View Full Version : If your cat could TALK for 5 minutes . . .

02-25-2005, 07:27 AM
If your cat could talk for 5 minutes, what would you want to know? What question would you ask them to explain?

I think I would definitely ask Brodie how his tail got so horribly broken!

And then for Josie, I would want to know what changed to make her start wanting more affection from us.

02-25-2005, 08:00 AM
I had a dream one night that Chuck was talking to me and his voice sounded like Barry White! LOL

Christa, got your care pkg yesterday! Thank you so much! He loves them!

I would ask Chuck, if I could, to please not tell anyone all the secrets I have told him over the years! LOL Dang! Talk about a living diary! hhehheehe

02-25-2005, 08:11 AM
I would ask,them,if they truly like thier food,od they only eat,it,because they have no other choice.I would ask,them,to tell me,the things,that I do,that they like,and the things,that I do,that theyu dont care for.And I think,that JJJ3,would want,to know,waht,is holding up.his Whiskas Temptations.

Rie Rie
02-25-2005, 08:28 AM
I would ask Annie what it is about my pajama pants that excites her so, that when I walk she feels the need to attack my legs. Also, I would want to know why she is mean to me, when I am the one who saved her life, bottled fed her and everything!!!

02-25-2005, 09:06 AM
I'd ask Snowy what the h*** he's talking about all the time.

I'd ask Mr. Jones about where he came from before we got him.

I'd ask Bella if she knew how much I love her, and how she feels about us and the other cats.


I'd ask poor Malfi how he feels, healthwise. Does he know he's in his forever home and I'm his mama now.
I'd tell him all those things I had to do to him were to help him, not hurt him. We just wanted him to get better and have no pain.


02-25-2005, 09:20 AM
Right now, I'd like Pouncer to tell me what he did to his paw.

I'd ask Abby why she no longer plays with her favorite dangly toys on string.

I'd ask them all if they know they are loved, and ask them if they are as happy as I hope they are.

Laura's Babies
02-25-2005, 09:30 AM
I would ask Samantha what it was that drove her to sit on MY doorstep and beg me to take her in for 2 years.

I would ask Chester is he as happy with me as I am with him.

I would ask Giz why she gets into so much mischief and does she know how much I enjoy her..

Amy, there is so much I want to ask her.. Is she ever in any pain? What can I do to make her fell better on her bad days? Is there anything in this world that she wants that she don't already have and WHY does she hate going in the car so bad?

THEN, I would ask them all, why is my lap empty so much? Why don't they want to cuddle and snuggle with ME more!

02-25-2005, 09:40 AM
I'd ask Teirza why she REFUSES to sit down when she's trying to snuggle , but rather insist on trompling back and forther across me with her butt in my face. and i'd also ask her what she's talking about all the time and if she understands what i'm saying when i meow at her. (im not crazy...im not!)

I cant think of anythign I'd ask Dodger....maybe I'd ask him if there was anything he'd like to ask me.

02-25-2005, 11:26 AM
oh! I would ask them all if they are happy and what else I can do to please them...

I would ask Dylan to tell me about his life before he came to us...

I think that is all:D

02-25-2005, 11:30 AM
I would ask Emma about her life before she came to us, I would also like to explain to her that Tigger is a great guy and to give him a chance ;)

I would want to ask Tigger a bunch of stuff, mostly if his size slows him down/bothers him in any way, it doesn't seem like it does, but if it did I'd put him on a diet!

02-25-2005, 11:32 AM
Gosh, I hope this 5 minutes is staggered, could you imagine all 9 talking at once??? ;) ha ha

Noah: I'd ask him why he fears visitors so much. He's a fear biter if people get too close to him and he doesn't want them to. :(

Noel: I'd ask her why she doesn't smack Basie when he's chasing her. She could totally take him!

Basie: I'd ask him why he's always tormenting Noel and also why he squeaks instead of meows.

Livvy: I'd ask her how she felt. :( And what I could do to make her comfortable.

