View Full Version : My cat is throwing up every day

02-19-2005, 06:49 PM
Hi there.
I have a 10 year old tabby. A few weeks ago he started to throw up almost every day. I did not change his diet. Some times it is a hairball but most of the time it is only an orange/brown liquid and sometimes he even throw up in his sleep. Any ideas?
Cheers Joern.

02-19-2005, 07:21 PM
Time to take your baby to the vets for a checkup.
Hopefully it's nothing serious. When Kuhio was about 15 she started throwing up every day. Her problem was a hyperthyroid. Her thyroid had kicked into overdrive and was revving up her engine so fast that she was nauseous and started vomiting. It is easily diagnosed with a blood test and can be treated. If that's not his problem, a blood test will tell them what's going on.

Welcome to the boards. What's your cat's name? Please keep us posted on your baby and we like LOTS of pictures. :D

02-25-2005, 09:54 AM
Pharaoh is ok again. thanks for asking
I took him to the vet, but they couldn't find anything.
So he got a little under the skin fluids and a shot of antibiotics.
The vet said he might have eaten an earplug or just does not like the dryfood anymore. So after a few days of Hill perscribtion diet I'll try some new brands of dry food.
Thanks for your help.
Cheers Joern.