View Full Version : Samson hurt

02-27-2005, 09:44 AM
Saturday afternoon at the dog park, great weather and good friends. Sounds ideal. And for a while it was.

I had three of mine-Samson, Scruffy and Bella. The other dogs were a standard poodle, black fox terrier (I think), a spaniel, an old English sheepdog and a black pittie named Scully.

Everyone was getting along great. Scully was playing with the spaniel, the other dogs were either investigating the woods or chasing each other at the other end of the park. Old man Samson was sitting next to my chair, watching quietly.

Scully came by, a little too close for Samson, so Samson let out a small, low growl. Sort of a 'Take off, kid" comment.

Scully, about a year old, was on her way already, but turned around and growled back as if to say 'What did you say old man?'

Samson stood up and growled louder, baring his teeth. Of course Scully had to answer. From that point on, things got ugly. I stood up and tried to get Samson to back up. Immediately, Scully attacked, grabbing Samson by his left ear. Scully's owners were trying to call Scully from about 20 feet away and finally came over and tried to pull her off.

By this time the jaws were locked. Scully knew she should let go, but couldn't, Samson is squealing like a pig and being dragged by this 35 pound youngster. I'm trying to soothe Samson as best I can without getting in the middle of the two dogs. The owners are trying to pry Scully's jaw apart with their fingers. :eek:

Scully finally let go. There was a lot of blood, all Samson's.

The owners were appalled. Their dog has never been a problem with anyone, including me. I was petting her earlier in the day. They wanted to pay for any vet bills and apologized profusely.

Samson's ear has a very deep, inch and a half tear on the inside of the top of his ear where it attaches to his head. I'll check later today to see if it needs a stitch or two. I suspect he won't.

We stayed another half hour (Scully was taken out immediately). Samson seems fine. No nightmares for him. Mom on the other hand..........

I'm glad all dogs have to be up to date on shots and checked for temperment before being allowed to use the park. I know this was just one of those things that happen, but it doesn't help the pit's reputation.

I guess there really isn't a point to this post; just needed to tell someone.


02-27-2005, 10:06 AM
Poor guy. How big is he? I hope he'll be alright. Duke's an old man, too and he doesn't like a lot of action around him, either. At least the owners were going to pay for the vet bill and all.

02-27-2005, 10:18 AM
Oh, gee - how many people were watching? I hope this isn't going to start yet another "pit bulls are vicious" story.

Thank goodness Samson is OK. Keep a close eye on that ear.

02-27-2005, 10:33 AM
Aww poor guy...I hope it didn't have to be stitched..

02-27-2005, 10:41 AM
Samson weighs about 50 pounds. He looks like Duke (Doogie's roommate).

I'll definitely be keeping an eye on the ear. And no bashing allowed.


PS. I'm still figuring out my new computer at home, so I couldn't post a pic.

02-27-2005, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by mruffruff
Samson weighs about 50 pounds. He looks like Duke (Doogie's roommate). I'm still figuring out my new computer at home, so I couldn't post a pic.
Oh, I'd love to see a pic of him!

02-27-2005, 12:00 PM
Oh, what a scare! Dog fights are so frighteing:( Thank goodness Samson wasn't hurt seriously. And I feel bad for the owners of Scully too. They must feel awful:( Hugs to you Samson...and MOM!

02-27-2005, 12:12 PM
Sometimes the dogs just get ticked off at each other...kind of like us humans only dogs usually have other ways of resolving...I have seen lots of breeds get into it at our dog park...thankfully I haven't seen bloodshed though...hope you pup is fine.

02-27-2005, 03:59 PM
It's true. Duke gave Robilee's Katie the evil eye(complete with teeth) and Katie spoke her mind. She didn't hurt him at all, just let him know who was boss. I mean, it was her house. I just freaked out and Anna grabbed Katie. Wonder what makes them do that just out of the blue?

02-27-2005, 04:59 PM

Seems you had my worst nightmare. :( A dog fight happening
at a (friendly) dog park is one of my greatest fears. I'm glad
that Samson was not more seriously hurt. Scully's people must
feel awful about this happening. Hope Samson heals up soon
with no after effects.:)

02-28-2005, 10:31 AM
This is Samson.


He is at the vet's getting his ear checked out.


02-28-2005, 10:34 AM
wow :eek: a split image of Duke

02-28-2005, 10:47 AM
He is so cute! I can really see Duke in his face. Amazing. Even likes to smile like Duke does. Separated at birth?

