View Full Version : Butterscotch, 1 Year Ago Today

03-02-2005, 11:20 AM
He went to the Rainbow Bridge. It was a warm day mid 50's. Today one year later it's sunny with 2 inches of snow on ground (1 inch fell over night) and it's in 28 degrees today.
We do miss you a whole lot. Thank goodness we have a zillion photos of him taken through out the 4 yrs he was with us.

This was taken about a week or two before he got sick.

03-02-2005, 05:31 PM
I know you miss Butterscotch; it's always hard when they go to that better place. There is something special about those orange cats. We had one and he was the sweetest cat you can imagine.

You're lucky that you have lots of pictures, they do help.

Such an adorable face...........

03-02-2005, 06:16 PM
We miss you Butterscotch :(

03-03-2005, 07:10 AM
What a beautiful picture of Butterscotch to share with all of us. A beautiful reminder of a beautiful orangie who is missed dearly.

03-03-2005, 08:19 AM
And Butterscotch,vacationing,in Rio,with the Pet Taker Angels,is touched,b yyour thread,and knows,that you still miss him.Butterscotch,is travelling,the World,with the Pet Talker Angels,scouting,out Great Areas,for you,to visit,when,You are Reunited.

03-03-2005, 10:00 AM
Thinking of you, Butterscotch.

03-03-2005, 10:22 PM
Oh dear Butterscotch, I can't believe it's been a year since you made the safe trip to the Bridge. I sure hope you are enjoying your time up there. I hear that you one of the furrr angels that were at the entrance to greet Tubby. You are very much loved and sadly missed.

{{{HUGS}}} Craftlady.
slick xoxo

03-04-2005, 12:02 PM
You are missed Butterscotch.

03-17-2005, 01:12 PM
What a handsome boy, he reminds me of my orangie who died suddenly last year. It's always so much harder when you lose a pet before their time. My thoughts are with you.

03-17-2005, 03:28 PM
That was a sad day one year ago when Butterscotch went on to Rainbow Bridge.

Loved but never forgotten.


03-17-2005, 06:33 PM
thank god for memories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...rest in peace beautiful butterscotch...

03-18-2005, 08:49 PM
cant believe its been that long.:(