View Full Version : Ugh, I'm dying of deprivation...

02-21-2005, 06:47 PM
:( I can't tell you how forlorn and deprived I feel right now. I am, by no means, an expert on Pekes or handling for that matter. However, my breeder has agreed that if she should retire one of her champions, she would give him/her to me to use for Jrs. She offered to show me the ropes and teach me how to properly handle a Peke, too. Of course, this would work out if it weren't for my parents. After a little potty accident from Giselle (Greyhound), my parents had their jaws wired shut and their minds set to NO MORE DOGS.

Meanwhile, I'm on a Peke list and two prominent breeders on there have two FANTASTIC litters, the majority of which are show quality. They posted the pics of the pups and let me tell you...I-am-dying!!!!!!! And while I was at the SCV dog show, I overheard a little conversation regarding a breeder and another girl. Apparently, the breeder was giving an experienced adult dog to the girl to use for showing. *groans* I wish I could snap my fingers and turn Lucky (my BYB peke) into a glamorous show Peke:p Ugh, I can't even groom him properly. I try, but his fur is too silky and fine. Ok...rant done...

02-21-2005, 06:53 PM
Why not show Lucky in Juniors? :)

I'm sure you know this, but the AKC does not judge the handled dog by the breed standard. They judge by how well the handler and dog "work together", so to speak.

02-21-2005, 11:04 PM
Can't. I'd be too embarassed to even try to get an ILP for Lucky. He's so *not* purebred, *I* don't even know if he's purebred. I highly doubt he is, and bet there's a bit of Tibbie in him :p. I would want to use Giselle, but I tried free stacking her and she sat....So, I'm kind of at a lost. Maybe this isn't true for every Jr out there, either, but I talked to a bunch of Juniors and they unanimously agreed that while flashy dogs aren't supposed to sway judges' opinions, they do. And oftentimes, they said flashy dogs and mediocre handlers won over greyt handlers and mediocre dogs. Gissie is so far off the standard:rolleyes:

02-22-2005, 12:14 PM
You're right in saying that flashy dogs and mediocre handlers win over pet quality dogs with great handlers. And if I remember right, you live in Cali, so that's like 10x more true.
Is there any way you could sign onto a dog for juniors and not have it live with you? Or even travel to a few shows and hold leashes for a breeder?
I've had some success in talking to a breeder after they show on the first day of shows and then showing up the second day to help out and hold leashes. More success in hanging around at club on conformation nights and holding leashes and showing dogs for people with multiples and then getting invited to a show.
Just remember, most dog people are friendly and a lot of them are in need of an extra hand. They won't bite hard.
Oh, and believe me, I hear you on parents with jaws and minds wired on "NO MORE DOGS." We'd have like 8 babies if not for my mom. However, as insane as their ideas are, sometimes they are for the best -- I don't know what I'd do with TWO malamutes in college, as I'm not even sure what to do with ONE.

02-22-2005, 10:55 PM
Iilo, I'm curious. You say you have a mal...what's its name?

Also, that's what I was thinking of! My breeder has eight champs at home. She only has two puppies right now who are showing...I'm not sure what she's doing with the rest of them, but I was also wondering if it's possible to co-own one of the dogs but have it live with her. Then, on show days, she would take the dog to wherever the show was and I could just handle it. *shrugs* I'll have to call her about this, but I'm just wondering if this is possible? Anybody know? The other idea sounds interesting, but my parents can barely deal with half a day of showing. I'm serious, we went to two dog shows and only stayed for the Pekingese judging:o Boundaries suck.:p Oh well, guess my dream has to be delayed another ten years!

02-24-2005, 10:11 AM

My boy's name is Orien, Rien for short, GRA-Wind's Midnight Warrior, CGC for long.
And if your breeder is willing to keep the dogs at her house and co-own with you, then you can show them in juniors (as long as you're listed as co-owner). And if she doesn't want to co-own with you, you can show her dogs in breed if she lets you even if they live with her.

02-24-2005, 11:46 PM
Hey, I knew it was you! I'm GreytPeke on Candi's board. Well...I think it's Candi's board:p I guess that's how you got my name?

I talked to her [breeder] and it looks like the next show that's feasible to go to is in April so we have some time to talk things over and such and such. She still doesn't want to rush things and wants me to focus on watching the Peke judging and other Jr's before getting into it. I guess I'm okay with that, because I know she really wants me to get into the ring. Otherwise, she wouldn't stress watching the Jr's so much.:)