View Full Version : Scary moment last night!

03-04-2005, 10:58 AM
Last night I took Gracie out on her 30 foot lead. Some how she got the lead wrapped around her legs. Her back leg had the lead wrapped around it but some how it tied a knot in it's self. She started crying and yelping. I was trying to get to her to free her. As soon as I bent down and grabbed her leg to get her leg free she tried to bite my face. I leaned back so she would miss then I moved a little out of her bitting range. As soon as I got her leg free she sat right down and kind of coward. :( I told her she was such a good girl and needed a HUGE treat for being so good. As soon as I said that she came right to me and wouldn't leave my side for nothing. She wouldn't stop licking my hands and every thing else I would let her lick on me.

I know that in her past she was hog tied. I think that is why she freaked out so badly. The person must have hit her after she would free her self. Why else would she cowar the way she did? Just that was enough to make me cry. I started to because of her past. I want her to know that she is safe here. For the most part she knows that but yesterday it felt as if she thinks we just got her yesterday. You know what I mean?

It's hard to explain I guess. So I'm sorry if it's hard to read.

03-04-2005, 11:31 AM
I'm so sorry, I bet that was very scary for the both of you. But she knows you love her and she knows she is safe with you. She just panicked and it brought back memories. Just her reaction after you freed her tells me that she trusts you completely.

I know this is a sensitive subject and I know there are horrible people out there, I hope you don't mind me asking, but why was she hog tied by her previous owners?

Anyways, she is a beautiful dog and I am so glad you rescued her, and I know she is too. Just give her lots and lots of lovins' and she will be just fine.

03-04-2005, 11:38 AM
I know this is a sensitive subject and I know there are horrible people out there, I hope you don't mind me asking, but why was she hog tied by her previous owners?

From what I have been told, they would hog tie her and see how long it took her to free her self. Then after she would free her self she was allowed to eat. I don't know what sick people would ever want to do this to her, but they need it done to them to see how she felt/feels.

She goes nuts with shoe strings, she is trying to free us, but she gets a little carried away at times. She is a great dog and I love her more than anything. I can under stand that she panicked. She is such a sweet girl though.

03-04-2005, 11:47 AM
:eek: Poor dog.

03-04-2005, 12:14 PM
poor baby :( afterwards telling her she was a good girl was the best thing you could of done. talking gently, moving slowly, etc are the best things to do in situations like that. She probably had a flashback during that, thats probably why she snapped at you! But I'm glad to hear she calmed down after getting herself untied :) she really does love you I bet

03-04-2005, 12:17 PM
poor thing.:( must have been a little reminder of her last "home".

i'm sure she knows she's safe with you, it was just a few mins of confusion and scaryness. Beanie was in an abusive home before we got him and everyonce in a while he will get REALLY scared and act like we are hurting him.:(

Dixieland Dancer
03-04-2005, 02:39 PM
What horrible memories that must of brought back to Gracie. I'm sure after it was over, she realized that she is safe with you. You did a GREAT job in making her feel loved by your reaction to the situation. You deserve a big pat on the back too! :D

03-04-2005, 03:39 PM
what a horrible thing to do to a dog - there are some real sicko's out there. I'm so glad Gracie has you taking such loving care of her now - bless you! She's a gorgeous dog.

03-04-2005, 04:16 PM
Poor Gracie!:( We all know how upsetting that must have been for you to see her so upset, in such distress:( I hope with time those horrible past memories will fade away. She's such a precious soul:) {{{HUGS}}}

03-04-2005, 09:50 PM
Ohhh. *hugs*

Kirby is sorta the same way he HATES leashes of any kind. the minute i put a collar and leash on him he flips over on his back in a subbmisive state( think thats what it is anyway) sometimes he walks fine on a leash but his talk is tucked,, ears pinned back and he vibrates from fear all because of the stupid leash. sometimes he screams if you wiggle the leash. its kinda sad really. =/

when i first rescued Kirby he came packed with some stuff that his pervious owner gave us with him. a brush,, a small bag of dog food,, some shampoo and a sheet of paper that had a little bit of information about him typed up. and a weird leash thing... it was a big plastic handle type thing,, with a cloth string like thing you clip to your dogs collar,, and you give them however much lead you want. up to 34 feet or something like that and it has a button you can press on it,, and it comes FLYING back into the plastic handle thing.. but i bet that doesnt feel to good when around your neck. i think thats what started his fear of leashs. :(

he also doesnt like collars. he will scrach the ever living daylights out of his neck till you take it off.

03-04-2005, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by cubby31682
From what I have been told, they would hog tie her and see how long it took her to free her self. Then after she would free her self she was allowed to eat. I don't know what sick people would ever want to do this to her, but they need it done to them to see how she felt/feels.

She goes nuts with shoe strings, she is trying to free us, but she gets a little carried away at times. She is a great dog and I love her more than anything. I can under stand that she panicked. She is such a sweet girl though.

Unbelieveable :eek: :( She's lucky to have you now for a mum, and from what you described was probably just a little freaked from the situation and the memory. She gave you lots of kisses after though, so I would say she really loves her mum.:)

03-05-2005, 12:39 AM
I was going to reply to this last nite but forgot. :(
I am so sorry for poor Gracie that she had a panicked moment like that. People are unbelievable.
But I am soooo glad she didn't bite you in the face!!!
Hugs to both of you!

03-05-2005, 04:36 AM
I am so sorry...I know that must have frightened you and Dear Gracie...You did the best thing...after freeing her...telling her she was a good girl...Its' so sick what some 2 leggers are capable of!!!
It just makes me sick...

Give Sweet Gracie a Hug and a Treat for me!!!!

03-05-2005, 05:58 AM
That is just horrible that she had to endure that in her previous life...bless her heart...that brought tears to my eyes reading..
You did the best thing with reassuring her...I think her behaviour would be normal. Just think in human terms anyone enduring violence would have flashback as well...she is never going to forget, I am sure..but I bet she knows that it wont happen again...she has your assurance and protection now...
Give her a big hug from me...you khow I have a special place for her in my heart just because of her name..lol..

03-05-2005, 03:15 PM
Poor Gracie, that is so incredibly sad. Please give her hugs from me. She is so lucky to have you , you know exactly how to make her feel better.

03-05-2005, 05:37 PM
Oh, how I wish I could give Gracie and you a great big hug. I'm so glad that Gracie is with you now and getting the love she deserves.


03-06-2005, 11:39 AM
I have taken her out on that leash a few more times since this has happenend. I figured she mighth be afraid of the leash now but she isn't at all. :)

She is such a good girl and a very happy girl as well. It sickens me every day that she has had to go through so much. I keep asking my self why we didn't get to her sooner and so on. I am beating myself up over everything more than she is.

I have been giving all the hugs to her that all of you have asked me to give. She is loving them. Of course I give her several through out the day from me. Along with a lot of kisses.

Gracie's Mom,
Every time I see a post about your Gracie I have to stop and look at the name to see who posted the thread. I keep thinking to myself, I never made that post. Then I have to laugh at myself. Lol.

Thank you everyone for all the hugs and postive things all of you had to say about what I did to free her. It really makes me feel better about what happened to Gracie the other day. I keep blaming myself though as any parent would do I guess.