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02-21-2005, 02:49 PM
I love a good thunderstorm!

Since California is pretty much a mild to boring state when it come to weather any goofy weather anomaly is a welcome break from the same old, same old.

We had a great thunder storm pass thru the other night.

Lightning and thunder!!!

Of course never having seen the Edster act during a natural
'show of force' I was curious to see how he'd react.

With the first couple of thunder rumbles he sat straight up and looked at the window. The lighting caught his eye, Which propelled him to climb on the desk and paw aside the curtain.

I looked on with a sense of pride at the bravery he was showing.

"By gosh, that cat is pretty freaking brave!!"

Not so fast, butter brain..

The next flash and rumble sent the Edster off the desk and across the room and under the bed.

Courage my eye.....But he has a lot of brains!!!

He stayed under the bed until the storm blew over. Then he paraded his rear end out and walked past me with his tail at full mast.

"Dad, I wasn't afraid......I just was looking for a new place to sleep."

And you know what? I believed him......;) :rolleyes: :)

02-21-2005, 02:55 PM
Briggs also chooses to guard the deep, dark recesses under the bed whenever thunder rolls into our area. And she knows that that spot must be attended to quickly, at the first hint of thunder, as she races, like a streak of lightening herself, back to the bedroom and stays there, ever so vigilant until Mother Nature has issued the "all clear for cats" sign. I am not privy to what that sounds like, maybe one of the humans fixing a snack?

02-21-2005, 03:05 PM
Eddie,sounds,like a Her Cat,as he was exploring,different places,in the house,where you,could hide,from thec Storm.And comfort each,other,while the Thunder ROLLED!

02-21-2005, 03:07 PM
I also have a storm phobia and threaten to join my guys under the bed when it starts.....hubby on the other hand stands outside on the porch to watch. I completely understand the Edster's reasoning. My exscue is that I'm cleaning up the dust bunnies. Or keeping the guys comapny and comforting them, whichever comes out of my mouth first....

02-21-2005, 03:44 PM
My cats are so used to thunderstorms, they just yawn and go back to sleep!

Maybe Eddie was checking for dust bunnies under the bed? ;)

Laura's Babies
02-21-2005, 05:18 PM
Chester is the PROTECTOR of this house..... EXCEPT when there is a thunderstorm! All of them can be sound asleep and he is the only one that wakes up, and with FEAR in his eyes. He will come sit by me with that questionalble look in his eyes until the next "BOOM" ... then I don't see him for hours no matter what and can't find him no matter where I look!

(Wish I could find him so I could join him during some of the really bad ones!)

02-21-2005, 06:55 PM
My two were so scared! I drove through a messy, stormy Friday night of commute traffic which was entertained by Mother Nature's light & sound show. I freak at thunder and lightening; driving through it I was terrified! I came home to the two cats snuggled (they NEVER snuggle) very close to each other, their eyes bugging out and looking at me like "Ma! We're scared!"

02-21-2005, 07:00 PM
Well me and the kitties were awoken this morning to the loudest lightning / thunder boom I have heard in a long time! Freddy was lying on me and we both jumped and he catapulted off the end of the bed. Poor sweet momma Freida's cage is right under the window, so she started wailing and fighting to get out of it. Needless to say, my rest was ended and I got up to calm everyone back down. Luckily that was the worst of it, and is was over within a half hour!