02-28-2005, 10:48 AM
I don't have a dog park near us - wish I did - i have always had goldens, and they generally get along with everyone.

One thing i have noticed about every 'incident' reported at any dog park -

The owners of the dog that attacks, (no matter the breed) or 'starts' an incident, always seem to be physically 'distant' from their dogs, and often I have heard people say the owners tried to 'call' the dog off, before getting to their feet and adding their physical presence to their 'authority'.

Now, I'm not saying I would be to thrilled to get in between a pack of flashing teeth, either - but like small children, YELLING doesn't usually do a thing - you have to BE THERE to enforce behavior when it's already out of hand.

Much as I love to visit with other doggie people - my eyes are ALWAYS on the dogs.

Now, aside from the few dogs that are VERY well trained (who wouldn't be the kind to get into these kinds of issues, anyway)
what the heck makes people think that if their dog sometimes ignores them in their own backyards, that they will suddenly drop fighting with another dog simply at their master's command?


02-28-2005, 10:59 AM
Oh Mary, I haven't been here, so I didn't see this until now. I do hope that Samson will be ok. Wonder what in the world set Scully off like that??? :confused:

Samson is a beautiful, wise looking fellow. Give him a gentle hug from me when you get him home, please. :)


02-28-2005, 11:45 AM
Sending tender kisses for that beautiful, furry face Samson.:)
Hope you feel better soon sweetheart.:)

02-28-2005, 11:59 AM
Logan, I saw it as a scenario we see on the streets. Old man sitting on his steps sees a youngster ditty-bopping past, makes a nasty comment and the young kid turns around and says "WHAT did you say, old man?" The old man stands up and repeats himself, louder. The kid can't let anyone see him/her back down, so he/she pushes the old guy. But the old guy is still a "BIG MAN", so he has to push back. And things get out of hand.

I think the dogs were even a little surprised that it went so far. Scully is just a young pup and Samson is used to being in charge at home.

Samson was less growly at home than usual. Maybe he learned something. (Keep your mouth shut! lol)


02-28-2005, 01:38 PM
I hope Samson is okay.

Kia can get snarky after a long day so I really have to keep an eye on her.


02-28-2005, 06:00 PM
Mary, I'm so sorry that this happened to you and Samson. What a scary scary thing to go through. Just from your story I could feel your fear. The helplessness of standing there watching your dog go through such a horrible experience.

I hope that Scully's owners will be very careful the next time they are at the dog park and if Scully should show any signs of this behavior again that they will not continue to let her roam free anymore. I only say this because I have a dog that got more aggressive as she got older. If Katie is loose with other dogs and one of them gives her the evil eye or even a low little growl she will pounce and quickly try to put that dog in its place. I can't take her to the dog park anymore because I would never want her to hurt another dog or for her to get hurt. :( I know that Scully's owners must feel so bad about what happened.

Please give Samson a huge hug from me and Mary I'm sending along a special hug for you. What a difficult time you are going through.

Hugs....Robin :)

02-28-2005, 06:07 PM
Sending Samson many get well wishes for
his ear to heal.

02-28-2005, 06:39 PM
Samson spent the day with the vet techs. He did not need stitches, but has to take Cephalexin for the next week, just to be on the safe side.

Thank you for all the good wishes. There's magic in the ones that come from Pet Talkers.


02-28-2005, 08:15 PM
Oh wow, I am glad that Samson & everyone else is alright. Like you said it's just one fo those things that happen.

You guys sure got lucky. The best & safest way to seperate dog fights (2 people work best) is to pull each dog away from each other by their hind legs (wheelbarrow style) or by their tails if you can't get to their hind legs.

Oh yeah & NO dog has an actual "lock jaw". It is impossible.

I hope Samson heals fast & is back out there playing in no time. :D

02-28-2005, 10:25 PM
aww, poor Samson! :( it sounds like he got a big owie, thank gawd he doesn't need stitches and the dog didn't hurt him too badly. At least Scully's owners sound like responsible people, and they realize the seriousness of this. I didn't even see this post! It's so wierd that Samson and Gonzo got beat up on the same day :eek:..

we're sending lots of hugs and support for Samson, especially since I know exactly how you feel. He's such a handsome boy ;) I hope he gets extra spoiled while he recovers!