View Full Version : Woof!

Luvin Labs
03-01-2005, 05:57 PM

Hello! My name is Terri, and I've got a SWEET six month old black lab mix (li'l patch o' white between his front legs) puppy my b/f and I rescued from www.lostdogrescue.org on Feb 27th! His name is Smokey (he doesn't much respond to that name, kinda looking for one that he responds to besides 'good boy' lol)

Pics are here: http://community.webshots.com/album/284230262QoykRD

He's great! He's (somewhat) housebroken and loves to follow us around!

He sits when we tell him to, he's poop'd for his daddy (but not for me, yet!), he's finally sort of eating, and he loves to lay down under the desk while my b/f or I are working on the computer. My blue sphere chair is now officially "his chair" (but we make sure he's not possessive about it) and it always looks like he is watching the tv LOL

We left him alone for the second time today, first time was about 30 minutes alone, today he was alone for three hours!!! And, he was great! So we are tickled that we have him, he's such a dear (well, except for not liking other dogs, and growling when my b/f patted him on the head while smokey gnawed on his bone)...

03-01-2005, 06:01 PM

my name is lexie and i share my home with a pomerainian(Beanie) and 4 birds(Lucy,Picasso,Nipoleon,Kirby)

your pupper is really adorable!:D

03-01-2005, 06:03 PM
He's very handsome,(I just looked at the first three pics and I love the first one)! I have 6 dogs(1 foster), 4 cats, 1 guinea pig, 1 horse, and 1 bird. So do you have any other pets? Oh and by the way, welcome to PT you'll love it here!

Luvin Labs
03-01-2005, 06:17 PM
If ya count my b/f I have two pets :D

Nope just him (he doesn't like other dogs)

03-01-2005, 06:27 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk, Terri and Smokey! Your baby is SO precious:) Sounds like you're doing a great job, settling him in! I hope you like it here! I'm Sandra and you can meet my crew below in my sig:)

03-01-2005, 07:06 PM
He is a beautiful labby boy!!!! Welcome to Pet Talk, Terri and Smokey!! It is so great that you were able to rescue Smokey and give him a "fur-ever" home! I'm sure you'll never know how greatful he is. Hope you enjoy PT and come back often to share photos.

By the way...I'm Judy. In my signature is Sahara (great dane) and I am also "owned" by Chloe (Papillon X) and Venus (dobie girl). Again, Welcome!!!

03-01-2005, 10:17 PM
A big welcome to both you and Smokey! What an adorable little guy he is:D
I'm Anna and the three in my siggy below belong to my husband and I.
Looking forward to hearing all about Smokey!

03-01-2005, 10:39 PM
G'day Terri & welcome. Smokey looks quite the handsome fellow. :D