View Full Version : Letting Go and Saying Goodbye

02-25-2005, 06:01 PM
Today I did something that I have needed to do for a very long time .... I took the step of turning a handful (6) of my rescues over to another program. A dear friend of mine who has a rescue of her own in a neighboring city, works closely with the Humane Association of Wilson County, in Lebanon, TN. They have come so far in recent years. First and foremost, they have changed from a kill shelter to a NO KILL shelter! They have a wonderful facility, and a great mobile spay /neuter station. They run a very successful SNIP and TIP program, and my friend Tina and her husband are volunteers for the Snip and Tip! They have a great adoption rate, as they adopt out of their own facility plus several Pet Smart stores including the one here in my own town. Tina recently took 5 of her hard to place kitties to them, and they were all adopted within only THREE days!:eek: I know in my heart that this was the right and the unselfish thing to do for my babies. It was extremely difficult to make the decision of who would go and who would stay ... as I did let a couple of my intended "keepers" go! But I had to be realistic and do what was best for the kitties.

There was no question in my mind, that my original herd of Grace, Hallie, Harper, Smokey, Dexter and Roxie absolutely HAD to stay here. They were kitties who were our family kitties before I ever decided to become an official "rescue". In addition, I tried to keep at least one kitty that each of my family members were bonded with, and would otherwise kill me over if I let them go!
:rolleyes: So, in addition to the ones above, Tabitha stays, Amber stays, and Ginger stays ... as she is Amy Beth's kitten and will be moving out with her soon!

Also, my 3 semi-ferals (Bonnie, Boots and Marmy) are still here, and will probably stay ... unless an exceptional circumstance opens for them. Tomorrow, my friend Tina will be coming to pick up Momma Freida and the 4 newborns .... and taking them into her rescue program. So, there will be no more pictures of them. I am sorry!:( Tina has worked as a vet tech for several years in the past, and she gives 110% of her time to her kitties ..... unlike me, she has no human children of her own, and hence, no grandbabies! ;)

All of the ones that I had to kiss goodbye today, are what I would consider to be "highly adoptable" and I have no doubt they will be snatched up in a heartbeat! Please join me in wishing these babies good luck in finding their new forever homes!

Billy and Bobby

Good bye babies, I will love you dearly forever. Thank you for teaching me so much about love, life, and sacrifice.

Your catmommy in spirit forever.

K & L
02-25-2005, 06:11 PM
Even though this has got to be very difficult, sounds like you made a wise choice! Bye babies, we'll miss seeing their pictures. And farewell to the rest. You did good Kim.

02-25-2005, 06:34 PM
I know it's a decision you didn't take lightly Kim, and I'm sure it was hard to let them go, but it allows space for future rescues too. Have a wonderful new life kitties. :) :) And (((HUGS))) for thinking of the kittie's best interests Kim. ;)

02-25-2005, 06:42 PM
Oh Kim, how terriblly hard that must have been. BUT you know in your heart, as well as all the rest of us here at PT, That sometimes it is better to let them go and have new homes, rather than keep them piling up, and trying to give them all up one by one, all by yourself.
You did a WONDERFUL thing for these kitties, I KNOW they will be snatched up quickly, and they will love you regardless.
HUGS to Kim and family:D:D:D;)

02-25-2005, 06:51 PM
Kim,knowing how much,you love your Cats,I know how difficult,that decision was.But as my Dear Mother,once told me,Son,you cant save them all,and that was when ,I only has the three Cats! And The Found Cats,are praying,for Your Strays,to get Good Furr Ever Homes.And,if people,just realized,that Pets,are not Toys,but living Creatures,of God,there would be,a lot fewer animals,that would suffer,or have,to die.I just discovered,that Scrappy 2,is a female,so now,we have,to get her off,the street,before Kitten Season,because,the Idiots,let her run loose,and care for thier Cars,maoe than thier Cats!

Prairie Purrs
02-25-2005, 07:11 PM
It must have been a heartbreaking decision for you. :( I'm sure they'll all find wonderful homes. Thank you for taking such good care of them and for keeping their best interests at heart.

02-25-2005, 07:29 PM
What a heartbreaking decision, but you are making it in the best interest of finding those loves forever homes. {{{HUGS}}} to you and good luck to them.