Micah: I'd ask him how he felt, and if I could do anything for him. I'd tell him how much he means to me. ♥

Hermione: I'd ask her why she's so fearful and if I could help her solve that.

Samson: I'd ask him if his eyes hurt and what he sees when he plays with the air.

Phoebe: I'd ask her WHY she pees on everything left on the floor.

Of course, I'd tell them all they are my angels and that I love them more than anything else on earth. I'd make sure they liked their food, toys and see if they needed anything.

Gosh, wouldn't that be fun??

02-25-2005, 12:38 PM
I just told Tonya/Zippy the other nite if I had a psychic talk to Kylie since Kloe has been here most of it would be bleeped out! I am sure Kylie would be swearing a blue streak since Kloe came.

And I think Kloe would be FULL up of questions like a little kid.....WHY WHY WHY????


02-25-2005, 01:03 PM
I would ask

Hannah: Why is it that she always wants to follow me around. And why she gets so upset when meowmie coughs/sneezes. And is she happy and does she KNOW that I love her more than life itself.

Puff: Why she hates when I yell or cry. Does she KNOW that I would not hurt her. (I mean I had her since the second she came onto this earth) And is she is happy and knows I love her so much.

Stash: Why is he always SO scared of new people, any unknown noise. When he got hit by a car, what really happened. Is he glad that I kept him and never let him go back outside. Does he know he is my heart? That I love him and he can trust me.

Squeekers: Why are you so d*** unlovable? Are you just being a kitty, or just not the cuddling type? Why do you squeek everytime I pick you up? And WHY do you go around the house always looking for something to destroy or mess up? Do you know that I would not change you for the world? I love you unconditionally, no matter how many toilets you drink out of, no matter how much money you chew up;)

That is about it:D

02-25-2005, 04:35 PM
Kelcee is old and sort of ill. But if she could take she wouldn't let me ask anything, she would be using the whole 5 minutes to say how bad The Mommy and The Daddy are for not giving her treats any more as she loved getting them along with the pups every night. And she would yell at us for not letting her have ice cream any more. We wouldn't get a word in edge wise.;)

K & L
02-25-2005, 06:22 PM
I would ask Hazel if we're doing the right thing for her. I don't want her suffering and keeping her around out of selfishness.

02-25-2005, 07:01 PM
I would ask them,not to HISSSS at Ragnar ,that despite his size,he is a nice Cat,and was a stray,like they all were at one time.

02-25-2005, 07:12 PM
I would ask Sash "do you love me as much as I love you"? I would also love to ask him "are you really hungry"?? Because sometimes he makes me feel like I'm starving him! :(

02-26-2005, 12:15 AM
I'd love for them to be able to talk - briefly.;)

Ripley - I'd ask why was he so mean to me for all those years (I have scars) and why is he threatening to spray when I'm looking.

Jazz - WHAT - she cries and sings all the time - What is it?????

Scout - I want to know about her life before she came here and just how abused and badly was she treated.

Rocky and Rumor - I'm not sure. Toy ideas maybe, LOL.

Basically I would want to know what they want to be happy, healthy and comfortable.

02-26-2005, 01:36 AM
Id ask both Remus and Spook where they came from for sure. I'd ask Remus why he LOVES water so darn much and I'd ask Spook what she was thinking when she first met Remus....

Sigh...I would have so many questions for my two...they are so wierd at times and I'd love to know why!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-26-2005, 03:38 AM
Inka: I would finally understand what she is asking me all the time. She never stops meowing, but unfortunately I don't speak very well "cattalk" :D . I would ask her if it hurts when she loses her balance, and if I can do anything to make things better for her. I would also ask her why she cannot leave her sis Maya alone, why she always wants everything here...

Maya: I would ask her if she is REALLY hungry all the time. I would also ask her why she lets Inka be so bossy all the time. I would ask her why she prefers dad's lap over mine ;)

To both: I wouls want to know if they are happy here, and what they would like to get as a treat!!