View Full Version : The earlier consternation

02-17-2005, 08:59 AM
I have done quite a bit of investigation into the matter regarding TheBlob24, DogLover9501, and all the hullabaloo from this weekend.

Regarding the unfortunate incident earlier this week, if you don't know what I am talking about, you can skip this thread, as the thread and account that initially caused the trouble have been deleted, so I cannot point you to them.

I know believe the following occurred:

Someone got or guessed DogLover9501's Pet Talk password, and/or the password to her hotmail email account. Then that person, who shall remain nameless, used that information to both impersonate her and caused trouble on Pet Talk.

I now believe that DogLover9501 was not at fault.

The lesson we should all take from this is to be aware that this can happen. Change your account password from time to time, just in case.

The person whom I suspect of causing this trouble has not been back to Pet Talk since, and will be carefully monitored if s/he chooses to return. As I have no absolutely definitive proof, I will not publicly post a name.

The further lesson is that, if you ever have a problem with a Pet Talk member, which "TheBlob" purported to. Do not register a new name just to criticize and think you will be taken seriously. The right thing to do in that situation is to contact Paul or myself. Let us moderate the situation.

02-17-2005, 09:15 AM
As someone who works in the IT department...a word about passwords.

Your password should contain a combination of capital and small letters, digits, and special characters.

For example....
Don't use your spouse's name or your pets name. Instead something like these are much more secure...


I know these passwords are long, but they are much harder to decipher and they are "cookied" so you only have to type it in once.

02-17-2005, 09:21 AM
Thank you for following up, Karen. I know Robyn feels vindicated and I'm glad about that. :)

02-17-2005, 09:22 AM
I'm glad to hear that because I really found it hard to believe it was her. Also, I feel that you should pm her and tell her who it was. She deserves to know that.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-17-2005, 09:37 AM
I, too, am glad to hear it wasn't Robyn. Like I said in the deleted post, I had never seen any such type of behavior from her and I would have been shocked if it was her.

Robyn, I hope you see this soon and don't leave PT. We need more pics of the adorable Tigger and beautiful Emma! :)

Lilith Cherry
02-17-2005, 10:31 AM
I am so glad for Robyn that this was cleared up! We all know you are a nice person !

02-17-2005, 10:41 AM
Thank God I missed the whole thing! I know Robyn is a sweet and caring person.

Robyn, you come back and continue posting about those adorable furbabies of yours, you are missed!


02-17-2005, 11:23 AM
Good to know, thanks Karen

02-17-2005, 11:23 AM
Thank you Karen. I just knew it wasn't Robyn since she has always been a sweet and wonderful (and moved loved) member of PT. I hope she stays and continues to post on and on!

02-17-2005, 11:23 AM
I agree that Robyn is a very sweet girl. I've never seen anything that was mean from her, ever.

I hope she wasn't so offended that she's not coming back. :(

02-17-2005, 11:29 AM

I think there are some apologies to be had.

Originally posted by slick
Your password should contain a combination of capital and small letters, digits, and special characters.

Of course I use digits, how else do you think I type?;) :confused: :D

02-17-2005, 11:40 AM
It's been a really long and hard few days, it still feels like all of this hasn't "sank in".

Karen, thank you so much for sorting this out.

Originally posted by slick
As someone who works in the IT department...a word about passwords.

Your password should contain a combination of capital and small letters, digits, and special characters.

For example....
Don't use your spouse's name or your pets name. Instead something like these are much more secure...


I know these passwords are long, but they are much harder to decipher and they are "cookied" so you only have to type it in once.

I figured out that those were all my exact problems, Debbie(sirrahbed) and I talked about it on the phone, and I've always heard that you shouldn't use simple passwords, and you shouldn't use the same password for everything, yet I've done that my entire life, that is definatly changed now!

Also, Karen do I have to keep using this new account?

02-17-2005, 12:17 PM
No, you can go back to the old one. I sent you mail to your gmail account!

02-17-2005, 12:26 PM
3 questions, not trying to cause trouble just trying to clear some things up that don't make sense to me...

If this person got into Robyns account intending to make her look bad and cause trouble, why did they make up a new username instead of using hers? :confused:

Can you fake an IP address? I thought (and I'll admit I'm not too keen on technical stuff ) that the IP address came from your actual computer, not like a user ID or email...