Laura's Babies
02-25-2005, 09:15 PM
Oh Kim, I am crying. This hurts as I well know.. I am still hurting from parting with Wally and Marty and I guess that is why this makes me cry so easy. Just know I am crying with you...

02-25-2005, 10:11 PM
Thank you to the few of 96 viewers of you, who had the heart to respond to this thread. For those who care, this is the end of my rescue work .... no more rescues for me. I am not healthy, my diabetes is not under control, and I do not have the time, frame of mind, or health to devote to rescue work anymore. I have rescued and homed close to 100 kitties in the past 3-1/2 years, and it's time for me to make a real home for my original babies, and the few that are currently "unadoptable".


02-25-2005, 10:16 PM
Kim, you need to take care of you. We will miss seeing the kitten pictures, but are thankful that you shared them with us, as the miracles that they are.

Good luck and God bless all you kitties in your new homes. Purrr Pet Talk into your new owners' ears, as we'd love to hear from every kitty among you!

Thank you, Kim, on behalf of all the kitties you have helped - and all the humans whose lives have been blessed by those kitties, and whose hearts have been touched by your generosity and caring.

Take a moment, take a deep breath, and then give those permanent Kimkitties a good snuggle from me!

02-25-2005, 10:41 PM
Oh Kim, I'm so sorry. I know this was a very hard decision for you to make but I also have some idea of how much you must have agonized over it. I know you are doing this all in their best interest. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it all is.

As one of the lucky ones who benefited from your hard work and commitment to helping cats I want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

Please take this time to regroup and recoup. You need to take care of yourself first and get healthy. You still have several furbabies and skin babies who need you not to mention several PTers (me included:) ).

I'm here if you ever need me.

Lilith Cherry
02-25-2005, 11:11 PM
I am sure that must have been a hard thing to do! You are such a loving person and great meowmie! I am sorry to hear that your diabetes is playing you up, I am the same way and it makes one feel very tired and unwell! So take great care of yourself and get well soon; I am sure the rest of clowder will "help out" as much as possible. lots of loving thoughts and hugs, Lilith

Laura's Babies
02-25-2005, 11:31 PM
I know all this has to be so extreemly hard on you but you are no good to anyone if you are not well! Take care of yourself so you can be there for your OWN family.. We love you regardless of what you do, rather you rescue or not. You will still be "Kimlovescats" That will never change!

02-26-2005, 12:15 AM
Kim, I am so sorry to hear that you have not be feeling well. I hope and pray that you are able to get your diabetes under control.

I know how very difficult this decision must have been for you and how heartbroken you are over it. It is in the best interest for Angel, Ditto, Pepper, Freddy, Billy and Bobby and I hope and pray that they all find good loving forever homes, which i'm sure they will.

You have done such a wonderful job on helping so many of these precious kitties, now it is time to take care of yourself.

((((((HUGS)))))) to you my dear friend and remember, I am only a phone call away.

02-26-2005, 12:34 AM
That had to have been the hardest decision you've had to make. :(

I'm sending you lots of hugs and love. You have my support, 100%.

I hope you feel better physically, very soon. Get some cuddles from those nurse kitties...they work wonders. ;)

Kelly and the furballs

P.S. Edited to add. You've done amazing, amazing work for all those cats. You'll have a special place in heaven...I just know it. Bless you for all the time, love and energy you've given to needy kitties, Kim.

Ally Cat's Mommy
02-26-2005, 01:16 AM
Kim, I can understand that this was a tough decision for you, but you have touched SO many lives (both furkid and human) with your rescue work, and by placing these kittens with another great rescue organisation you will ensure that they will also find great homes.

You need to look after your own health, and your family too! (((HUGS)))

To quote Jim Willis in "We are their heroes"

Be kind to yourself, remember your needs
and those of your family and friends of every species.
If you give everything, what will you have left for yourself,
or for them?
Strive to be happy and healthy.
You are needed.
Achieving balance in life is a lifelong struggle.

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-26-2005, 03:56 AM
Oh dear Kim, youare the best catmommy I know. You love, care, hug all these cats, you give them the "being-loved" feeling. You have such a great heart!!
This must have been a most difficult descision (sp??), as I know that you love them all very much, everyone of them. I will surely miss pics of Freida and her newborns, but I am happy that they get a chance to find a good forever-home. I will pray that they get the best humans ever :) .
Please Kim, take good care of yourself now. It sounds like you need to think a bit more about your own health now, as good health is the most important thing in life. Give all the "stayers" a good hug from me; and this is an extra hug for you:

02-26-2005, 05:04 AM
Dear Kim...what a hard choice (for you) but such a selfless decision for the kitties. I wish them the best of life and quick aoption and I pray that you are feeling much better VERY soon.

