View Full Version : Little troublemaker

02-21-2005, 04:51 PM
I've been very sick this week, and haven't checked in at all. Sorry folks. I'll be back and healthy soon (I hope!)

I did take these photos the other day and its taken me a few days to just summon the energy to download them.

Ooo, what's going on over there?

A sleeping Pouncer and Allen

But not for long...

Allen says "I am not amuzed"

What ma? I wasn't doing anything!

I'm too handsome to make any trouble!

Laura's Babies
02-21-2005, 05:04 PM
Yes, you are to pretty to cause any trouble! You were just trying to catch him before he fell out of the basket weren't you? GOOD BOY!! He could have hurt himself!

02-21-2005, 06:44 PM
First off, I am so sorry to hear you have been sick all week. Is it the flu? I hope you feel better very soon.

Secondly, those pictures are priceless. I would just like to know, how the heck is Pouncer laying in that basket with Allen taking up most of the room. I noticed he has to have his paw on the other basket for leverage.

I agree with Laura, Harry was just making sure that Pouncer didn't fall.:D

02-21-2005, 06:46 PM
Thanks for popping in to pacify us with pics, in spite of being so sick!!! I do hope you are starting to feel better though as well!;)

I swear that Harry is so handsome, and gosh what a pair he and Freddy would make. But, so far Freddy is still a little wimpish and borderline sickly. I just can't figure him out. *sigh*

Russian Blue
02-21-2005, 07:32 PM
Awww....sleeping and playing kitties in the sun. How perfect!


K & L
02-21-2005, 07:52 PM
Feel better soon! This was my first day back to work after a week off with it. It's not a fun one that's for sure!

02-22-2005, 01:20 AM
I dont believe that little Harry would cause ANY porblems;)
I mean, look at that handsome INNOCENT face! He could/would never do anything wrong;):rolleyes: :D

02-22-2005, 05:22 AM
Poor Kim. :( (she blamed me for giving her my cold over the TELEPHONE! :eek: )

Thanks for the pictures :D. Love those boys.

02-22-2005, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Poor Kim. :( (she blamed me for giving her my cold over the TELEPHONE! :eek: )
Thats because she DID! I swear it because less than an hour after I spoke to sick Jen, I became sick Kim. Coincidence? I think not! :D

02-22-2005, 08:53 AM
There is nothing,nicer,than Cats,sleeping,and playing,in the Sun,and Harry,is so kind,to make sure,That Allen,doesnt fall,on the floor,below.

02-22-2005, 10:21 AM
AWWWWWWWE!!! I can't believe how big Harry is getting! He is so cute!! He reminds me so much of Leroy! Everybody is minding their own business and relaxing. Then a very laid back Harry causes trouble without even having to move! That is a Leroy personality!!!:D :D :D

Great pictures Kim! Pouncer still looks so tiny with that big 'ol handsome Allen next to him. I think you've got a great and fun kitty crew!

I hope you are all well soon. There is so much nasty stuff going around. I hope it passes quickly.
Shame on you Jen!!:p ;) :D