View Full Version : How do your kitties act at the vet?

03-01-2005, 12:47 AM
We have mixed experiences at the vet. It's only 10 minutes from our house, but the ride is annoying to the male kitties (they're complete babies in the car, whereas the girls are just fine with sitting/sleeping in their carriers). Bailey used to be ok at the vet when he was a kitten, but last year when he went for his annual visit, he was a holy terror. He let out sounds like I've never heard before. This place specializes in cats, and they said he was not nearly the worst they've dealt with, but he made us very worried - you would think they were killing him! He ran all over the room - they called him "one big muscle". :) Needless to say, there wasn't much of an exam, just the shots - he was healthy anyway.

Leila was good at the vet right after we adopted her, but last year, at her annual visit, she was just evil - she let out worse sounds than Bailey and turned into the wild animal we know she is. I was very worried for her too, but like Bailey, once they gave her the shots and put her back in her carrier (they couldn't do an exam, but she was healthy too), she was fine.

Bailey & Leila will be going to the vet this year at the same time, and they'll be put under the short-term anesthesia/sedative (whatever it is they use) b/c they're getting microchipped and we want them to be fully checked out in addition to their shots. They said that with good vet kitties, they can do the microchip without putting them under, but not with these two.

Leo is a vet's dream - he's so sweet to everyone! He's had a few issues since we adopted him, including a trip to the emergency room the Sat b4 Thanksgiving 2004 for constipation (he stayed overnight for enemas, etc.), and every time we've gone, he's whined in the car, but once we're at the vet, he's a happy camper - he's so good! Every vet loves him!

Claudia was just a sweetie when we took her one time. No problems there. I wonder what it is about the two Louisiana cats (adopted them while still living in Baton Rouge) that makes them hate the vet? The two Missouri cats are ok with it. Weird.

Just wondering - what are your experiences taking your multiple cats to the vet? :) I don't know if it's been posted before, but it's an interesting topic.

03-01-2005, 12:59 AM
Kelcee acts like a 500 pound lion at the vets when they try to give her a shot. That is if I can get her out of her box. She tries to get little so no one will see her now. She used to act much bigger in her younger days !!!

The Cat Factory
03-01-2005, 01:32 AM
Zeus is fine at the vet. Right when Peppurr goes in he pee's everywhere :P

03-01-2005, 01:43 AM
Squeekers HATES going to the vet whereas Misty LOVES it. :p

03-01-2005, 02:57 AM
IN the car ...

MEOW MEOW MEOW *bump scrabble bump* (trying to get out of the cat carrier)


At the vets ....

MEOW MEOW MEOW *bump scrabble bump* (trying to get out of the cat carrier)

At the weigh in ...

HISS MEOW MERRRRRRRRRRRRROWWWWWWWWWWWW *trying to get out of cat holster*
*does crocodile impression*

Vet check....

On table trying to hide underneath my arms and yowling like a banchee ....

repeat car performance on the way home


purrs and wraps herself around legs in the vain hope of getting a treat for being *good*.

This is Bastet mind you .... not me I am sweating and trying to calm her down ... partner is looking at me with sympathy and trying to drive at the same time.

*takes some painkillers and lays down at memory of vet performance*.

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-01-2005, 03:15 AM
Inka: She is terrified about cars, so as soon as she hears the motor running, she starts howling like a wolf ... :eek: . She doesn't stop a second on the way to the vet!! Once she is there, she begs to get out of the carrier. When I am alone in the waiting room, I let her, otherwise she stays in there!! Inside the office she is okey. She hates to get shots, and one thing is really impossible with her: get her temperature :eek: :eek: .

Maya: she is a dream!! You can see she is scared, but the vet can do anything she wants, Maya just sits there till it's all over :)

03-01-2005, 03:34 AM
While Luna doesn't seem to mind car rides, Lily howls and screams.

At the vet's, Lily would continue screaming as long as she's in the waiting room. Once she's on the vet's table, she's quiet and usually let the vet do whatever is needed (except taking blood; she hates it!). Usually she's jumping down from the table and explores the new environment curiously.

Luna, on the other hand, is scared to death at the vet's. She's been through a lot, healthwise, so her experiences with white coats are different from Lily's. Luna starts trembling as soon as I take her out of her carrier, and it's not easy to examine her.

The funny thing is, when she's back in her carrier, she would paw at you and scratch you when you close the little door, just as if it's a stress relief for her, a way to get rid of her frustration and fear.


03-01-2005, 04:42 AM
I'm always curious to see how similar our cat experiences are to those of others. :)

Kirsten, your Luna looks like our Leila. :)

03-01-2005, 04:55 AM
My gang of 3 doesnt like the ride up to the vets (approx 20 mins) once everyone is there it's ok with the 3 furry babies :)

03-01-2005, 05:16 AM
I have several who are quite vocal (notably Jim) but really, for the most part they are very good at the vet. Rutherford and Monte are especially comfortable there, making themselves at home on the table waiting for their pets.