And you still have quite a few kitties who's pictures we will be demanding in the near future ;) :D

Killearn Kitties
02-26-2005, 05:24 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that you have had to take this decision, but you are obviously handing these babies over to a great rescue facility. It seems to me that you are doing the right thing.

If you are not healthy in yourself, you are in no condition to look after anyone else. Please concentrate on getting yourself well, first and foremost. You will still have lots of furry nurses in the house to help out. :)

02-26-2005, 07:12 AM
It really does sound like you are doing the right thing. Sometimes the right decisions are the most difficult ones to make. Take care of yourself and snuggle with your forever kitty babies. God bless you!

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-26-2005, 07:46 AM
Kim, you learned me my "first" steps in working with Paintshoppro. I made this from my own rescue Inka, for you!


02-26-2005, 08:00 AM
Kim, your health should come first. I'm so sorry to hear your diabetes is acting up, and you have to give up rescuing. It must make your heart swell with pride at the ones you took under your wing, and showed them a better life than the streets. Not to mention the happy PTers who have Kim raised kitties. ;) Get yourself regulated, and kiss the keeper kitties.

smokey the elder
02-26-2005, 08:10 AM
Please don't get discouraged. Think of your 100 adoptions, and the dent you made with these. You ought to be taking care of yourself; hate to be repetitious but sometimes #1 has to come first!

{{{Hugz}}} to you and your furbabies and grandchild!

02-26-2005, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by prechrswife
Sometimes the right decisions are the most difficult ones to make. Take care of yourself and snuggle with your forever kitty babies. God bless you!

You have to do what is right for you, Kim. Your health is the most important consideration right now. You have made sure that the other cats are going to a good place.

Be good to Kim - :)

02-26-2005, 08:56 AM
I know in my heart that this was the right and the unselfish thing to do for my babies. It was extremely difficult to make the decision of who would go and who would stay ... as I did let a couple of my intended "keepers" go! But I had to be realistic and do what was best for the kitties.

You said it all in the above paragraph. You are a VERY unselfish, caring GIVING person who only wants what is best for all your kitties. I commend you! And as difficult as it is to choose who stays and who goes, you know deep in your heart they WILL find forever homes.

Just remember one thing, if you hadn't taken them in and given them another chance, God only knows where they would've wound up.

You are a remarkable person. Don't EVER forget that!



02-26-2005, 09:09 AM
Kim your health must come first. You cannot help anybody if you feel ill. I am sure it was the right decision.

Anyway I'd like to send some extrakissies after Angel:)

02-26-2005, 09:12 AM
((((Kim)))) - I am just seeing this and though there is little to add - I totally understand that you needed to do this and how hard that selection process must have been:(

But I want to thank you that I am one of the ones who DID get to adopt "Kim-raised" babies and I am so thankful for my Robbie & Lizzie:D :D

again my sweet friend...(((((((HUGS)))))))

02-26-2005, 09:56 AM
Kim, I hope you know that we all support you know matter what you do. You know the circumstances concerning your health and your home situation. You have to do what is best for you, family, and kitties.
It's not like you dumped them in some horrid place! You have turned them over to what sounds like a great group who will find them wonderful forever homes. Since you know this person you will be able to keep up with what happens to them.
I know this was an incredibly hard decision to make. You do what you have to do and know that we are always here to support you. You have helped so many and now it's time to take care of yourself. You can't be there for your remaining cats if your sick. Your family and kitties need you and you can only be there for them if you are well.
Take care of yourself and we love you!!!

02-26-2005, 09:56 AM
Oh, Kim, some of those kitties you said goodbye to have been with you a long time. I think you're very wise, and very brave to make such a hard decision. You have to take care of yourself, for the sake of your "keepers," and I think it was positively Providential that such a good rescue organization that you know you can trust came along for the others. Everyone here knows what a terrific catmom you are, and how much you've done for so many. Hang in there, and know that you've made it possible for LOTS and LOTS of wonderful cats to have great homes, who might otherwise have lived life on the streets. You're the BEST!!

