View Full Version : Boo boo foot - The Final Chapter

PJ's Mom
03-04-2005, 01:37 PM
Well the bandage came off today along with most of Peej's leg hair. :o

The doctor took his stitches out and while it still looks a little raw, it looks much better than it did with that little rubbery thing on there. :eek:

Everything's ok as long as he doesn't lick it too much. :p

Guess what he's been doing since we got home? Yep. Licking his boo boo. :rolleyes:

I keep telling him that we have to go back to the doctor and he'll have to have another bandage put on if he doesn't quit. But does he listen? Noooooo! :rolleyes:

Will someone please talk some sense into him? :D (or tell me how to keep him from licking it) :)

Dixieland Dancer
03-04-2005, 02:07 PM
You could try to use a E-collar for a day or two. I hope Peej is better soon!

03-04-2005, 02:11 PM
Get a Bite Not Collar. Best thing since sliced bread. It's the 6th item on the list. :)

Ask your vet if they sell them, or if they have one to loan. We have 2. :rolleyes:

03-04-2005, 02:18 PM
Glad to hear Peej is on the mend. I hope you find something that will stop him from licking it.;)

PJ's Mom
03-04-2005, 03:03 PM
I've never seen the Bite Not collar before. Thanks for the link. :)

I didn't want to have to go with the collar, but he's not giving me much choice. :(

03-04-2005, 03:33 PM
micki76, thanks for the link - I paid alot more than that at petsmart and I need to replace the collar now.

Peej's mommy, the e-collars really help. I've had to use one on Star off and on for several years because she gets hot spots. Actually she had one on till a couple days ago and I think she talked her dog-buddies into helping her out of it - I found it lying on the ground kind of chewed up yesterday LOL, but at least she's stopped licking her leg.
There is also "hot spot" medicine that you can put on their sore - it has bitters in it to discourgae them from licking. Your pet store should have it.
Hope little peej feels better soon!

Cinder & Smoke
03-04-2005, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom

I didn't want to have to go with the collar,
but he's not giving me much choice. :(

Don't *wait* very long ~
A LITTLE bit of Lickin can do a LOT of Damage really FAST! :(

An since Peej's "problem" is on his right FRONT Paw - this
"No Bite" collar may not offer too much help >>>

"A comfortable & easy-to-use alternative to the Elizabethan collar.
Allows pet to eat drink, sleep, play, run up stairs & around
corners & even sit on laps. With these collars, your pet's
peripheral vision is unimpeded making them calmer & happier.
Collars are made of flexible plastic & are secured by Velcro®,
elastic wrap-around strap & harness strap, which wraps around
your pet's chest."

SmokeMutt returned from the Big Snip wearin A No Bite Collar -
and it worked VERY WELL for keeping his mouth away from his
"rear end problem" :p -
but he could still very EASILY manage to lick & groom his FRONT Paws!!

A properly sized Elizabethan Collar just about totally eliminates
ANY contact between Fido's MOUTH and any any other Fur-Bearing
parts of his body!

I wouldn't *wait* very long to see *if* he'll stop <lickin> the paw -
the Collar will remove any doubt about "What he's Doin"
when you're not <watchin> him!

/s/ Phred

03-04-2005, 03:58 PM
Tell Peej this was called the Final Chapter so that means the end... no licking!!!!:D

Sorry his hair was pulled off, ouch.

PJ's Mom
03-04-2005, 04:27 PM
Thanks for the advice, Phred. I guess it's off to the pet store for me. :p How do they eat and drink with them on? :confused:

Jazz, I told him. He looked at me and yawned. :D

cyber, thanks for the info about the medicine. I'll look for that when I'm looking for the collar. :eek:

This has cost over $200 already. Ugh. ;)

PJ's Mom
03-04-2005, 04:49 PM
Here's a picture of the boo boo in question:


and one of the bad boy who keeps licking it. ;) His eye is acting up again. :( We're off to yet another doctor for that on Monday. :(


Sorry for the poor quality but I can only get pics of him with my phone or he chases the flash everywhere. :rolleyes: :)

03-04-2005, 05:28 PM
Poor Peej, that does look sore. but you're not helping by licking it sweetie.

Originally posted by PJ's Mom
.... How do they eat and drink with them on? :confused:
I've attached a picture of Ebby the cat sort of showing how. I should think it is much the same for a dog.

Hope the collar, or something, helps in stopping him and he's better soon.

Cinder & Smoke
03-04-2005, 07:37 PM

Boots, da Kat here...

Eatin & Drinkin is NO Problemo az long az Mom or Dad serves
yur "stuff" inna CONE-Sized servin bowl!

When I wuz wearin my Kone -
I got reelee GUD at walkin up to a bowl an jest
<*ploppin*> dat ole Kone down flat onna floor wiffout
<bumpin> da bowl.
Lil "trickkie" gettin da Kone picked UP an backin away frumma bowl,
but ya get da hang of it purdy quick!

I bet eben a DAWG kan figger it out!

/s/ Boots, da KAT ;)

03-04-2005, 10:49 PM
HaHa, good one Boots!
Yes, Star was using her cone to isolate Sherman & Prince (our puppy house-guest) from getting any crumbs from her treats- she'd plop that thing on the ground around her food and chomp at leisure!

03-05-2005, 08:41 AM
Oh Peej, I'm sorry to hear your booboo foot still isn't healed up completely but you really need to quit licking it or it will never heal. Besides you don't want to have to wear that funny looking collar do you?!
And now your eye too? Poor baby:(
{{{Hugs}}} to you sweetie

PJ's Mom
03-05-2005, 11:25 AM
Boots, you are too cute. I guess if a cat can eat with a cone, Peej can too. :D