Rie Rie
03-01-2005, 08:03 AM
Annie hates going to the vet, they can't never get her out of the kennel. I have to use my mom's kennel, the tops comes off and they can grab her by the scruff and then she's fine, but they don't dare try to stick their hands inside to get her.

03-01-2005, 08:28 AM
As though,they were walking,the last mile,anda Giant cat Eating Monster,was waiting,behind,the door.Moose,and Michael,are the best,and JJJ3,loves the Vets,so much,that he meses himself,on the way,there.

03-01-2005, 08:44 AM
I'll put it this way--When we walk into the vet's office with Saphirah, my husband always tells them, "Demon cat's here!" She hisses, yowls, and scratches. She requires the full leather glove treatment. (Jayna, it's kind of funny because she is our Louisiana cat.)

The other two are very shy at the vet. The attitude is more like, "Do what you've got to do, then let me get back in my carrier as soon as possible!"

Laura's Babies
03-01-2005, 08:55 AM
Mine are fine once we get there but Amy and Samantha howl the whole way. They are all so sweet to Amy down there that she lets then do whatever they want to her. There is awlays someone new there that they want to show Amy to and explaine her condition to and it is nothing for them to take her and go off with her, Akician has to hole her every time she goes in just to love on her.

Chester, well, Chester is Chester and he just goes with the plan, scared but lets them do what they have to do. He thinks getting in the kennel means he is going to Rie-Ries house and he just can't get there fast enough, he loves it at her house.

PJ's Mom
03-01-2005, 10:40 AM
Pumpkin is going to the vet tomorrow to have her shots and a missing spot of hair looked at.. I dread it because she may be good while she's there, but when she gets home and I let her out of the carrier, she sulks, and I spend the next 2 days cleaning up pee from the furniture. :(

03-01-2005, 10:42 AM
Tigger & Emma are both fine *at* the vet, but they hate the car ride and being in the kennel.

Both are surprisingly still and quiet once they are there and out of the kennel :)

03-01-2005, 10:48 AM
Kuhio was sooooo bad that one vet suggested that we not bring her back there anymore! :eek:

Halo is petrified and yowls the whole way and then tries to "deflate" and hide (hard to do when you're over 15 pounds). She has gotten so scared that she's peed all over me and the vet. :eek:

Cammie isn't happy, but she'll cooperate. No yowling but you've got to watch out for the lethal claws of hers.

Pepper, is a dream. She loves everyone and they love her. It's a good thing because between her heart murmur and her death-defying adventures, she's already got a thick file at the vets. :rolleyes: When we bring her in, the vet techs all come running to visit with her because they love her so.

03-01-2005, 10:46 PM
My kitties used to not like the carrier or the ride.

I have had many vet visits this past year, so after I knew there were going to be many follow-up visits, I washed the carrier, put in one of their favorite blankies, their catnip toys, etc. in there, and took the cage front off. I have it in the living room like that permanently and they ALL take turns sleeping in there all the time.

They now love that carrier so much that they don't give me any trouble going to the vet now. I think for them to go for a ride in their homey, familiar carrier made them that much less nervous. A vet visit is a scary experience for many kitties, so arriving in a carrier they already feel safe in does help, I think.

03-01-2005, 11:10 PM
Mine cry on the way there, and they put up a HORRIBLE fight getting them into the carriers. But it amazes me how they turn into pure Jello when we get them to the vet. :confused:

03-02-2005, 08:16 AM
My three are horrible going to the vet. You would think someone was torturing them, but act fine at the vet. They're too scared to do anything so the doc can give their shots, checks, no problems. We did have a problem a few months back with Callie's ears and when the vet was cleaning them she freaked out but that was only because her earies were hurting her. :(

03-02-2005, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Logan
Mine cry on the way there, and they put up a HORRIBLE fight getting them into the carriers. But it amazes me how they turn into pure Jello when we get them to the vet. :confused:
LOL! This is pretty much my experience with Miss Nipo! Once you open the carrier in the examining room she acts attention starved and more loving than she usually is at home! :eek:
It's safe to say that she does not have a red sticker (nawtee kitty sticker) on her file.
I don't get it! :o

Interesting thread! :D

03-02-2005, 10:12 PM
Both of mine are pretty good when they're there at the vet's office.

Except for one of the exam rooms . . . there's a huge poster of a cat dressed like a doctor . . . the cats freak out when they see it!

Our vet says that any cats or dogs that come in there and see that poster freak! It's so wierd! It's huge and I guess looks so real to them . . . LOL.
