View Full Version : Do you have a bathroom buddy??

02-25-2005, 12:44 PM
Yes, I am stealing this from the dog side they had this awhile back.
But I thought it was such a cute thread I had to start it over here.

My bathroom buddy is Kloe, maybe b/c I kept her shut in there with me when she was a baby, I don't know but I have to leave the door open a crack and she squeezes in. Sometimes she lays under the shower curtain or she lays in b/n the 2 curtains.
Kylie joins me sometimes but not often b/c she is afraid she will be included in the dreaded B-A-T-H process so she steers clear!!

02-25-2005, 12:59 PM
I have a ton of bathroom buddies! ;)

I have to keep my door open, or, at least opened every now and then to let a cat out or in.

Pee Pee, Micah and Basie always visit and will sit on my lap for a snooze. :o Sami will lay on the floor for a while and then leave. The rest will either come in or wait at the door or on the sink counter. ;)

I'm never lonely!!

Noah is our "shower time" kitty. He sits on the toilet whenever we shower.

When I take a bath, I always have at least two in the bathroom with me. The cutest is Pee Pee. We have one of those racks over the toilet for towels and bathstuff. Well she'll get up on the first shelf and will nap while I'm in the bath. When I'm out of the bath, she'll leave too. ♥

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-25-2005, 01:08 PM
Tubby used to be my bathroom buddy. He was always there to take a shower with me, then came back to help me dry my hair. Fortunately I got pics of him helping me dry my hair.

Now Peanut takes a shower with me in the morning. Ok, not really, she doesn't actually come in and get wet, but she is in the bathroom with me. Then as I'm getting ready she'll come and squeek at me which means "Mom, hurry up. I need a treat right now!" :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-25-2005, 01:16 PM
My bathroom buddy is Inka! She meows to let her in, and she "waits" in the sink :)
Yup, Inka is a real sink-cat http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20476%20sink_kitty.gifhttp://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20976%20greenLOFL.gif

Maya isn't interested, she doesn't fit in that sink anyway http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20976%20greenLOFL.gif

Prairie Purrs
02-25-2005, 01:31 PM
Angel's littermate Riley (before he went to his furever home) used to run into the bathroom and jump into my lap whenever I was, er, sitting on the throne.

One day his timing was off. He jumped after I lifted the lid but before I sat down. Splash!

I don't think he ever forgave me for laughing. :D But believe me, if you saw a cat charge into the bathroom and jump into the toilet, you'd laugh too!

02-25-2005, 01:45 PM
The first two years Dodger would sit in the shower with me EVERY time. Teirza would wisit from time to time, but Dodger loved being there with me....he didnt even mnd that he was getting soaked. Recently however he's given up and I get surprized by Teirza who's taken to hiding between the curtains while im in there.

Dodger hangs out with me still during bubble bath time *(which is like 3 times a week...i adore them)

They both love the sit on mommy when I'm on the throne as well....it's THE only time Teirza sits in my lap. (outside of the bathroom she'll sleep in my knee crook or under the blanket, or kitty paw me, but refuses to sit in my lap.) Perhaps she feels I'm too vulnerable to get her or something. She also loves to burrow into my pajama pants.

02-25-2005, 01:53 PM
Mishi is my bathroom buddie, supervising my hair and make-up every day and waiting patiently to use the shower. His latest thing is to drink out of the bathtub faucet; he just started doing this about a month ago and now insists when I'm in the bathroom he MUST get into the tub for a drink.

This morning we had another one of his "oops" moments when he got a very enthusiasic case of the head-bumpies and knocked over my glass of Crystal Light. He's had a few Crystal Light "showers" in the past month; the deep red raspberry one was the most interesting - his fur was pinkish-purple for a few days and he smelled fruity fresh! :rolleyes: I love the big buffoon, my silly goon!