02-26-2005, 10:20 AM
Oh Kim,
Hugs and love to you. I can see that you are aching over your decision. When I read your first post, I was like, '"why, it sounds like she thinks she might have made a decision that isn't 'right'"

I think you absolutely did 100% of the right thing! You give so, so much to both felines and hoomans alike. It is only right to step back your efforts a little bit to take care of YOU. To do anything else would be tremendously irresponsible of you.

So, while I know your heart aches right now, I congratulate you for not only what you did recently with the kitties, but, what you have done in the past. Please, do not mourn for these guys. They will be placed, and you will have brought joy to another household(s).


02-26-2005, 12:33 PM
Ok, the tears are now flowing. Yes, this is a time of deep grieving and mourning for me. Most of you know how hard it was for me to lose my Tucker man ... and adopting Ditto was a sick attempt to make that pain go away. But losing my Tucker was the beginning of the end for me ... no other kitty in the world could ever replace my baby boy. I loved him far too much, and I had always told myself that if anything ever happened to him, that it would end everything for me.

I have tried for months and months since his death to keep on keepin' on ... but I can't help but still feel a huge sense of loss. Even though it was the damned (sorry) FIP that took him, and there is nothing anyone can do about that, I have always felt responsible some how. You beat yourself up with, maybe another kitty I brought in gave it to him, and thoughts like that.

Losing Tucker was like the ultimate slap on the wrist, the punishment for having taken the normal home life away from my original cat family. The only bit of comfort I get in all of this, is knowing that my original cats ... Grace, Harper, Hallie, Smokey, Dexter and Roxie ... now have their full-time mommy back. I only wish that I could have stopped there, but Tabitha is so attached (at the earlobe) :rolleyes: that we couldn't part with her, and then my girls each have the ones they have bonded with, etc....
Also, the 3 (Boots, Marmy, and Bonnie) who were feral for so long, and have come soooooooo far, I am afraid they would have terrible set-backs if they were to leave us now.

For those of you who are going to miss Angel, my family was shocked as well. Angel is a gorgeous medium haired calico, just oozing with personality and charm .... she will most likely be the first to be adopted. Because of that, I could not justify holding her back. Angel deserves a home where she can be the pampered princess that she is ... and I know that she will find it quickly!

Thank you all for the loving words of support and encouragement, they truly are appreciated. The fact about my diabetes and health in general, is that I have been terribly irresponsible in that area. I eat all the things I'm not supposed to, and in more abundance than I ever did before. :eek: It's like I have been trying to deny that I have diabetes and show the disease that I am boss over my body. Yeah right!:rolleyes:
Stress most definitely does play a huge factor in your blood sugar levels, and no doubt in my eating habits .... so I am beginning here with de-stressing as much as possible.

Well, enough on this book ... thank you again!

*note to self* What is it with mascara? I go for weeks without wearing it, and never cry a drop. The first day I decide to actually wear the darn stuff, and within a few hours, I cry it off!:rolleyes: Must call the manufacturer about this defect!;)

02-26-2005, 01:42 PM
Oh, Kim!! :( I just now read this thread and am so terribly sorry you are feeling such loss - of dear Tucker as well as your fosters. I know that you did not make the decision lightly to transfer some of your fosters to your friend's group. I agree with Twink, that it was absolutely providential that this group came along. You would not hand your babies over to just anyone, but perhaps somebody upstairs knew you needed the help and provided some for you. :) When a lifeline is thrown our way, it's always best to grab on!!!! Please take good care of yourself. It's not easy to do, I know but especially right now, you need to treat yourself with lots of TLC. ((((((Major HUGS))))))) and loving thoughts coming your way.


Laura's Babies
02-26-2005, 01:48 PM
I am still crying with you Kim and I am sure a lot of others are too. Just know we are here...

02-26-2005, 02:04 PM
The hardest thing about being a rescuer - isn't taking in neglected or abused pets - it's being strong enough to love them and let them go - be it to another family, the rainbow bridge, or another rescue.

You know your limits and have done your best, and are doing what is best for the cats -

That takes a great deal of courage and strength.

Bless you for being there when they needed you, and always doing your best for them.


