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View Full Version : Degrassi Lovers!

02-19-2005, 10:16 AM
By any chance did you guys watch the new episode of Degrassi?
More than half of the girls in my school do and it was the main talk, that Degrassi was back on.
I'm very happy that Jimmy is alive and shocked about next week's episode! Craig asks Ashley to marry him, can't wait to see it!

02-19-2005, 12:07 PM
omg! I forgot it was on and I *love* degrassi! :o Good thing there's repeats on today and tomorrow! Although, I did read some of the spoilers of what's going to happen this season. I know I shouldn't but it's just too tempting! :p ;)

Is anyone here a fan of the old Degrassi Jr. High and Sr. High when Snake and Spike and the other adults were younger? I've never seen them, but I guess my dad used to watch it and he said it's pretty good. The first season of DJH came out in the beginning of February so I'm kinda excited to watch that. :)

02-19-2005, 01:43 PM
It must be different up here. Maybe because it's a Canadian show and I'm in Canada, we get the new epsiodes first. Because I watched those same episodes months ago.

I'm not a big fan of the show. I watch it sometimes. I find alot of the drama very amusing lol. I liked the old Degrassi better. They always brought it in to our family life classes and made us watch episodes that pertained to sex and whatnot. I remember the one where Spike got pregnant. And there was this one where a girl was wearing a bra for the first time. I thought the show was funny lol.