View Full Version : Has anyone information on playing cricket in Canada....please

03-03-2005, 01:45 PM
My son is showing a real interest in going to Canada next year, he is hoping to play cricket there ( I really never knew that you guy's played the game lol), what I would like to ask ,is if anyone can post any links that he could look up, we really don't know if Canada takes any oversea's player's, but there is only one way to find out, he has expressed interest in Vancouver, and Toronto.

I would appreciate any information you might have, or can give us THANK YOU my friends.

03-03-2005, 06:37 PM
I honestly don't know if we do play cricket over here. Personally I know NOTHING about the game. I'll see if I can dig up any links for you though.


Well what do you know.

Canadian Cricket Association (http://www.canadiancricket.org/)

Calgary and District Cricket League (http://www.cricket.ab.ca/calgary/) (This one's in my city)

Canada Cricket Online (http://www.canadacricket.com/home.htm)

Manitoba Cricket Association (http://www.cricket.mb.ca/History.htm)

Cricket in Vancouver (http://cricketclub.org/bp2_canada_bpcc_v_bcmcl.html)

Victoria BC Cricket Club (http://www.victoriacricket.ca/index.cfm)

Toronto Cricket Association (http://www.torontocricket.org/)

Well there's lots to read through now....I hope one of the links helps. Good luck!

03-03-2005, 06:42 PM
LOL, I didn't know we played cricket over here either. But, I found this: http://www.discovervancouver.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=5484

03-03-2005, 09:44 PM
THANK YOU so much for the links,my son assured me Canada does play cricket, we just needed more links, not sure if they take overseas players though, hope they do, by looking at them it is a possibility, but I think he would have to sponser himself, whereas in England he was lucky it was all paid for by the club, Don't think Canadian clubs do that,still he can email them and ask, I knew you guy's would know something cheers.:) :D :cool:

03-03-2005, 11:19 PM
I think the Black Caps are in need of a few bowlers Carole. :D

03-03-2005, 11:34 PM
Calgary has a cricket league? man I didn't know about that.

03-04-2005, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by Crikit
Calgary has a cricket league? man I didn't know about that.

Neither did I. You learn something new everyday, huh? LOL

03-04-2005, 03:09 PM
Oh oggyflute you are treading on dangerous paths here lol, yep the Black Caps need to hang their heads in shame mate, Stephen Fleming said anyone with Talent will be thrown a uniform, now if only that could be my boy, he has the talent for sure, he got 151 runs not out, 19 sixes and two fours, a few weeks ago in club cricket, he plays for a premier team and has played in Uk, but to even be considered you need at least to be playing in Northern Districts., but Mama would so love to see him a Black Cap, but you know us Kiwis are great when we are winning , but we treat our player's like crap when they loose, sad but true.

I bet you guy's are basking in victory, it is a sad time for NZ cricket:( I have to admit it, you Aussie's are just awesome, yes I said that,:eek: :eek: . I believe in giving credit where credit is due, and Nicole if you see this, YOU CANNOT HAVE STEPHEN ok., he is taken, you are not the only one who drools over him ya know, he has many lady kiwi fans lol.:D

I think my son will probably not play cricket in Canada, due to the lack of sponsership, the deal in England is just too good to pass up, but he sure intends to stop by Canada and check it out.

There ya go folk's you learn't something about your own country, you did not know before, the learning process never ends eh?

03-04-2005, 10:37 PM
I wish your boy great success Carole, and if he truly wants a black cap, he only needs to work hard and reach for it.

03-05-2005, 08:08 PM
Thanks oggyflute, yep you are right, I just don't think he is comitted enough, there are so many young men who are talented out there, but only a few really make it to the top,I guess one has to really want it bad enough., not sure if he does or not,he has to be prepared to put the hard slogger in eh? he has been plagued with injuries since his return from England, he has bad back problems, so bowling is not very good for that., ah well least it keeps him out of trouble.:)