View Full Version : House/Pet Sitter

02-28-2005, 09:50 PM
Here is a Big ask. Anyone know of a sitter. Alison, Wife, and I are going around the world From July 10 to Aug 07, 2005 and need someone to House Sit and take care the kids.

We Live on 5 acres in the Hills above Perth in Western Australia. We want an animal lover so I figured this was a good place to ask.

Best to All of you.


02-28-2005, 09:53 PM
Oh my gosh....if I were rich I'd be the first one to speak up. I've got references?????!!!!

Sadly, work gets in the way again. Good luck finding someone.

PJ's Mom
02-28-2005, 11:16 PM
Let's see...

Travel to Australia to house/pet sit for a whole house full of adorable pets? Yeah!! :D

Too bad I'm not rich either, or I'd love to do it. :(

I hope you find someone. :)

03-01-2005, 01:17 PM
Wow that would be a great vacation to come down :( but I'm not rich either.... Good Luck!

03-01-2005, 05:22 PM
Sorry Guys I keep forgetting that your Holidays don't work like ours down in Australia.

We get at least 4 weeks a year, most jobs, and we get what is called leave loading for those 4 weeks. That's where you get paid 18% extra to cover the overtime that you missed out on. Even if you don't work overtime to start with. Alison, my wife, is a Carer for the Autism Assn. and gets 7 weeks a year while I only get 5 weeks. Just another reason to migrate Down Under. That and the Seafood is so Cheap. You see I Migrated from the US in 1991 after I finished up with the Navy. Never looked back since. Got Pooka 2 weeks after I got here.

03-01-2005, 05:27 PM
One of my first dogs was named Pooka! :D She was the best dog I've ever had! :D

PJ's Mom
03-01-2005, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Ozron
You see I Migrated from the US in 1991 after I finished up with the Navy. Never looked back since. Got Pooka 2 weeks after I got here.

I'm green with envy. :D

It's always been my dream to go to Australia, and I think once there I wouldn't want to come back.

Of course, this doesn't help with your problem. Sorry. :D

03-01-2005, 06:22 PM

Pooka- (Old Irish Folk lore) Ghost or Mischievous Gremlin

Also from the Jimmy Stewart Movie "Harvey"
Harvey the 6 foot rabbit was a Pooka

03-01-2005, 08:59 PM
K, here's the deal. I'll happily do it and you don't even have to pay me. Of course, there's a catch. You fly me, Buddy, Tasha, and Docker down for the dates you'll be gone and I'll put in my notice at work tomorrow!:D :D Oh, and you may need to pay for the shipment of a right-hand-drive Land Cruiser troop carrier when you send me back! It's not that unreasonable, is it?!

03-01-2005, 11:09 PM

If the person we get only cares about animals 1/2 as much as ya'll do we will be doin good.

This is how it is in the hills where we live.

1) I know all my neighbors and their kids

2) House and Shed have locks but I can't remember using them.

3) Can hit my neighbors house with a rock but I'd have to throw
it real hard.

4) Forget the fruit on the fruit trees. What the Kangaroos can't reach the Parrots can.

5) Self prunning Apple tree, with help from the Roos

6) Only have Rain Water no city water up here. So no loooong Showers.

I'll see if I can put some pics up tonight.
1310 here now Wed 02 Mar 05

03-01-2005, 11:15 PM
Check out www.petsit.com . I have no idea whether it covers your area, but check, just in case.
It's how I found my wonderful petsitter several years ago.

I do have a friend in Perth, too, who is a Golden Retriever mom, who is not working.......maybe I should get her in touch with you.


03-01-2005, 11:24 PM
Yes Thank you Logan

I'll check the site. But you can get your friend to ring my mobile on 0405149277. Both Syd and Pook get along great with other dogs. Syd just HATES cats. But he's to old to run for them.

03-02-2005, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Ozron

This is how it is in the hills where we live.

1) I know all my neighbors and their kids

2) House and Shed have locks but I can't remember using them.

3) Can hit my neighbors house with a rock but I'd have to throw
it real hard.

4) Forget the fruit on the fruit trees. What the Kangaroos can't reach the Parrots can.

5) Self prunning Apple tree, with help from the Roos

6) Only have Rain Water no city water up here. So no loooong Showers.

Are you absolutely sure that you are not dead and writing from heaven??!:)

03-02-2005, 06:07 AM
Hi and welcome to PT fellow Aussie :D. You may want to check out "Dogz Online" it is an Aussie forum DOLs (http://forums.dogzonline.com.au/index.php)
yuo may have more luck in finding someone. If i was over your side of the country i would do it in a heartbeat, but i am unfortunatly not.

03-02-2005, 11:54 AM
I actually posted a message to my friend, Muriel, in our Golden Retriever group. She says she is a good ways away from where you are, so she can't do it, but she has a friend who might be interested. I can promise that she would never recommend anyone but someone you could trust, completely, as she is an animal lover, through and through. I couldn't remember how many pets you have and what kind, though, to tell her! I'll give your number to her, and perhaps she'll call. Good luck!


03-02-2005, 05:25 PM
Thanx again Logan

I checked the pet sitter web site and they don't cover my area. :(
And if worse comes to worse we always have the neighborhood kids.

And yes Steve sometimes I do think I'm in Heaven. I just can't get used to Christmas being in the middle of the Summer.

Best to All

Ron Konkel

Transplanted California Native.

Hey I'm still on the West Coast......