View Full Version : Dear Butter

Edwina's Secretary
03-03-2005, 02:02 PM
Dear Butter,

I saw your picture on the kitchen counter recently. Is it true that you aren't suppose to be there? Silly people! Don't they know we go wherever we want to go? Whether they are looking or not?

Eddie and I were helping mummy slog through the medical insurance bureaucracy on the phone (why can she use words I am not allowed???).... anyway....he jumped off as soon as he saw the camera!



03-03-2005, 02:34 PM
HH Edwina,you are rigght,as rain,and our Dad,knows,that it is Our Hotel,too.And Cats Always go,where they lease,and always please,wherever they go.I LOVE YOU HH EDWINA!

03-03-2005, 03:36 PM
Gary, I am SO loving seeing all your kitties!

03-04-2005, 02:27 AM
Dear Edwina,

Mimi never tries to get on the counter. I do know that it is because she can't jump that high anymore, but I can! I try not to do it because it makes Daddy mad :mad: , but sometimes, when there is something tempting up there, like milk or cheese or catnip, I just can't help myself. :o

My mom said to tell you that she knows that cats pretty much do what they want to. Why do you think my mom is awake right now? Because I woke her up! :p


03-04-2005, 02:51 AM
Hi Butter,
it looks as if you didn't succeed in educating your dad:D
We are home all day long with our dad and he allows us to do whatever we want and only goes looking for the dreadful camera:



So our mom has given up:D

She sometimes tells us you would come and live with us. How about that;)

Filou and Tigris

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-04-2005, 03:23 AM
Dear miss Edwina!

I made my mommy very clear that the kitchen counter is mine too! Now she even puts my foodbowl there, where that brat Inka cannot touch it (she cannot jump very well :p ). A while ago, I tried to conquer the dinner table too. First I thought she didn't mind, as she took this picture:
But as soon as she got the proff, she chased me of the table :rolleyes: :rolleyes: . Yup yup, she is a true PT-catmom :D .

Your friend Maya

03-04-2005, 03:38 AM
Callie taught the other two it was okay to get on the counters. :rolleyes: As much as we yelled and spritzed them with water, it did no good as we would find evidence of them on the counters during the day and at night while we slept. I've given up but it is a bit interesting when we have guests over and one of the kitties jumps up on the dining room table. Of course this doesn't bother me, but non-cat lovers are horrified! he he

03-04-2005, 07:58 AM
Dear Barbara,

I'm seriously considering that move to Germany. Filou and Tigris are so lucky that they have an understanding dad! I will give my dad a little bit of credit, though, because he does let me sleep in the bed with him and my mom, plus, I get in his lap a lot, and he gives me treats. I don't usually even try to get on the counter, but that catnip was too tempting!!!! :o

This is me, several nights ago, sitting with my daddy.

Last night, at bedtime, I was sleeping down by my mom's feet, which is where she likes me to sleep. Then, she woke up to me purring in her face, all curled up beside her on her pillow. I've never done that before. I think maybe she as a little afraid of having me so close to her face after what I did to her right arm the other night. :eek: :o I got a little carried away and now she has lots of scratches and even some bruises on her arm. :o Are you sure you would want me to come to Germany?

Love and kissies,

03-04-2005, 08:59 AM
Butter,you dont have,to dgo,to Germany,although,the Food there is Great,and you could visit Kirsten,and Barbaras Cats.You,could come,to the Found Cat Hotel,where nothing,is off limits,to us.