, and given the correct treatment.

03-05-2005, 07:14 AM
Aspen has the most loveable face ever.. she looks like she is smiling for heavens sake,,, shes happy with you and youre a great mom!!!dump that vet like a bad boyfriend ...... You and Aspen deserve better care!!!!!!

03-05-2005, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by stacwase

So when I made Aspen's appointment, I said all I could do was get her rabies shot and license and the rest would have to wait until I could afford it.

The vet said that the reason I wasn't getting the heartworm test, giardia vaccine, lyme vaccine and the whole nine yards was because she might not work out and I didn't want to invest a lot of money in her.

How dare she make that assumption?

Not only that, but like you'd care to get rabies, if you thought you weren't going to keep her!! :rolleyes: And, of course, none her darn business!!!

I know an hour is a long way to go for a vet, but it really sounds worth it!

Our situation was totally different, but we recently switched vets, from one around the corner, to one about 5 miles away. Not becuase the old vet was rude, or inappropriate, like yours was, but just becuase they had too many vets in the same office, you never saw the same vet, and becuase they were not getting anywhere with Cincy's allergies.

Anyway, I was nervous about doing it, becuase they were very easy to get into with so many vets, they are open later in the evening then the new vet, and because they are right around the corner. But I finally decided, it was more important to me to have consistancy and someone who took the time to fully investigate the dogs problems and fix them, rather then random vets sticking band aids over the issues.

Regardless of the reason it is hard to break the habit of going to the same vet, doctor whatever, becuase that is what you have always done. It is often easier then finding new. But I think you and Aspen (and Max and Toby) will all be much happier.

Good luck and congrats again on your new addition!!

03-05-2005, 08:42 AM
a good, caring vet is worth the drive. dump this twit, except for emergencies. please give your dogs tummy rubs for me.

Daisy and Delilah
03-05-2005, 12:27 PM
Sorry I am so late posting to this thread but it made me so mad I had to respond. First of all, Bless you for being such a good person. You are willing to give Aspen the life she deserves when nobody else would and I think that is wonderful!! Aspen looks like a sweetheart who has only wanted someone to love her. In her life of misery, it seems she has only given back a small part of what she has gotten. Why do ignorant people always want to blame innocent animals for their own negligence and stupidity? In my lifetime, I will never understand that concept. Now that she is being treated with love and respect, she is giving the same thing back. As for this #$@%! vet!! Why did she become a vet? She is CLEARLY in the wrong profession. She really needs to check with a local prison to see if they will be hiring soon. A job as a prison matron would suit her. I'm sorry for you that you hit the witches car but I would have rammed it again and kept right on going. I hope everything works out for you and Aspen. Bless you both. Most of all, I hope you can find a new vet but if you can't, remember, she's working for you. Let her have it and maybe she'll clean up her act. I think our vet is one of the most important people in our lives. Take care, Terry(D & D's Mom)

03-05-2005, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by stacwase
Glacier, it's the saddest thing - isn't it? It's like starving a 2-year-old child. They're so trusting and sweet. Why would you want to do something like that?

Kayleigh's first owner had other things he was more interested in--like buying beer. When we got her she weighed 72 pounds. She weighs 120 now and is at a perfect weight for her. She was sick and bones when we got her. Kayleigh is the reason I don't get involved in the "what to feed" threads. I'd rather see a dog eating the stuff that costs 10 bucks for 40 pounds than being starved.

We've had her for four years next month and she still keeps a bone under the straw in her doghouse at all times. She's still worried that there might not be food tomorrow. Kayleigh was older than Aspen when she finally got out of that first home. Hopefully, Aspen will have an easier time forgetting due to her young age. If she does start to show food issues, I'd be glad to offer some suggestions.

03-05-2005, 03:05 PM
Thanks again for the support, everybody! I'm finally starting to calm down (over 24 hours later, LOL).

