View Full Version : I created an avatar by myself! :)

03-01-2005, 03:10 AM
Wow - go me! :) I'm excited. I was going to try to mess with Paint Shop Pro 8, which we supposedly had the Dell Edition of on our newer computer, but unfortunately, it was just a trial edition. I guess I'll have to uninstall and download it and reinstall to mess with signatures and stuff.

I hadn't ever tried Animation Shop, though, so I have 30 days on that starting now. So, I created a couple of avatars. I hope to do some more before too long.

Is it ok? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make it better? I was a little confused on the image effects. How's the timing?

03-01-2005, 08:51 AM
That is wonderful,and I know,now,first hand,how,tough,these things,can be.

Laura's Babies
03-01-2005, 09:23 AM
How about writting a tutorial for dummies so some of us can try it too... I have PSP8 and have messed with trying to make blinkies a little but I just can NOT figure that program out!! I am doing better at it but it is not a easy program for a old grandma! Just this last week, I learned how to use plug ins and resize them to fit in my pictures.. Here is one I made using a lot of the free plug ins I found on the web...


03-01-2005, 11:12 AM
Jayna: Very nice!!! It really looks great! :) Yay for you!!

Laura - I managed to make ONE blinkie (the Sirrah-Cats one below my siggy) but it will be my last!! It is very time consuming!!! So, don't feel badly!!

It is for beginners so if you want to try it: How to make a blinkie (http://intimatexpressiongifts.com/blinkietutorial.html)

03-01-2005, 11:56 AM
looks good to me!

03-01-2005, 03:01 PM
Laura - I love that signature that you made with plug-ins - that's what I need to learn to do next. I could explain the Animation Shop stuff when I have a little more time - today is jam-packed! :) It took me a while to get used to the program, and that's why I stayed up way too late playing with it till I got it right. You're right - it isn't the most intuitive program on the planet. :)

Anyway, remind me and I'll try to do some sort of step by step thing at some point in the near future. I appreciate all the help all of you guys have given me so far.

Where do you get the plug-ins for creating PSP8 signatures? How do you find cute backgrounds?