View Full Version : Tommy,is BACK

02-21-2005, 06:26 AM
As I found him,sleeping,on the Porch,in the carrier,that I have out there.He is,of corse a curious Fellow,and A.Got,into the bag,of chicken boes.B.Got,into the bag,of Aniaml Wefare Cat Nip Toys,helping,in the testing,of same.He said,that they passed.C.Getting,into every food dish,in the place,grazing,as we humans do,at a Buffet.He is not a well cared for Cat,with a dry coat,and his tail,all covered,with brambles.Its a touchy situation,as he is,someones Pet,there for,thier property.I will do,what I can,for the Big Guy,as he,is such a Big fellow,and a Nice Cat,except to Scrappy 2.

Laura's Babies
02-21-2005, 08:03 AM
Just keep doing what you are doing for him Gary. He knows where to go to get proper care and someday he will allow you to groom him and get all those things out of his fur. If you continue, one day he will just forget where his first home is and stay at your wonderful hotel.

02-21-2005, 08:44 AM
I couldnt find,the Big Guy,to put him,in the basement,asI want,to check,to see,if he is neutered.He seems,to be declawed,and usually,they go,together.The Last thing,I heard,as went,for the Doctor,was Moose,And John,doing a Growl,at the Strange Cat Duet,in B Flat.

02-21-2005, 09:56 AM
I agree with Laura ... just keep on doing what you are doing. Hopefully one of these days he will check-in permanently to the Found Cats' Hotel!;)