View Full Version : Does anyone else have really dry skin? What do you use/do about it?

02-21-2005, 10:10 PM
I have really dry skin, mostly on my hands. It was really bad where my knuckles would actually crack and bleed. So thats when I had to sleep with gloves on. I know it can be from washing your hands a lot.
So to you other people who have this problem what do you use/do?

02-21-2005, 10:16 PM
I kind of have dry skin. Nothing TOO serious. I just use a moisturizer though. I think it's called Naturals (I got it from Avon..)

02-21-2005, 10:20 PM
I have very dry skin and nothing seems to totally work for me however Aveda "hand relief" makes a huge difference. I could never live with out it :p

02-21-2005, 10:31 PM
Great, thanks you guys! Next time I get a chance I'll get this stuff to try out. Do you know the prices?

02-21-2005, 10:33 PM
I have horrendously dry skin, especially in the winter, and my skin cracks and bleeds like yours. This year I discovered Gold Bond Ultimate. Nothing has ever made my skin feel so good. :)


02-21-2005, 10:46 PM
I have tried just about everything. My fingers get cracks around the nails. They hurt sooooo darn bad.
I have to put a thick lotion on my feet before going to bed or they wake me up at nite cracking. :( I have been getting regular pedicures which has helped some.
I put on a heavy cream everytime I put socks on.
For my hands, like Micki I like Gold Bond Ultimate. Also Nexcare Advanced Skin Cream and Vaseline Petroleum Jelly cream with Cocoa Butter works good. They are both kind of heavy so I use them at nite. Regular Petroleum Jelly works very good too.
I bought a huge bottle of Suave dry skin lotion with Oatmeal for work and it feels so good just to put on after washing my hands!
I also bought a humidifier for my bedroom to run to help with the dryness, b/c one day last week I woke up with a nosebleed.

02-21-2005, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by micki76
I have horrendously dry skin, especially in the winter, and my skin cracks and bleeds like yours. This year I discovered Gold Bond Ultimate. Nothing has ever made my skin feel so good. :)

That stuff is great! I got a sample of it in the mail last year and I've been sold ever since. My hands are bad too. My knuckles are usually cracked, red and bleeding most the winter but are better with the Gold Bond. I need to start wearing gloves when I do dishes or bath Disney, it would help.

02-22-2005, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by jazzcat
That stuff is great! I got a sample of it in the mail last year and I've been sold ever since. My hands are bad too. My knuckles are usually cracked, red and bleeding most the winter but are better with the Gold Bond. I need to start wearing gloves when I do dishes or bath Disney, it would help.

ooohh That's another thing - not the same kind of gloves but that is a BIG helper too especially in the colder weather climates. Wearing gloves even just running outside to walk the dog.... makes a HUGE difference!!
I took Keegan out one afternoon before going to work and it was sooooo bitterly cold that day it was bad, well since I was only going to be out for a few minutes I forgot my gloves. Of course that was the day Keegan took forever to do her thing.... And all evening at work, my finger's cracked and split around the tips. I think by the end of the nite, 4 of my fingers were cracked and bleeding. So I wear gloves even if I just run out for a minute!!!

02-22-2005, 01:14 AM
i have the worst skin. :( i am using cetaphil right now. but tomorrow i may go get the gold bond... and i am seeing my dematologist too. i am itching everywhere. :(

02-22-2005, 01:22 AM
aquaphor works very well. I also like using baby oil right after my shower.

02-22-2005, 01:27 AM
I have dry skin also. BUT I have a phobia of lotions, and so does my husband. It feels so cakey, and sticky, and drives me nuts!
They only 2 lotions I like and can wear that really help my dry skin are Jergens Multi vitamin replenishing lotion, and the second is St. Ives 24 hour moisture.
When my hands arent too dry, but I just want to use lotion I use Vaseline Intensive care Water Resistant lotion. It works WONDERS if you wash your hands constantly;)

02-22-2005, 10:36 AM
On my hands I use Nivea Soft and I go through a bottle of Lubriderm Extra Dry Skin about every ten days. I have a prescription for my skin b/c it's so dry and sensitive...but it's $40 a bottle and I can't afford it right now. :(

02-22-2005, 11:39 AM
I don't think you can beat plain cocoa butter for really dried and cracked skin. Mine is from Body Shop but lotions are pretty easy to find. My feet were soooooo cracked and I used my butter with socks all night and after about 4-5 night - soft feel and no cracks!!

It is also great for knuckles and elbows. I really love the pure hard butter best - it softens when you touch it:D

I use it every time I wash my hands and after showers all over.

02-22-2005, 11:52 AM
If your skin on your feet or hands is really dry bag balm works wonders. Put some on before you go to bed and then put socks or gloves on. It does not smell very good but it sure does work.;)

Lilith Cherry
02-22-2005, 12:01 PM
I have terribly dry cracked skin in the winter especially on my feet. My pharmacist recommended some 20%Urea lotion and it worked wonders! Now I use it all the time and my feet stay soft and comfortable:D Gold Bond is also good but I like this more.

02-22-2005, 12:32 PM
The gloves people mention is great advice.

For my dry hands, I bought a paraffin (hot-wax) hand treatment device at Walgreens. You heat the wax up until it's liquid. Then you slather (and I do mean SLATHER) the hand lotion on. Then you dip your hands in the wax several times. It's hot, but not unbearable. After 10 minutes, you peel the wax off. This helps force the moisturizer into the cells.

You can use it on your feet, too, if they're not too big :D.

It's not a cure-all, but it does seem to help if done regularly. (The gloves are actually better for prevention).

Also, my husband gets those cracks by his fingers, too. He has started putting antibiotic cream on them and he says they heal faster that way.

02-22-2005, 03:38 PM
I have dry hands, elbows, and legs. It's my legs that cause the most trouble. I will itch them until they bleed.

I reccomend (AND WORSHIP) Udderly Smooth lotion. You can buy it at Wal-Mart and it's very inepensive, 2 something a tube. It is not thick like most types of lotions. I hate all other lotions because they are thick and greasy and they just slap on and stick to the surface of your skin. They collect dust and fuzz and other matter on your skin. Udderly Smooth is thin like water, and it soaks right into your skin. Best lotion I've ever used, and it smells great!

02-22-2005, 03:55 PM
I have awful dry skin on my hands. Comes from work.

The lotions I like are Glysomed (http://www.glysomed.com/) and Herbacin (http://www.herbacin.com/) .

They are nice thick lotions (which I need). Some people with normal skin may find them too thick and therefor greasy, but with my hands they sink in in an instant. LOL
I can't use the watery type lotions because they are gone in a second with my poor dry hands.

I am really bad about putting lotion on too, because I find it all somewhat greasy, and I absolutely can not rub it into my palms...
I know I should use the gloves as I've heard they work wonders, but the thought of putting them on gives me the willies...LOL