View Full Version : We have a new addition!

02-22-2005, 03:41 PM
Since Buster is doing better today and has not picked fights at all..I was looking in the classifieds section in the newspaper and it say Free: 2 year old male neutered cat and female kitten. My mom called and they still had them. We picked out the boy who's name is Tiger. The breed guess would be a tortiseshell/tabby mix. He is so affectionate!! For those of you that don't know what I am talking about Buster here is the thread..


I am so happy :D I think Miagi and Tiger will be great pals :D

02-22-2005, 03:43 PM
CONGRATS! You are just gonna have to get swimma to add the precious new one to your siggy set:DCan't wait to see pics;);)

02-22-2005, 03:53 PM
What a wonderful thing! I am SO glad that you decided to get another kitty! CONGRATS! And... WE WANT LOTS AND LOTS OF PICTURES!!!

02-22-2005, 04:27 PM
I will get pics soon, bumping this up so everyone sees the exciting news :D

02-22-2005, 05:48 PM

Laura's Babies
02-23-2005, 07:57 AM
I just don't understand HOW I miss a thread like I missed this one! Are things moving that fast here??

You got the 2 year old male! Perfect age and I can't wait to see pictures of him and hear how his personality is... Are pictures coming soon?

02-23-2005, 08:09 AM
You got the 2 year old male! Perfect age and I can't wait to see pictures of him and hear how his personality is... Are pictures coming soon?

His personality is very mellow he is growling at Miagi but not to be mean. I think Tiger is telling Miagi that he needs his space, too. I woke up at 5 am this morning because Tiger was growling at Miagi. They will get used to each other, I am sure. The dogs love him. I think they got used to him as quick as you snap your finger, well not that soon, but they are getting used to him. Buster is actually scared of Tiger:eek:. I don't know why but I guess when Buster got closed to Tiger, Tiger swatted him, lol. But, the dogs are being very good with him. Both, Miagi and Tiger slept in my room last night and Tiger doesn't mind Dodger at all. Tiger is just a big LOVE bug! I went to go kiss him yesterday when he was on the back of the couch and he stuck his whole face in my face and I kissed him again and he did the same thing. The guy that had him said he had a broken tail but that doesn't stop him. I wish all of you could see him in person and see his markings. Once I get pictures, you guys might be able to tell what breed he is. :) He makes a very good addition to this family, we aren't going to tell my Aunt Barbara until she comes over here and says "Is that the same cat?" ;) But I am sure I will tell her and share my excitement:)

02-23-2005, 08:14 AM
Yes, the threads are flying around here. They are on top one minute and on page three the next!

I missed this too! He sounds like a dream kitty and I'm so happy for you. I can't wait for pictures!!!:D

02-23-2005, 08:31 AM
Yeah, the threads are flying around here, he is really a dream kitty. I couldn't ask for a better cat :p Well Miagi is still my main man but he's a cool cat and his markings, I wish you could see them, but you guys will in the pictures :D

02-23-2005, 08:41 AM
We are glad,ythat the Dogs,are deciding,to be Good Pals,and that Tiger,the Orangie,is on his way,to amke your life,more complete,as Michael,tells me,taht you dont have Cats,until you are Guardian,to An Orange Cat!

02-23-2005, 08:45 AM
We are glad,ythat the Dogs,are deciding,to be Good Pals,and that Tiger,the Orangie,is on his way,to amke your life,more complete,as Michael,tells me,taht you dont have Cats,until you are Guardian,to An Orange Cat!

hehe, Tiger is a tortiseshell/tabby x. I would love to have an orange cat someday. My grandmother's RB cat, Taffy was an orange cat. But we are very happy and content with what we have now :D

02-23-2005, 11:07 AM
CONGRATS!!! can't wait to see pics of the cutie!:D

02-23-2005, 03:34 PM
CONGRATS!!!Cant wait to see pictures:D :D

My Peanuts
02-23-2005, 03:35 PM
Thanks for PMing me and showing me this. CONGRATS!! I can't wait to see the pictures.

I almost never come into the Cat side because I never had a kitty because I'm VERY allergic to them. Once in a while I take some allergy pills and play with my neighbors cat :D

02-23-2005, 03:40 PM
My parents used to think I am allergic, but I am not. I am sorry you are allergic :( I would die if I was allergic to my cats. Tiger woke me up at 5am growling in my ear, he was growling at Miagi. But there was no harm, they'll get used to each other in no time :). Tiger will get out of his shell and just be himself, hopefully. The guy that had him said he's really mellow and laid back, but right now it isn't that way but he will show his true colors, hopefully when he gets settled in, that's how Miagi was.

02-23-2005, 04:24 PM
I can't get over how fast threads are going here! Congrats on your new kitty, but are you sure Tiger's a boy? Usually tortie/tabby mixes are always females. Hope to see pics. soon. ;)

02-23-2005, 04:27 PM
I can't get over how fast threads are going here! Congrats on your new kitty, but are you sure Tiger's a boy? Usually tortie/tabby mixes are always females. Hope to see pics. soon.

I will go check right now and let you know :D

02-23-2005, 04:29 PM
yep Tiger's a boy:) I think it might be odd but once I get pics, I will ask ya'll what breed he is! :D

02-23-2005, 04:35 PM
Get those pictures! ;)

02-23-2005, 04:38 PM
I will asap:)

02-23-2005, 05:05 PM
Congrats! I just got your PM and had to check.

Post those pictures soon!

02-23-2005, 06:13 PM
Never had cats ...but I think they are all beautiful! Can't wait to see pics~

02-24-2005, 09:58 AM
pictures will be soon, he slept in Miagi's cat bed on my bed all night, that means I will have to get Tiger a cat bed.