View Full Version : YOO HOO Auntie Laura!!!!

02-27-2005, 05:58 PM
Kirby knows you're leaving again soon Auntie Laura, and wanted to say he'll miss you. :(


I'll lounge around on my meowmie's bed, and await your safe return. :)


Aren't I cute stuff hanging out on my crash pad? :D :)

Laura's Babies
02-27-2005, 06:24 PM
Sniff, sniff! Yes, Kirby baby, I will be leaving way to soon. I had to take my little fur girls to Kevlins today and I sure did hate leaving them. Pictures just don't cut it when you are use to reaching out and petting someone.. From a life of fur and purr's to pots and pans, grocery orders and the smell of fuel.. Two more days and I will be on the BIG JOHN! WAAAAAAAAA! I'm going to miss you Kirby!!:(

:( Georgie
:( Magoo
:( Tabitha
:( Katie

:( and all those that are my favorite PT babies too

I had far more sad faces but it said I had to many and had to delete them..

Laura's Babies
02-27-2005, 06:26 PM
:( :( :( :( :( :(

:D And YES Kirby, you look aordable on your crash pad.. You look so young in those pictures, were you a youngster then?

02-27-2005, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies
:( :( :( :( :( :(

:D And YES Kirby, you look aordable on your crash pad.. You look so young in those pictures, were you a youngster then?
Yes Auntie Laura, I was about a year old then. :) You can really see my crippled up leggies, but I get around remarkably well, and wasn't killed at that shelter. My meowmie saw me, and fell in love that instant. We're all sad to know you have to leave again so soon. :( :( :(

02-28-2005, 08:33 AM
And The Found Cats ,all miss you,too Laura,and hopem,that you have a Good Time,and eat,ina lot,of nice places,that the Pet Angels,would like.

Laura's Babies
02-28-2005, 09:24 AM
Catmandu, I answer the in house phone on the boat with "River Kill Grill, you run over it, I'll grill it".. Ususally it is the Captain or Pilot calling down from the wheelhouse but ONCE and awhile we get a different pilot or Captain filling in and I get a "HUH?" then a busting laugh..

Got great news yesterday, my Captain IS going to get to come back with us crew change, he thought due to his wifes massive heart attack about 6 weeks ago that he would not be able to come back. He IS coming back!!

Even BETTER news is the boat is south of Baton Rouge!! Just south of where I live.... I could be there is 15 minutes or less if crew change were today..
So, even if they turn and head north, it is going to be another southern crew change!! Yaaaaaaaaaa!!

QSL, I thought Kirby boy looked young in that picture. He looks so handsome and sweet that I would love to kiss that tummy he is showing!

Chester is so lonesome without the girls now.. Wanting in my lap ALL the time... Think I'll have Mike bring Klinger and Yetta over today to keep him company.

02-28-2005, 03:03 PM
That's super news about the captain Laura! I think you and Gary are the only two here that saw Kirby for the sweet angel he is. Those were his younger days when he had to build strength up in his hind quarters. Twice his hip popped out of the socket (first time nearly gave me a heart attack), and the 2nd and last time, it went back in on it's own. Whew! ;) Do you think everyone's horrified at how Kirby's legs look? :confused: He really does get around with no problems, and loves to shadow box in the A.M thru the French doors at the waiting kitty shadows in the hallway! :D If I thought he was in pain, or miserable, I'd have no qualms about seeing him peacefully out. ;)