Glacier - that's so sad about Kyleigh keeping a bone ready all the time in case she doesn't get any more food. I sure hope Aspen won't have food issues. So far, she's doing fine. I'm feeding her a lot, though. She's eating more than Max right now, but she has some catching up to do. This morning I gave her 2 cups of kibble (for her weight it's only supposed to be one cup) and 2 scrambled eggs. Then she ate Max's eggs. Tonight she'll get 2 more cups of kibble.

03-05-2005, 07:12 PM

03-05-2005, 07:56 PM
What a horrible vet! That is so upsetting. Sounds like it's time for a new vet in your area - in the meantime I hope you can make the drive to the next closest one.

Aspen is adorable!!! She looks like such a sweetheart. I'm glad she has you to take care of her now.

03-05-2005, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by stacwase
I'm feeding her a lot, though. She's eating more than Max right now, but she has some catching up to do. This morning I gave her 2 cups of kibble (for her weight it's only supposed to be one cup) and 2 scrambled eggs. Then she ate Max's eggs. Tonight she'll get 2 more cups of kibble.

To help her gain weight, you can add rice to her food as well. Plain, long grain rice. Paxil gets rice added to her food as she's a "hard keeper"--musher talk for a dog that can't keep weight on.

03-05-2005, 08:28 PM
Aspen is really cute. And I'm sure will turn into the perfect pup !!!!

Very sorry to hear all this. It just makes it tougher on you to drive longer, but it's worth it !! Really sorry to hear about her car. Hopefully ins. will pay and it will be just a small amount. And as you know, thats why we have the ins . !!
Here is my story about a crummy vet. I bet there are a lot of us here that have sad vet stories.

When (RB) Tonee tore the ligament in her knee we went to the vet. He gave her an anti inflammatory and sent us on our way. The next night bloody diarrhea and a trip to the vet first thing in the morn. He said the diarrhea was not caused by the meds, so if she wasn't any better by Monday, (this was Saturday) to bring her back. Saturday night we had to head off the emergency vets. It was getting very severe. But they could only keep her at night and we had to transport her back to her reg vet for the day time. So Monday morning she goes back to them, and Monday night I take her back to emergency, she needed 24 hr care, and this time a different emergency vet was working. She took one look at her and said' she is ''cushinoid''. No one at our regular vet noticed anything different about her. The emergency vet knew by looking at her. That is why the anti inflammatory gave her diarrhea, mixed with the excess amount of cortisone in her body, they acted like bleach and ammonia and blew up her gut.

So Tuesday back to day vet, and Tuesday night when I went to get her to take her back to emergency for the night. They let me go in the back room and get her myself. I couldn't believe it. She was in a kennel right next to an ashtray that was piled so high with butts that it was over flowing. Here Tonee is almost dying and they put her in their smoking room. She was not the only dog in there. I have never been back there since.

I had used this vet for over 14 years. We now live 200 feet from a vet. And we choose to drive 30 miles round trip to one we feel we can really trust.

I took Tonee to a specialist after that for all her treatment, One hr drive each way. Her eye Dr was 1 1/2 hr each way.

We just do what we have to do.

03-06-2005, 06:47 AM
Thanks for the rice suggestion, Glacier - I'll do it. I think I'll cook up a bunch and add it to her food in the evening. I'll give her an egg or two with her breakfasts.

Tomkatzid, your vet story is awful. I just don't get how anybody could be that unprofessional and hard-hearted. Obviously they were stupid and unobservant, as well, if they didn't see Tonee was cushingoid.

You should just see how Aspen behaves nowb. Max is loyal and it has always surprised me how closely he sticks by me, especially when we're hiking and he's off-leash. He's very protective. But Aspen - oh, my! She's literally right on top of me. If I'm on the sofa, she's right here with her head on my leg. When I go to bed she's on the pillow next to me, and she has to be touching me. Talk about "velcro dog!"

Now that she's gaining confidence, and her ear infection is gone, she has an entirely different demeaner. Her ears both stand up proudly (though the tips are soft), and she holds her head high. Her neck is very long. She sits with her front paws crossed. She's so graceful, she reminds me of Cleopatra. I ought to rename her "Jackie O.