View Full Version : I'm Such A Klutz

02-18-2005, 06:14 PM
...:rolleyes: Today at lunch (at school) my friends and I were hanging out in one of the classrooms and I tripped over a chair. Somehow I spun myself around trying to get my balance but I fell backwards and hit my head with full force into the corner of one of the desks... :o

My friends think I may have been uncontious for a few seconds, I'm not sure, I don't recall. Anyways LOL I have a huge lump of the back of my head now and a bad head ache. My Mom came and picked me up and rushed me to the doctors office and he said I've got a borderline head concussion and to take it easy this weekend. I unfortunatly had a BIG rabbit show that I've been looking forward to for 2 years... so it looks like I probably won't make it now. :(

Anyways, just thought I'd share my funny storey! Don't you hate the awkward teen years? :p My Mom calls me a walking klutz, I seem to trip over anything that comes into my path! Hee hee!

02-18-2005, 06:22 PM
{{{Big Hugs}}} for you!

Make sure you follow doctors orders. I'm sorry about the rabbit show. Don't feel bad at being a klutz! I'm the same way and can't even use the awkward teen year as an excuse. ;)

Take care of yourself.

Robin :)

Laura's Babies
02-18-2005, 06:27 PM
Awwwwww! I HOPE you weren't chewing gum too!

When I saw the name of this thread, I thought my daughter had made it... She does that kind of thing too...

02-18-2005, 07:14 PM
(((HUGS))) I'm very sorry you can't go to your rabbit show :(

This reminds me of something that happened to me.... I was walking to 3rd period once and I just tripped for no reason, I have no idea what I tripped on, but anyway, I crashed into someone on my way down, and then I was laying there in the middle of the walkway, and everyone was staring at me. It was so so embarrasing :o:p

Feel better soon!!

02-18-2005, 07:29 PM
Not laughing at you,, but with you..

im the same way. but i dont trip much. just do other really dumb things. like slam doors on my fingers. or fall down stiars :eek:

heck just the oother day i jammed my fingers on a stupid cart in the store.. :rolleyes:

and my teen years are SUPPOSED to be gone.. im 23 now..LOL

Aspen and Misty
02-18-2005, 11:17 PM
Aww ::hugs::

Next year when the show rolls around make sure to wear a helmet for 2 weeks before hand! ;)

I hope you get better soon!


02-19-2005, 02:27 AM
awwwwww! I had a concussion after I hit my head while snowboarding.. no fun. :(

I have to share my little story too.. I was such a klutz at work today. I was making bubble tea and while I was reaching for the tea, I tipped over the shaker. And not long after that, the lid of a juice container fell off while I was pouring. And not even a minute after that, my co-worker tripped and spilled milk. It was hillarious! :D