View Full Version : Just a little news...

02-27-2005, 08:16 PM
In 1 and 1/2 years from now I will be a RMA (registered medical assistant). You know, the person whe schedules appointments at the Dr. office, the person who weighs you, takes blood pressure, takes blood, etc. Basically everything a RN does, except give injections and medical advice! I know I should have gone to college right out of high school, but ya know! I knew if I didn't go now, I never would. I am already 23 and I don't want my "career" to be something that's just a dead end! Plus, with all the stuff I want (horses, a new vehicle, a new house, etc.) I need a good job!! The first semester of school was pretty boring, general stuff. But now I'm doing the first clinical classes and medical office procedures! It's pretty exciting!

02-27-2005, 11:36 PM
Well done mate, I'm sure you will be a success. :)

02-28-2005, 10:47 AM
Good for you, Kristl. I do believe that you are on your way to a meaningful career. Trust me when I tell you that the people in that position can make a huge difference in how a patient feels about coming to the doctor's office. If you are generally concerned about putting the patient at ease, taking and recording accurate information, and treating the patient as you would want to be treated, it will come through loud and clear.

It is never to late to continue your education. My husband went on to get his second Masters Degree in his 60's.

02-28-2005, 10:57 AM
Congratulations Kristl!:) I think you're really going to enjoy the next 1 1/2 yrs! And as Rachel has said, the right person in such a positoin can make all the difference in the world in helping to allay a patient's fears, educate, etc. And don't give up on continuing your eduation down the road!:) Good luck and keep us updated! (I'm here for any help you might need re: clinical questions!:))

02-28-2005, 10:57 AM
Speaking from experience you can go back to school at any age. I went back (twice) when I was 28 and again when I was 32. So you never know what will happen.

But I am glad you are enjoying your classes. Now you need to learn to knit or crochet so you can make little covers for the feet stir-ups ;) You would become the most popular person with the female patients :D :D

02-28-2005, 01:22 PM
Emily-I try to crochet, but for SOME reason it never works out the way it should! I start out with a loose crochet and it ends up so tight I can't get the hook through it anymore! LOL!

02-28-2005, 01:24 PM
Good 4 You!!

02-28-2005, 01:54 PM
If it makes you feel better I can knit beautiful sweaters (even dying my own yarn). But the only thing I can crochet is a straight line, so I have given up on that and I am sticking with the knitting ;)

02-28-2005, 02:04 PM
You're never too old to learn, don't regret that you didn't do this before, just rejoice that you're doing it now!


02-28-2005, 03:23 PM
Well Done Kristl, you have achieved something really great here,keep up the good work, I have medicene in my blood, my whole family are in that field on my mother's side, and It almost became my future as well, but for some reason it did not, and I regret it, so do it now while you are young , it is way easier, and one never knows what the future is going to hold for you.