View Full Version : Karen or Paul...

01-06-2002, 09:33 AM
I keep getting this runtime error every time I click on DOTD. It used to come up just once or twice and now I am unable to get into Pet Talk unless I get in from holding the curser over the Pet Talk button, writing down the url at the bottom left, and retyping it in to my browser, avoiding the Pet Talk button all together. Not sure what's happening, but it happens both at my home, my work and my mothers house. http://community.webshots.com/storage/1/v0/3/17/44/28631744pAVjvnNdqo_ph.jpg

[ January 06, 2002: Message edited by: AdoreMyDogs ]

01-06-2002, 01:26 PM
Are you using the same ISP each place? We have been moving servers, but as long as your ISP isn't caching DNS information, it OUGHT to work just the same as always!

01-06-2002, 01:56 PM
I'm glad you brought this up, Leslie. The same thing happens to me on my work computer, which has the same internet connection as my home computer. I usually just say "no" to debugging, and it lets me go on through. But it only happens on Pet of the Day, no other internet sites.

01-06-2002, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Logan:
<STRONG>I'm glad you brought this up, Leslie. The same thing happens to me on my work computer, which has the same internet connection as my home computer. I usually just say "no" to debugging, and it lets me go on through. But it only happens on Pet of the Day, no other internet sites.</STRONG>

the error has been coming up for the past 1.5 months, but I have to hit "no" to the debug once or twice and it lets me proceed...but since today, every time I drag the curser over to Pet Talk from DOTD it popped up again, not even letting me click on Pet Talk. My ISP at home is Earthlink, at my moms house it's AOL, and at my work it's BNP.com.

It only happens with this website, and since it's happening at 3 different computers with three different ISP's, I figured it wasen't on my end. It's just a bit strange.

01-06-2002, 06:08 PM
Have you ever clicked 'yes' & let the
software perform the debug routine ? You
could probably 'cancel' out of it later if
it didn't get any better.

01-06-2002, 06:45 PM
I have, Liz, but I have NO idea what I am looking at when I do. And it just seems to "stall". I'm no computer whiz, so I'm probably missing some huge step.

01-06-2002, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by lizbud:
Have you ever clicked 'yes' & let the
software perform the debug routine ? You
could probably 'cancel' out of it later if
it didn't get any better.</STRONG>

Liz, yes I tried that, it does not appear to be on my end so saying 'yes' does not do anything.

And for Karen or Paul, if you know what's going on...when I say Yes to the debugger, this is what I get. Does not stop it from happening. Strange.

01-06-2002, 10:16 PM
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am sorry this is happening. It is something to do with our servers. It is not happening on my Windows machine nor my Macintosh with either IE 6 or Netscape 4. If it easy for someone to do, could someone who is having this problem please post which platform and browser you are using?

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you!

01-07-2002, 12:18 AM
ahhhh computer jibberish make it stop it hurting my head!

01-07-2002, 06:37 AM
The error did not pop up today!!! :D You guys must have fixed it :)

01-07-2002, 07:38 AM
   I did make a small change. I hope this is what fixed the problem for you.

   Right now we are moving to a new ISP. So there are two servers for DogoftheDay.com which means some people are going to the old server and some people are going to the new server. Ideally, this should not make a difference to visitors of Dog and Cat of the Day. It will take a couple of weeks for the switch to be complete.

   I will start a new thread about how this change will effect Pet Talk soon.

[ January 07, 2002: Message edited by: Paul ]