View Full Version : HELP - New Firend for Meka and not getting along - surprised?? haha

03-01-2005, 02:06 PM
I got Max - I have to post a picture - He is an orange and white male bobtail (or manx) I got from a kill shelter - his time was up and he is soooooo sweet! He is about 10 pounds maybe - or will be when he gains weight. Meka was NOT Happy!!! I don't know why I'm surprised!!! hahaha She is very protective of us and wants him to know we are hers but he is a lover boy and wants a turn too. They have gotten to the point of touching noses and I think they like each other as long as we are not around. But yesterday Meka kept at Max's tail with her nose while he was eating and he swiped at her and scratched her between the eyes - scared me!!! This is the only real damage I have seen between them. Unfortunately I dont' know too much. We picked up Max and then less than a week later my father in law went into the hospital in critical condition and we have been back and forth across the city to where he is in the hospital spending many nights there and the cats have been keeping each other company so I didn't get to keep them apart long. Any ideas and help to get them to get along would be appreciated. Unfortuantely every weekend we will be gone because of my father in law so I just don't have a lot of time with them. Luckaly Max is there though because Meka is much beter without us now that he is here - she is not so nervous and worried... :) :) Debbie

03-01-2005, 02:53 PM
Give them time. These things usually aren't instantaneous. It may be a good idea to separate them for the time being, especially when you and your husband are not there to watch them. Make sure that each kitty has its own food and water and its own litter box.

03-01-2005, 03:10 PM
Time and patience are the best remedy for this problem...

03-01-2005, 03:11 PM
Thank you. They do have all their own stuff except that if Max finishes his food first he tries to eat Mekas. Whcih I have stopped him from doing. Also he has a tendacy to eat real fast and then throw up so I'm feeding him a little bit at a time. This is working. Last night I checked to make sure the lights were out in the garage before going to bed and I guess Max got out into the garage and I didn't know it and we found him at the garage door waiting to be let in this morning. By the way the garage doors are down so he can't get outside. SO they were separate last night and Meka seemed even more possessive. And I thought she didn't like me! :) :) :) He is a beautiful boy - I'll post a picture. He is around 4 years old the vet thinks. He has ear mites which we are treating both cats for. Talk about a big vet bill! :) He is worth it! He is neutered. Debbie

03-01-2005, 03:31 PM
How long has he been in the house? I wasn't sure from your post. Depending on how you introduced them will result in their relationship... most often its advisable to separate the new cat for a few days or so for the existing cat to get used to the smell and idea of another cat in the house. This helps with the first cat's resentment of the second, and helps them both accept each other a little more.

Some cats need a month, some many months. Some only a few days. My Pouncer is a terror when new cats are introduced He's hissy and growly for at least a month, and then a month or so AFTER a foster cat leaves. Whereas my Harry loves the fosters and is always the first to bond and play with the new cat. My point is that every cat reacts differently to the addition of a second cat.

Try to make sure you give Meka plenty of one on one time and let her know you still love her. Dish out treats, making sure she gets hers first. Play with them both with toys. Soon she'll start to see having a new playmate is actually a good thing.

03-01-2005, 03:36 PM
Dont worry,as some,of the best Friendships btween Cats,have a rocky start,anD I think,given,time,Max,and Meka,will work out,an arrangement,between them,Imagine,how you,would feel,if a stranger,was brought,into the house,by your Cat.

03-01-2005, 03:52 PM
It has only been 2 1/2 weeks since he has been in the house and I haven't been home much but I can tell Meka is so much better when we are gone now that he is there. It is a comfort to her just that she doesn't want to share us. I felt better since they have been touching noses but that swipe the other day that hurt Meka - didnt really hurt her but you could see the tiny scrape right between her eyes and I would hate for her to get hurt. I immediately cut one paw's toe nails on Max and need to do the other today. He did NOT like that but maybe that will deter him from hurting her. His toe nails were long. They trapped him so he was wild for a while. But Meka was trapped too before I got her. I can't believe these kill shelters - it breaks my heart. There was one male cat that was all white with one blue eye and one brown that was very sweet and one that wouldn't stop talking until you petted him - he was black and white. They would all make great companions to someone but they were all killed in a week's time. They had a toy poodle all white named Precious that reminded me of my childhod pet. An older lady came in when I picked up Max and she was getting Precious and I was so glad to see the poodle get a home and not be killed. The shelters are so sad!!!! I actually paid more going there because of vet bills but so glad he was saved. Debbie