02-26-2005, 02:29 PM
I know it's a decision you didn't take lightly Kim, and I'm glad
you know you made the right choice Kim.It's so very hard.You want visiting rights but it isn't allowed.LOL:( :) :D

Rie Rie
02-26-2005, 03:28 PM
Kim, I can imagine how hard this has to be for you. I don't really know you, but from all the things that mom has told me, you are a wonderful person. I will pray that your health will improve and you feel better...GOD LOVE U!!!!

02-26-2005, 04:09 PM
Kim . . . first of all, {{{HUGS}}} to you.

You have been someone that I have come to really admire on this board. When I see that you've replied to my threads, I feel so special :)

When I first read this thread, I was so sad for you, and really had no idea what to say. I can only imagine how hard it was giving up the kitties that you did . . . but I think you're right in doing so. You have had a lot of responsibility to deal with for the past several months, and it's time that you start taking care of yourself. I really had no idea that your health was so poor. You're in my prayers, Kim!

Take care of yourself, sweetie! And please remember that there are so many people here that love you!!!


02-26-2005, 04:32 PM
Kim, HUGS to you.
I am sorry that you had to make a tough decision but I think that you made the right one.
You have done so much for so many kitties.
I really think that you need to put yourself and your health first now because you are a very special part of Pet Talk and we need you here with us.
You have many friends here who care about you.
Extra hugs going out to you from Samantha too!:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-26-2005, 05:47 PM
Oh Kim, I'm so sorry you had to make this difficult decision, but I know that you know in your heart it is the right decision, for you and for the kitties.

I know you say this is the end of your rescue work and sorry, but I'll believe that when I see it. ;) I do believe you will take some time off, and it sounds like you need to in order to get your own health under control, and to be able to devote more time to that beautiful grand-daughter of yours. I'm so glad you are connected to an "official" rescue now because I know this will make things tremendously easier on you.....because I know once you're feeling better, you will not be able to turn down a kitty in need, your heart is too big to do that.

Take care of yourself and don't beat yourself up over this. You do the best you can and you've helped so many already and that is more than anyone can ask.

{{{hugs}}} to you, my friend. :)

02-26-2005, 08:33 PM
Thank you everyone, so much! I love you all! I plan for now to work on the business side of my friend's rescue, as she hates computer and paper work, and I love it! Crazy huh? So I think it will be a good partnership. She loves giving medicine and the doctoring side of rescue, as she was a vet tech in the past. So, she can take in and heal, and I can keep up with the paperwork .. and of course go by and help socialize the kitties! I think this will give me enough satisfaction to know that I am still somewhat involved, but I can also still have my needed break!


02-26-2005, 10:49 PM
Oh Kim, what a tough decision :(

I admire you so much for everything that you have done, nearly 100 cats is amazing!!

I think helping with your friend's rescue is a great idea, you will still feel satisfied, as you're still helping so much, but you'll be able to get a break whenever it's needed!

You're such a sweet, loving person and this proves it even more, as you found a great rescue to place some of these kitties in, where they will definatly get furr-ever homes very soon, all because of you :)

I hope that you get your health under control, and just know that no matter what, you have all of our support and love.

More (((Hugs))) to you!

02-27-2005, 02:26 AM
Kim, I'm sorry that I'm a bit late but I'm just now seeing this thread. I know that this was a very difficult decision for you but like others have said, your health comes first. You need time to regroup and get healthy again. I also think that helping with your friends rescue business will be great for you and you won't feel so overwhelmed. You've done some amazing work with your fosters and are such a caring and giving person. I hope you feel better soon and please take care. {{{HUGS}}}

02-27-2005, 05:06 AM
Hey Kim, that sounds like a GREAT compromise! You will still be involved with rescue.

And I'd like to re-state you did NOT cause Tucker's death! I know you feel you might have exposed him to some nasty disease, but I have to tell you, I had the FIP thing happen to me many years ago, and I did NOT do rescue at the time. I had a stable house of kitties and one just got sick (and she was 12 years old!!) So bad things happen....that is life.

02-27-2005, 09:09 AM
I think the new relationship with your friend sounds great! It'll give both of you a break - her from paperwork (are you MAD woman? Liking paperwork? :D I have a lot of paperwork if you want to help me out too! ;) ) and you from the constant attention sick babies need. Now you'll have time to spend with your family and get your own health back.

02-27-2005, 10:22 AM
Kim, you have done a wonderful thing throughout the years finding homes for babies who otherwise may not have even made it. You are a wonderful person and I'm glad you have made the decision to worry about yourself and your health.