View Full Version : This lady is making me sooooooooo angry!!!

03-01-2005, 09:40 PM
OK, first off, most of you know there is a feral cat population in my place that I take care of. There is a lady who lives downstairs from us that is REALLY making me sooooo angry!!! I just moved in here about a month ago. Before then I was caring for the cats as well, since I moved into this place with my friend Phil. I would bring food etc. The lady was SO thankful that I was helping out. Well she is a major drug user and is completely messed up. She is older and lives with her I think girlfriend, or friend or whatever. They don't work, are in their 50's, and all they do all day is sit at home and outside smoking cigarettes. Well I'm finally moved in here, and have been here like I said, about a month. I explained to her that I would love to help the cats, get them neutered etc. when money and time allows.

Some of you know, I have just spent a lot to have Freckles spayed and get her rabies vaccine. $300 dollars! I also have my own pets to care for, and they come first. Well I tried talking to her awhile ago and I let her know my plans to take in Onyx, get him neutered etc. I have plans to trap the mom, get her spayed etc. Apparently I am not doing it fast enough, and she says that by me taking in Onyx and making him MY cat, I am doing a very very bad thing and now she somehow hates me, for taking care of the cats. I don't know what her problem is! I am taking my OWN money to help these cats, providing good, medical services etc our of my own pocket! Apparently I am doing a big injustice to Onyx if I take him in, because he has a "family" outside. I am sorry but I am NOT going to keep him a stray cat/feral because he has a sister and mom and dad outside. Last time I checked I thought it was great I was helping these animals out.

I never though taking in a kitten to provide with a forever home, proper diet, love, attention, shots etc was so evil. Correct me if I am wrong? :mad: :rolleyes: She basically told me how horrible I am, explaining to me he is feral and cannot be a housecat. Well according to him and myself he WANTS to be a housecat and would rather curl up with me on the couch then spend a night outside in the bushes with no shelter from the rain and cold, and no food to eat. I take care of these cats! She CANNOT do it. They are NOT her cats, and frankly I will consider them MY property once they are all taken care of, and I paid for all their vet needs. I'm pretty sure that makes them my cats. She never feeds them, gives them water etc so who is she to tell me? I know what a feral is, I know what a stray is. I've been taking care of cats since I was VERY little, and I've taken care of many feral cats, taken kittens away from feral moms to bottle raise and find homes for, even caught an 8 month old kitten by the scruff and was subjected to bites because I KNEW I could tame her, which I did. And she because one of the most lovely cats I've adopted out. This was when I was still in highschool. I have tamed older ferals who were terrified of humans. I HAVE DONE IT! I know what I'm doing! And I know when I look in a cat's eyes if they are craving human companionship! I know this! I have never made a wrong decision in regards to the animals I care for. EVER!

I am sorry, but Onyx is now MY cat. I feed him, he comes in for cuddles and sleepy time, etc. I am the one who will be neutering him, testing him etc. He is not feral. He once was but now I consider him more as a tame stray. He has always loved humans, and has never been afraid of them, even though he was born on the street.

About two weeks ago the lady had the addacity to tell me to my face how horrible I am for taking Onyx in. Please. :rolleyes: She yelled at me for not helping out more. Excuse me, but I'm not made of money! I told her my own pets need to be taken care of first, and then when money allows I will do whatever I can for these cats. I've already dewormed them and applied Frontline so they don't have fleas. I am doing as much as I can.

I TRY to be nice to her whenever I see her outside. The other day I told her how beautiful the day was, and told her I was excited because a friend donated a large bag of cat food to feed the cats. She said she didn't understand what I was saying, went inside and slammed the door. Just now, she was outside screaming at a cat because he was getting to close to another cat. One is a lovely Maincoon owned by my neighbor, not HER cat, but apparently she sees the need to tell him what to do. These two cats love eachother so I don't see why she wants to keep them seperated. I really think what was going on is she did not want the cat to come upstairs to visit me, as he sometimes does because I love to pet him. His name is Bob. :) I think she saw him coming up here and didn't want him to. Now, what makes me so terrible? I was nice to this lady from day one, only trying to help, being a nice young lady who cared about the cats in this complex. I've never once been rude to her, said anything inpolite etc. I always try to be nice, just try to chat and she always has something rude to say. BUT, whenever my friends are here she just chats them up like no tomorrow, especially my boyfriend. She will never shut up, and makes it a point to talk to him and my friends, though she doesn't give me the time of day.

Why are my friends better than I? If she doesn't care for me, WHY does she talk to my friends? It makes me so angry! Sorry this is so long but I just needed to vent. She is so cracked out of her mind. If only you could see her!

