View Full Version : Baby pics of my very very babies.

02-22-2005, 12:37 PM
Pics from back in the time that I used to pick them up in one hand and go "Oh so baaaaaaaaaaby!" Kermit though I was out of my mind and asked what that meant. The cats and I just looked at him and blinked. How could he see the kittens and not know what oh so baby meant? lol

As usual, b/c he was a baby first, Dodger.

I got on the windowsil! I'm amazing!
Um...but I'm not positive I can jump that far to get down....oh phoo.
Here is a good comprimise, chair and sil.
My first day at new house. Momma might call me Orion cause of my collar. The collar doesnt last as I keep getting freaked out that my paws are ringing when I walk and keep falling over trying to see why they'd make that noise.

More pics......

02-22-2005, 12:41 PM
I'm sooooo tiiiired! and little. I'm little too.
I's donna hunt da mommy!
Sweet Bohebus! Dey didn't gimmie shrip at the sheltah! Awesome! Hey you....back of my shrimp!

ok....there are only a few of Teirza so one more should do it. :)

02-22-2005, 12:46 PM
Dis pace is new and scary. I just had a b a t h. I dont like it, but new mommy said I couldnt walk around the house covered in poo and puke! I tink dat Dodger is a meanie!
So...is it ok if I hide herer in dis basket from dat Dodger?
Dis don't mean NOTHING! Snuggle me more Dodger...purrrrrrr ...Oh hey look...I'm the same size as dis beanie baby!

It makes me so happy to see them so tiny...sigh I wish I'd taken 100s of pics of them when they were babies.

02-22-2005, 01:18 PM
cute cute cute, as kitten pictures always are!
They are snuggably darling!

02-22-2005, 01:26 PM
tank you :) im so happy they grew to love eachother :) I dont know what i'd have done should they have held on to their anger lol

02-22-2005, 01:29 PM
What CUTIES! Dodger looks like my Rosco!!
How old are they now?

02-22-2005, 01:31 PM
What ADORABLE pictures:D:D:D I love baby pics, they are so tiny and cute;)

02-22-2005, 01:37 PM
They are gasp GASP gasp about to turn three in March! Oh my...Kermit told me last night that Dodgers not so much of a baby kitty any more and i got all pouty and insisted he'd always be my kitty baby no matter how old he got.

Laura's Babies
02-22-2005, 01:45 PM
I love baby pictures of them when they were small.. They are so cute as babies.... Thanks for showing us how they looked then...

02-22-2005, 02:05 PM
AWWWW! What cutie pies. I think it would be fun if they could stay small forever, sometime.;)

03-02-2005, 07:27 PM
I think our Abby is always going to look like a baby. She's 10 months old, but she's a puny 5-pounder and oh so cute, so tiny. And the personality of a 3-month old!

Yours are adorable! :D

03-02-2005, 07:44 PM
Thats like the Old Song,where the Time Goes By,as Quickly,as a Wink.What Great Kittens,and even Better Cats!