View Full Version : Advice please, on a couple of things...

02-25-2005, 02:12 PM
Hi everyone - I haven't been on here much in the last couple of days, sorry about that...

Anyway, I posted some of this in Cat Behavior, and I wondered if any of you who hadn't seen this had any advice for the couple of questions I have:

What would you guys recommend for my mom's new cat - here's the situation: she is the 2nd of their two cats - about 1 year and 5 months old - she came to live with them in Dec 2004. She is just now getting settled with her kitty brother and relaxing in her new home. My mom is starting to really appreciate the fact that she jumps on the couch and sits on her lap and my dad's lap - their other cat isn't much of a lap kitty. However, when she sits down, she really digs her claws in - not intentionally, but her claws seem to be extra long and sharp - even after a claw trim, which they try to do regularly, like my husband and I do with ours. I don't think soft claws is much of an option, b/c she still doesn't like to be picked up - just petted a lot and will sit with you. She really spazzes when someone picks her up even after over 2 months of being with them - they're having to give her meds for her eye (herpes?!?) and her respiratory infection right now which is really hard b/c she squirms so much. What is a good option for her claws? Mom & Dad don't want to declaw her - their other one isn't declawed (he's a polydactyl, in fact) - Mom's cat Missy was declawed (that was many years ago when it was always done) and got out one time and was viciously attacked by a dog with no defense mechanism (Mom still thinks Missy would've lived longer as a whole without that incident - she managed to live 5-10 years more after that, making it to 17) , was injured, and they regret it to this day.

Any suggestions for a cat who's trying to be sweet, but hurting my parents' laps at the same time?

Also, I have 4 cats, and while we trained Bailey to scratch posts when he was a baby, he still has one recliner he likes to scratch (mostly for attention). Leila came to us at 5 months and she is just nuts for sissal and cardboard scratching surfaces, so she's no problem. Leo came to us as a 1-2 year old boy, so it's been really tough with him - he's not much of a vertical scratching post guy - he likes the 2 cardboard things we have, but continues to scratch our recliner mostly, no matter what - sometimes our couch. Claudia mostly scratches what she's supposed to, but occasionally scratches furniture (like Bailey, for attention), and carpet a little, like Leila. Any suggestions for Leo & Bailey and the chair? We know we're going to have to reupholster it before too long - right now it's covered in sheets, but they still manage to scratch it a little. We've tried sticky paws (they scratch to the side of where we place them and they wear out quickly), the various sprays, etc. Nothing seems to deter them if they want to scratch badly enough (we have so many scratching posts & towers & cardboard scratchers and catnip spray, etc).

I'd appreciate advice on Mom's cat and my boy cats, if anyone knows of anything.

02-25-2005, 02:17 PM
I wish I could give you some advice Jayna. Other then keeping her nails clipped and having the vet put soft paws on there is nothing I can think of. I don't have this problem because Mina was born with a defect in her claws where they grew into her paws. We just had her declawed to end her suffering. If it hadn't been for her condition we wouldn't have done it. Maybe they should ask their vet for suggestions if the soft paws isn't an option.

02-25-2005, 02:28 PM
Thanks anyway - I was just wondering if anyone had any problems similar to my mom's cat's claws being so long, etc.

02-25-2005, 02:31 PM
Our Hana has long claws like that and she loves to make biscuits on you everytime she hops into your lap...ouch. She's learned to let us put a piece of heavy fabric we keep nearby between her feet and our body. I think it is a remnant of upolstery (sp?) fabric. Her claws still get through a little bit, but not nearly to the extent they used too. Is something like this a possibility for your mom?

02-25-2005, 02:35 PM
I haveread in Cat Fancy,that if your Cat,accidentally hurts you,to make Ouch sounds,in a Cat Vioce,and your Cat,will realize,that she is hurting you.I know,that that sounds crazy,but it doesnt hurt,to try.And the fabric idea,isnt bad ,either.

02-25-2005, 03:22 PM
For your mom, I suggest getting a box for the kitty to sit in on her lap. My boy Sid isn't much of a lap kitty unless he can be in a box. Then I can have him on my lap and pet him as much as I want. Your situation is different, but this might also work. I use a box top with Sid, so that the sides are only a couple of inches high.

As for furniture scratching - sorry, I don't know the answer here - if you saw my furniture you would know that I don't know the answer to this problem.;)

Laura's Babies
02-25-2005, 05:07 PM
The BEST way to get soft paws on a cat is NOT when you are holding them. Catch them eating, looking out a window or anything that she may be doing relaxing... Do NOT go after her with the idea of doing ALL the claws at one time... ONE at a time is good.. Over a day or two, you can cover them all.. I say again, do not do it trying to hold her.. Get down on her level where she is comforatble.... And treats afterwards is ALWAY good! That is my suggestion..

You might want to try those soft paws on your scratcher too.

02-25-2005, 08:49 PM
I'll have to pass those along to my mom. :) I appreciate it.