03-01-2005, 09:46 PM
HAHA! I just went outside and I could hear the lady screaming about me. Something about I can't say anything because I don't live here. Well maybe if she payed attention she'd notice I do live here. Oh wait, I just sleep here, shower here, eat here and am here all the time for no reason. :rolleyes:

Laura's Babies
03-01-2005, 09:53 PM
As you said she is on drugs? That explains it and I would not worry about her or what she thinks! Those drugs have warped her thinking so she is never going to make sense to you...

03-01-2005, 09:55 PM
She just makes me so angry! I've never had someone treat me so rudely before in my life, especially when I am trying to do good! Now I have a question. Once I take the cats in for care at the vet, does this make them mine? I am really afraid she is going to try and take Onyx from me. :(

03-01-2005, 10:14 PM
Avoid her. Avoid her like the plague.

One can never make sense of an addict, whether it be drugs, alcohol or whatever. Maybe she's all of the above with some mental illness thrown in. Hopefully she's not, or doesnt get violent.

I would just carry on doing whatever I wanted and thought was right and the best for the cats.

No one can change what you know in your heart, and furthermore they just dont matter.

03-02-2005, 12:34 AM
It's kind of hard to avoid her LOL, but I'll try as best as I can.

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-02-2005, 04:12 AM
Don't worry, Cass, SHE is BAD NEWS, not you!!! You are doing the right thing to those cats :) :)

03-02-2005, 04:38 AM
Dont let it get you down. you are doing the right thing.
a stray kitten adopted me right on Halloween day. she showed up in my moms garden shed. it took a really long time for her to finally trust me. and when she did shes paied me back with lots of sand paper kisses and unwanted kitty hair on my cloths. :D im so glad i didnt turn my back on her and gave her a chance. we have something miss pot head bimbo will never understand or know,, and nothing can take that away from us.

please keep up what your doing for the kitties. *hugs*

03-02-2005, 05:10 AM
Thank you! Your responses mean so very much to me! :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-02-2005, 06:08 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Thank you! Your responses mean so very much to me! :D

You're welcome! There should be more people like you!!

03-02-2005, 07:25 AM
Well darling if what you're doing is evil and wrong then everyone of us here is right along with you. And my response to that is if being the way I am is wrong and evil then I don't want to be good and right. She is probably jealous of the fact that these cats like you and not here. Don't worry dear everyone here thinks what you're doing is wonderful.:D :D Our opinions count more than hers.

Laura's Babies
03-02-2005, 08:15 AM
If she continues with her verbal abuse of you, can't you report her to the management? Tennants like that should not be tolerated for long... I know they would not be here where I live..

Check with animal control and see what the laws are in your state about ownership, some states, the one who gets the rabies shots done IS the owner.

03-02-2005, 08:27 AM
I'd go over and punch her:eek: Many times:eek:
Or...You could tell her you know about her drug use and tell her if you hear any more crapola from her you'll call the police and tell them about her drugs in the home.She's a real LOSER:rolleyes:
And just kidding about punching her.It's so hard to listen to people talk bad about you when you mean no harm to anyone.I get so angry with that because they don't take the time to get to know you or care to.:confused:

03-02-2005, 08:39 AM
Yiou,are doing,the right thing.I did the same,with Ragnar,as he does ,I am sure,"belong",toIdiots,up the street,but as he was sleeping,on my porch,in very cold wether,I assumed,that they dont care,and now,he is My Cat! And,I dont think,that there are many cats,who wouldnt be House Cats,if they had a chance,although Scrappy 2,might prove me wrong.You cant argue,with Drugs,or Booze,and I wouldnt ever try.This woman,really,has nothing against you,she is making up things,so she has a scapegoat,to vent,her rage,on,as you,have a life,and she doesnt,Found Cats,and I,say,Please Keep,Up the Good Work.

03-02-2005, 11:22 AM
~~~HUGS Cass!!!~~~
You are doing your best and the RIGHT thing. I doubt that she could take Onyx from you because SHE was not caring for him she could be charged for that if he was her cat anyways. What does she expect for you and other ppl to spay, feed, worm and care for the cats, but they belong to her??? :o This woman needs a reality check. I would if I were you call the police and make a harrasment report tell them that you fear she may take YOUR cat all you have to say is she has been mouthing at you, this will scare her anyways cuz she doesn't want the police around with her drug habits. I really doubt that she could take Onyx away because what good would she do for him NONE! Well good luck anyways I hope it all works out.

03-02-2005, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Jods
~~~HUGS Cass!!!~~~
You are doing your best and the RIGHT thing. I doubt that she could take Onyx from you because SHE was not caring for him she could be charged for that if he was her cat anyways. What does she expect for you and other ppl to spay, feed, worm and care for the cats, but they belong to her??? :o This woman needs a reality check. I would if I were you call the police and make a harrasment report tell them that you fear she may take YOUR cat all you have to say is she has been mouthing at you, this will scare her anyways cuz she doesn't want the police around with her drug habits. I really doubt that she could take Onyx away because what good would she do for him NONE! Well good luck anyways I hope it all works out.
I agree 100%.Maybe you should make the call just to save your kitty from being taken away from that woman.

