View Full Version : root directory?? T-T

03-01-2005, 08:35 PM
Can anyone help me? :(

I've been working my butt off the last few days trying to figure out how to get a FavIcon onto my forum. I know how to do everything, but I can't figure out how to get into the root directory of my forum, where I'm supposed to paste the HTML! :( I've been googling every possible topic, and every single one that I've clicked on has just told me, "go to your website's root directory, Upload your favIcon, and paste this HTML." :( I'm really hoping someone will be able to help me! I've already tried joining a few other forums and asking around, but none of it has done any good because I'm so clueless about HTML.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


03-01-2005, 08:45 PM
First off, what's a FavIcon? Lol...

03-01-2005, 08:46 PM
that's what I want to know..

03-01-2005, 08:48 PM
:D hehe, it's the little Icon that shows up next to the URL of your adress. for example, Pet Talk's is a picture of Miss Hoppy... The same picture that Karen uses as an avatar. :)

03-01-2005, 08:50 PM
Hmm.. not sure, Dev, but I'll look around.

03-01-2005, 08:52 PM
You mean like a banner?:confused:

03-01-2005, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by luvofallhorses
You mean like a banner?:confused:

no, lol :p

It's in the addy bar, where you type in the URL of a site. There should be a little picture of Miss Hoppy all the way to the left of the Pet Talk adress, to the left of the "http". :)

(thanks, Megan ;))

03-01-2005, 08:55 PM
oh okay I pmed you:)

03-01-2005, 11:56 PM
I don't have my regular computer in front of me right now, but I know that on my personal website, I have a root directory. I just created a forum to see if I could get into any HTML editing and check the root directory, but it doesn't look like that is an option for that particular service they are offering. You may have to "own" the forum (like Karen and Paul do) in order to change/add to the root directory. From what I remember, the directory is just a listing of all the pages on a website...and you can edit from there I assume (probably on FrontPage or whatever website software you would have)...but I didn't find anything on your forum server's admin that would allow that.

I could be totally wrong, but I think that is what I've discovered. Maybe someone else will be able to give you a little more information