View Full Version : The most fun toy EVER!!! *pics*

03-04-2005, 09:09 AM
Well, Brodie has discovered the most fun toy in the whole world!!!

It has the qualities of a ping-pong ball (super bouncy) with the added feature that you can pick it up and carry it from room to room!


What is it do you ask? What could possible be this much fun?

What could it be???


Yep, you guessed it! It's the plastic lid off of a can of mousse!

Stop throwing these things away, gals! They're like gold!!! :) Brodie has been playing with this one for HOURS. I even put it up last night so he wouldn't loose it. Definitely keeps him occupied!!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-04-2005, 09:11 AM

so cute!!!

03-04-2005, 09:17 AM

03-04-2005, 09:35 AM
I thought it was something private.:D I was getting nervous till the end:D ;) :D

03-04-2005, 09:35 AM
LOL, Grover loves milk rings too! She also likes to steal my ponytail holders, and to heck with all the expensive toys I buy her!

Have to remember about the plastic lid.


03-04-2005, 09:35 AM
:D Funny Christa!!! Brodie looks adorably intense while carrying his very exclusive cat toy around!!:p

03-04-2005, 10:46 AM
I love Brodie's face expression. Cats are like children- they prefer games they have invented themselves to any ready-bought stuff:D

03-04-2005, 03:21 PM
lol i have found they like the weirdest stuff.and they are often the free stuff lol the expensive cat toys they dont seem Well atleast mine dont care for

03-04-2005, 03:27 PM
my cats don't play with anything I buy them. They just love milk rings and water bottle caps.

03-04-2005, 03:29 PM
Several of you have mentioned milk rings . . . I've tried that but Brodie EATS them!!! He loves them and plays with them until they're torn into 10 pieces, but then he eats them! :rolleyes:

03-04-2005, 04:04 PM
If you know someone who works in an office and gets the boxes of Xerox paper, have them save you the nylon bands they use to secure the boxes.

Talk about cheap toys!!!;)

03-04-2005, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
If you know someone who works in an office and gets the boxes of Xerox paper, have them save you the nylon bands they use to secure the boxes.

Talk about cheap toys!!!;)

Hey I just unloaded two boxes of paper. I'll take the bands home and give it a shot.;)

03-04-2005, 04:20 PM
They are so funny with what interests them.

Plain old drinking straws are a favourite of my brood, along with twist ties, carton straps really go over big, as well as constantly removing big pieces of pot pourri from the vases and batting those around the house.

Empty boxes are a favourite of Tinkerbelle's she really is a PAMPERED kitty. lol


03-04-2005, 04:30 PM

03-04-2005, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by christa
Several of you have mentioned milk rings . . . I've tried that but Brodie EATS them!!! He loves them and plays with them until they're torn into 10 pieces, but then he eats them! :rolleyes:
My vet has put up warnings about the danger of those plastic milk jug rings! :eek: He's removed many of them from the stomachs of cats who eat them. I used to throw them down all the time, but better safe than sorry...I don't any longer. Twist ties are equally, if not more dangerous for them. They eat those and the metal inside can perforate intestines and kill them. Now if I bought mousse in a can like that, that looks like fun for the gang! :D

03-04-2005, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
If you know someone who works in an office and gets the boxes of Xerox paper, have them save you the nylon bands they use to secure the boxes.

Talk about cheap toys!!!;)

:) We have a few of those around here! One is soooo chewed up, it's gross, but I just can't throw it out because it's their favorite!

03-04-2005, 07:46 PM
LOL... Allen LOVES the caps from a tube of toothpaste. Harry LOVES my pony tail holders. Pouncer goes nuts for milk jug rings. Abby will do ANYTHING to get her pawson my art erasers (the kneeded kind are the best according to Abby). Why do we waste all that money on toys when the best stuff is free?

03-05-2005, 02:31 AM
Originally posted by LeahMM
my cats don't play with anything I buy them. They just love milk rings and water bottle caps.

Mine too! I buy them catnippy mouses by the tons and all they want to play with is water bottle rings!

03-05-2005, 02:57 AM
That's so cute! Christa, your Brodie sounds like just about all of my cats at one time or another. Anything that doesn't seem like a toy - a top off a can of mousse or face cleanser, straws, milk caps, bread ties, boxes of varying sizes, ribbons, Christmas ornaments (one got busted under the bookcase last Christmas by Bailey or Leila), paper bags, chapstick, pens, pencils, hiliters - you name it, if it's something you didn't buy for them and it is fun to carry around or whip across the floor or hide in, they're there (especially Bailey and Claudia - Claudia thinks everything is a toy)! :)

I learned the hard way not to keep anything small and valuable out where they can get to it when I'm not around. One time I was in the shower and I sat my wedding ring on the bathroom counter as I often did b/c I don't shower with it b/c I don't want the diamonds messed up - I got out, and it was nowhere to be seen! At the time, we only had Bailey & Leila, and I think Leila was sleeping - Bailey had been in the bathroom while I was showering, as he often likes to do, and I didn't see him do it, but somehow he managed to carry my wedding ring in his mouth to the front room, not far away, and play with it till he got it stuck under the barrister bookcase, where they stick a lot of toys, etc. Luckily, I could easily fish it out and didn't have a lost ring. Needless to say, since then, I put it in a drawer or on a ring tree while I'm showering or not wearing it! That was scary! My husband takes off his ring when he's cooking turkey meatballs or turkey burgers or something messy for his hands in the kitchen, and he gives me his ring to hide away from the cats while he's in there, just b/c we're paranoid now! :)