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Laura's Babies
02-21-2005, 06:33 PM
Mikes little dainty Yetta? Remember this little sweeite?


WELL!! LITTLE no MORE!.... Last night we were taking a break from our latest projet and I went inside to play with Klinger and Yetta. She was scratching her ear and digging in it so we checked it out and she has it all bloody... NOT GOOD! So we got Kilinger and looked in his ears and they didn't look right at all.. So, off to the vets they went today and I went along just for the lack of anything better to do. The vet was checking her for fleas or signs of fleas and flipped her over to check her tummy for signs of fleas.. That silly girl was purring and trying to take a NAP like this.. I am so glad to I took my camera so I could take this picture.. Yetta is now a whopping 12 pounds and she is not even a year old yet, I think he got her in August, so maybe her birthday is in June or July?


02-21-2005, 06:37 PM
Awww Laura, who could forget that sweetie. My gosh she has grown into a very pretty, ummm, fluffy cat. I love her coloring.

So, what was the verdict from the vets?

02-21-2005, 06:44 PM
What a beautiful girl she has become!!! Were they earmites bothering her? Poor baby .... bet she's feeling much better now that she most likely got a good ear cleaning and some ointment!;)

Laura's Babies
02-21-2005, 07:30 PM
She (the vet) thinks is might have been a flea since she has scratched above her eye and drawn blood there too, that is why she was looking for signs of fleas on her.. Yetta is such a sensitive girl, she is so fair that it causes her lots of problems and he has to be VERY careful what she eats as well. They vet said it
could be some sort of allergies since she is allergic to so many things already..

Kilinger seemed to have the beginnings of some kind of ear problem so we got to do drops in both ears on both of them for a week. I say "we" because Mike is lost when it comes to medicating cats.

They were in Texas almost a week so we don't know if they got fleas there or what??.... (Next time, I am going to tell him he just has to leave them here with Aunt Laura!!!)

02-22-2005, 02:06 AM
Yetta is beautiful!!! What a "fluffy" belly she has ;)

02-22-2005, 08:58 AM
Yetta,has certainly,become a Big Beautiful Girl,maybe ,a touch,too big,as she,should try the Nutro Compltete Care Light,as you,dont want,that lovely Cat,to have the health problems,of being too heavy.

Laura's Babies
02-22-2005, 09:40 AM
Catmandu, you are right. Mike has still had her on kitten food and it is time to switch.. Until then, he is cutting back on the amounts he is giving them daily. When they get this "fluffy" it is time to throw away the kitten chow no matter how "young" they are.