View Full Version : One More Walk Down Memory Lane..pics!

02-27-2005, 07:22 PM
Baby Misty ten years ago...my time flies, along with rescued babies galore. The sweet tabby & white (top left) died after surgery to try fixing his intestines. He had a condition (can't recall name) where intestines telescope into themselves, and can cause death if not corrected. He's been a tiny RB angel ever since. :(
Pretty Pebbles, who chose to keep me freezing outside, while she chased pebbles around. Her and her mama Winnie (after Withrop, the seaside town) both were adopted so long ago.
Wonder what Pebbles was so fascinated with?
One of my favorite kittens Tidbit..looking smug like he ate the bird!
Bonnie & Phoebe, two of the first ferals I trapped, and socialized.
My friend and neighbor has the two kittens in the front of the picture. Theodore & Oliver are huge! And so loved.
Tidbit says that's all folks!

Laura's Babies
02-27-2005, 07:35 PM
OH MY! How could you part with any of these beautiful babies!!

Notice how much you first feral rescue looks like mine? That tabby looks exactly like Wally!

Pebbals is adoreable, I love her markings.. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane and all the prior resues of our feline friends.

02-27-2005, 07:36 PM
Oh my....look at all those sweet kitty-pusses. :D:D

02-27-2005, 08:25 PM
OMG... I am in love with Pebbles. What beautiful coloring! My next tabby MUST look like that!

02-27-2005, 08:41 PM
Beautiful easter egg kits jan! Now do one of all yr disabled babies! It would be a few pics I think! Cause you are the Queen of Saving our Needy Ones....Thanks for nice pictures! sending to mom!

02-27-2005, 10:09 PM
Oh my gosh Jan....I am oozing with cuteness overload.

Those are some really adorable, sweet looking little kitties.

Rest in Peace, sweet little tabby. Such a shame.

I cannot get over the very unique markings on Pepples. One orange tabby leg and the other, brown tabby.

Thanks again Jan, for bringing us down memory lane with you.

It has been such a pleasure seeing all these sweet little babies.

Rie Rie
02-28-2005, 07:36 AM
KITTY HEAVEN!!! I would love to have all those babies around at once, but that could only happen in my dreams!!!

02-28-2005, 08:25 AM
I feel,the same way,when I look,at the Old Photos,of the Found Cats,and see how small,they were.And Its sad,in a way,when I look,at My Cats,who are here in spirit,and the ones,that I miss,so very,very much.

02-28-2005, 11:57 AM
Jan, I've enjoyed all your memory lane pictures. So many gorgeous and adorable kitties you've helped over the years. I bet there are many stars in your crown.

Thanks for sharing the memories.:)