View Full Version : More, mighty Minnie!

02-21-2005, 09:17 AM
Sadly, no pics to document my shy, shy girl...just words to describe how Minnie IS truly giving this household her trust slowly. Let's see, to recap, I have had Minne since July 2001...or is it 2002? Either way, this July will be 3 or 4 years in our house of cats.

Minnie had been moved to my closet about 8 months ago, in preparation for Jonah moving into HER room..well, her CLOSET with Jonah's room attached. :D

Every night now she comes out of the closet to eat the food I put down for her. Of significance, she comes out as soon as she hears me getting it ready. I can walk by Minnie, as close as two feet, and she doesn't run! She will almost let me pet her when she is out...she does that sashay tail move we all know, but, just can't bring herself to let me pet her outside the closet. I can reach in there and pet her when she is in her bed..and she moves into my hand..but, ohhhhh to let me pet her when out and about. That is a goal I think we will reach this summer.

I would say about 50% of the time she comes out of the closet in the am, when I bring the food in again. Why do I pick the food up? One word- MONTE! He upsets the food and water bowl every single time I leave it down.

One time she inadvertantly let me pet her while she was 'out'. I thought, "this is it! Breakthrough!" Then, I saw that Monte had cornered her, and I was the lesser of two evils. :o

Minnie has taught me patience times five million! I can't wait until she is part of the whole house!

02-21-2005, 09:45 AM
Johanna, I think it is so wonderful that you have this patience and dedicated love for Minnie! You will be so blessed by every milestone you cross with her, and when the day comes that she willingly accepts your love, there will be no stronger bond! My Bonnie is a good example of this ... she still moves just out of reach of my hand, but if I am seated or very still, she will make the first move and come to me. She will get in my lap, and then she is a lap kitty!!! It is so strange how some kitties have to earn your love and respect, and when they do it is simply amazing. I don't think any kitty deserves to be ignored just because they aren't the most affectionate of cats. Given the proper time and love and patience, their love can and will be earned and it will be one of the greatest bonds you can have!!!

Thanks for sharing this with us all, I think we needed to hear this encouragement!;)

02-21-2005, 09:47 AM
Isn't it a wonderful feeling Johanna!? :D Sounds like Minnie is taking all the right steps in the right direction.

I still remember the elation I felt when Logan joined me in bed one evening. Now he follows me around the house, chatters at me while I'm in the shower, and does happy feet on the bed impatiently while I'm changing. :D

If Logan can do it, I just know Minnie will be out of her shell in no time. :)

Laura's Babies
02-21-2005, 09:59 AM
She will come around, but in HER time. Then you will probably have a regular pest on your hands....lets hope!

02-21-2005, 10:53 AM
Minnie is lucky to have you. And patience will pay off.

02-21-2005, 11:03 AM
What a sweet story of Minnie!! I did not know about her. Monte sounds like a stinker:p

02-21-2005, 11:32 AM
Minnie,is so very lucky,yo havr a Guardian,with the patience,of Job,as many ,would have,tried,to find Minnie,a New Home.One,of these days,Minnie,will realoze,tha you,are her friend,and let you,pet her.

02-21-2005, 11:36 AM
I agree Minnie is very lucky to have you, you are such a patient and understanding person. :D

02-21-2005, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
What a sweet story of Minnie!! I did not know about her. Monte sounds like a stinker:p

Minnie was semi-feral (though, I bow to the knowledge of Lisa on whether this is an accurate description) that was part of a TNR program. When she was trapped, it was decided by the vet that she wouldn't make it if she was released back into the colony. She is VERY timid. There is a story on here of her great big move up from the basement to the first floor, the nightime stealth activity that made me realize she wasn't living her entire life inside the closet, the first time I held her, the first time she purred(and I cried). Minnie is, IMO, proof positive that LOTS of patience CAN make a difference in kitties. Slow and steady wins the race.

As to Monte- he is the WORST, BADDEST, MOST TERRORLADENED kitty I have ever known. He didn't grow out of his kittenhood, he grew into it, and mastered the art of NAWTEEKAT! Jonah's first words will surely be, "Monte! NO". He he he.

02-21-2005, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Jonah's first words will surely be, "Monte! NO". He he he.

I didn't know about Minnie either. I hadn't heard her story. She is lucky to have you.

02-21-2005, 11:55 AM
One day, Minnie will be a friendly cat. I just know she will!! So good to hear she's making progress. One of these days, we'll have to get some new pictures of her. ;)

02-21-2005, 12:44 PM
I'm so glad you're making progress with Minnie. I know that even the slightest amount of headway can be wonderful. I have a cat that I haven't been able to touch since she arrived in Sept of 2002. I can clean the litter box under the table she's sitting on and walk as close as 2 feet from her but she's still aloof. She only comes toward me at dinner time. One day............


02-22-2005, 10:20 AM
How nice to hear this about Minnie. It's such a long time since you've posted something about her, that some people don't even know her :P

I'm glad she's more trusting. Let's hope by the summet to have some pictures of you petting her. In your lap :)