02-25-2005, 01:57 PM
yes Lexie is my bathroom buddy from time to time, she often comes in while I am putting my make-up on and sits on the bathroom scales and watches me.:)

02-25-2005, 02:37 PM
Here's Bailey drinking from my sink, which is a several-times-a-day occurrence (doctors say that running water sound makes kitties stop purring - with Bailey, it makes him purr louder and louder - he loves when we "worship" at the alter of Bailey, aka the sink - he hangs out while I shower in there, as Claudia does quite a bit. They all enjoy getting in my shower when it's not running to drink water from that faucet too. Leo likes water from that sink, and Leila plays in there, but neither of them hang out the whole time I'm in the shower):


Here are Leo & Bailey taking turns with my sink:


Here's Claudia laying on my toilet seat, as she often does when I shower, get ready to go somewhere, etc.:


Here's Leila while playing behind my bathroom door:


Also, Leo likes to use the downstairs bathroom (the litterboxes are in there) when one of us is on the toilet in there - isn't that silly? Also, Leila used to love lounging in my husband's pants/underwear while he was sitting on the toilet (he'd kill me for saying that in here! heehee) - what is the kitties' fascination with bathrooms, anyway?

Edwina's Secretary
02-25-2005, 02:39 PM


02-25-2005, 02:54 PM
Dylan is the main "potty kitty" at our house:rolleyes: If another kitty comes in, he leaves but I think this is his prime time to have undivided attention from either of us:cool:

02-25-2005, 03:18 PM
Sid is my "bathroom buddy". He hears me turn on the shower and that's his cue to come in for his beating. He doesn't like it if one of the other cats comes in the room because this is his time.

He then waits for me as I take my shower so that once I'm done, he can get beaten some more. Sometimes he falls asleep waiting for me.:D

smokey the elder
02-25-2005, 03:19 PM
Lately my bathroom has been Grand Central Station. I typically have: TicTac, Smokey, Bubba, and fosters Marnie, Topaz and Pink Nose all vying for attention. Before she got adopted, Cinnamon was part of the crew. This all started happening after Pixel went to the Rainbow Bridge.:confused: :p

Laura's Babies
02-25-2005, 05:12 PM
I call Giz my "Potty Pal" because I can not go in there without her coming to observe what I am doing. If I am on the potty, she jumps in the tub and tells me all her woes and we carry on a deep conversation. If I am in the tub, she will sit on the sink, potty or floor and just do that flipping "ain't I cutesie" flip flopping..

She gave up walking the tub with me in it when she fell in one time and got soaked! :D

02-25-2005, 05:18 PM
I can't wait for Tom to come home and see this thread. Nina is in there with him "ALL" the time. I started taking Kelcee in with me. I have a heater on in there so she likes it.

02-25-2005, 05:31 PM
Here are MY bathroom buddies! These two girls, Abby and Millie, play peek-a-boo with the shower curtains all the time, and when I am the one in the bathtub, they're right next to the tub - I swear they are saying "meowmie, GET OUT of the tub, it's our turn!"


02-25-2005, 05:35 PM
Oh yes! Grey Girl loves to watch me take a bath. That's how I find her, if she runs when I vaccum. I just turn on the faucet and here in a moment she comes running!

On the other hand, Eepie is Mike's bathroom buddy. She loves to come in there when he's using it. She'll sit on the edge of the tub and knock his elbow until he pets her. Mike says this is because he can't get away from her due to the fact he's...otherwise occupied. She also loves it when he's in the shower, though. She'll stand outside his door and scream until I let her in!

02-25-2005, 07:03 PM
When I take,a bath,JJJ3,And Moose,climb,on the ledge,and Moose swats,at the Suds!Until,the Big Fellow,gets his paws,wet,and then he stops!

02-25-2005, 07:30 PM
I have two actually. Harry and Pouncer. Harry comes in and purrs his fool head off. He doesn't want to be petted... just to be in the room and purr for me. He leaves when I leave. Go figure. :D