View Full Version : fritz had fun

02-24-2005, 05:57 AM
Fritz had fun the other day.Friends of ours came for a visit and they have a Shih Tzu by the name of Cody.Fritz got a little frisky,trying to jump Cody.He supposed to have been fixed,sometimes I wonder.The lady had a litle bag of food for Cody and it must have fallen and Fritz grabbed it and off he went under my bed with it.I chased him out of there and dad got him and Fritz had it in his mouth.He didn't want to give it up,growling at me.I batted his nose a couple of times ,he let go and the food went all over.There was still some left in the bag and he was still trying to get it from one of the owners.That's Fritz's latest adventure.His Aunties are coming yhis weekend,so he wil have more stories to tell.

02-24-2005, 06:27 AM
Fritz...you have to find a better hiding place!!

02-24-2005, 04:22 PM
A chow hound, huh??? Sure you're not a Lab, Fritz?:D Sounds like you had a fun day with your visitors! Did your Dad get any shots of you with your Shi Tzu pal Cody??? Have fun with the aunties this weekend!;)