03-02-2005, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies
As you said she is on drugs? That explains it and I would not worry about her or what she thinks! Those drugs have warped her thinking so she is never going to make sense to you... I couldn't have said it better .... it's the drugs talking. I'm with others here; if she continues with her verbal abuse, I'd call the authorities on her. Landlords do not appreciate tenants on drugs.

03-02-2005, 03:34 PM
Thanks everyone. If she starts up again I will definitely let the landlords know, and if she gets too bad file a report with the police. Onyx goes in to the vets in two weeks, and I'm going to try and bring his sister in too so she can get spayed. She is definitely old enough to have her first heat soon. I'm just worried about the mom getting pregnant again. I don't want the cycle to start all over again. I have to call the Feral Cat Coalition today as well, as they are helping me with the vet bills. For only $45 dollars I can have each cat spayed/neutered, vaccinated, tested, ear clipped, have Frontline put on, dewormed and microchipped! It's a great deal! :D

03-03-2005, 01:26 PM
It varies from community to community what constitutes ownership of an animal, but around here, if you feed a cat, it's considered yours. And you've been doing that already. There always has to be one or two nutcases out there that interfere, and make a big deal out of what should be viewed as an act of compassion! :rolleyes: Keep up the good work, and ignore the junkie. ;)

03-03-2005, 08:44 PM
Well just a few minutes ago I was outside having a cigarette with my bf and Onyx came up and was being all lovey dovey like usual. I was petting him etc. and the lady came outside. He ran downstairs for attention and the lady started yelling at him and chasing him away. Then she says, "I hope you're not encouraging him to go up there. It's not a good idea". I mean sceaming at Onyx!!! :mad:

My bf and I looked at eachother. I was shaking. I just went inside because if not I would have punched her!:mad:

03-04-2005, 07:38 AM
I think I'd get Onyx, neuter him, and keep him inside away from this nut! You never know if she'll take him for a "ride" never to be seen again. :eek: Maybe a restraining order is needed to stop this woman from making your life miserable. ;) I'd get a voice activated tape recorder, and keep it with me while outside to record the hostility from the nut. :rolleyes:

03-04-2005, 07:41 AM
I agree with QSL.Keep the cat indoors and neutor him.I wouldn't take the chance.She'll dump the cat somewhere far away just to spite you.She's a very sick woman from what I can tell by how she talks to you.Poor kitty.

03-04-2005, 03:38 PM
Well we are just now adjusting him to being outside. He's been a feral all his life so it's hard to keep him inside ASAP. She treats him well, she just doesn't want ME neat him, so she shoos him off. When we leave though, we're taking ALL the cats with us, feral or not! We'll just build an enclosure outside for the feral ones. I think that's the best thing. I don't want to leave them here when I leave, so all 5 will be going with us! Oh my, does this now qualify me as a crazy cat lady?:eek: :D

I REALLY love the idea about the tape recorder. I will go out tomorrow ( I have Dylan all day today ) and buy one. I would have never even thought of that! I'll ask my vet at Onyx's appointment what constitutes as being an owner of an animal. I'm about ready to just tell her to shove it LOL.

03-04-2005, 03:49 PM
That lady has many problems, especially if you are correct about her drug habits. What she thinks of you shouldn't matter one bit. You are not evil, neither are the kitties, and the kitties know that, too!

Kisses to Dylan from us! Keep him away from the crazy lady, too!

03-04-2005, 03:57 PM
Thanks Karen! :D

03-04-2005, 04:56 PM
Local ACO officers may be able to help you out as well. Not only with answering what constitutes ownership, but maybe finding help to trap and alter the others out there as well, without this womans interference! Have fun with the tape recorder, but make sure to keep being nice on your end...future evidence, and makes you look good, and her well...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;)

03-04-2005, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
Local ACO officers may be able to help you out as well. Not only with answering what constitutes ownership, but maybe finding help to trap and alter the others out there as well, without this womans interference! Have fun with the tape recorder, but make sure to keep being nice on your end...future evidence, and makes you look good, and her well...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;)

LOL! That's why I just went inside yesterday when she was yelling. I just completely ignored her. :p