Did they hack into her messenger account too? Because some people talked with her on aim or yahoo...

02-17-2005, 12:29 PM
I'll answer those in a PM.

02-17-2005, 12:37 PM
I'm so glad to hear it wasn't Robyn. I was shocked when she got the blame, because I had never seen any such thing coming from her. I had always thought of Robyn to be a very sweet person. I'm glad its been cleared. I honestly feel uncomfortable though, now that we're not going to be told who it is...because if someone had the guts to do something this bad, I feel we should know who we can't trust. That being said, I understand you cannot say when you're not positively sure. I just hope whoever it is comes out from hiding and apologizes to Robyn, Kay, and everyone on Pet Talk.

02-17-2005, 01:18 PM
I'm not sure if I believe this or not.

It's hard to figure out WHAT to believe on this site anymore.

I really would like to know WHO you think it is now, though, as I believe I do have that right in a way.

02-17-2005, 01:37 PM
I am glad Karen you have managed to sort this out, Poor Robyn she would have been beside herself, I can only imagine how I would feel if this were happening to me.

Whoever the culprit is SHAME ON YOU.:(

02-17-2005, 02:52 PM
Kay, if you can't believe Karen's post, you probably don't need to stay here. Come on! She wouldn't post this if she didn't have her facts straight! This disappoints me terribly.

02-17-2005, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Logan
Kay, if you can't believe Karen's post, you probably don't need to stay here. Come on! She wouldn't post this if she didn't have her facts straight! This disappoints me terribly.

Um, thanks Logan.

She told me that it was Robyn to begin with, and now she's saying it's not. WHAT am I supposed to believe on here anymore?

I certainly can't believe you'd say something like that to me or anyone, that's for sure.

I guess quite a few people "don't need to stay here" because there's a lot that aren't quite sure about this.

I'm sure if the things that were said about me were said about you you'd completely understand, but it wasn't and you don't.

02-17-2005, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Logan
Kay, if you can't believe Karen's post, you probably don't need to stay here. Come on! She wouldn't post this if she didn't have her facts straight! This disappoints me terribly.

I'm honestly not sure if I believe it either, so should I leave too??

02-17-2005, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I'm honestly not sure if I believe it either, so should I leave too??

Same here. :(

The whole darned thing makes me sad, mad and disappointed.

Aspen and Misty
02-17-2005, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I'm honestly not sure if I believe it either, so should I leave too??



02-17-2005, 04:14 PM
One bad thing happens and everyone is in a tizzy????

It seems to me that Karen as moderator jumped right on it, sorted it out, deleted the threads and posted this thread for everyone to read and then understand.

You don't know what to believe anymore? Do you think Karen would post things that are not true? She and Paul own this site - I would think they would want to maintain the integrity of this site at all costs.

There are so many valuable members here.......people are making lifelong friends here..........we are all helping each other.

A bad apple is just that - a bad apple........Karen found it and removed it.

Don't let this one thing ruin your whole experience here. There is so much more going on here than some garbage postings - don't miss those threads!

Unless of course, all you want to do is cause even more trouble!
I sure hope that isn't the case.

02-17-2005, 04:22 PM
Very well said, Gini. :)

02-17-2005, 04:27 PM
As I said, the things that were said were personal things about my dogs and myself - should I sit back and not care?

It's not just this. It's as if people DON'T CARE that rude things were said about me. It seems as if people think I'M the one at fault here. There's many things that have been said/done that have been untruthful.

I don't think Karen would post things untrue, and I hope she wouldn't. But she told me one thing, and now it's another.
What am I to believe? So many people here have LIED and said untrue things in the past, they all just pile up and it's weird not knowing what to believe on a site that you've basically grown up on, and used to believe and trust in everyone.
It's majorly wierd and majorly disappointing.

I've made many life-long friends here and I KNOW I can count on and trust them. I know that from every bit in my heart. They have never once lied to me.

Again, as I said, I guess you all wouldn't understand as nothing that was said or done was directed towards you, but I wish everyone were capable of understanding and respecting where exactly i'm coming from.

02-17-2005, 05:26 PM
Logan, that's the second time you've disappointed me. That's all I'm saying on that. I, too, would like the answers to Amy's questions. Amy, can you pm me with the answers? I didn't think IPs could be faked. I'm just so sick of all the drama here lately. Guess I should leave, too.

02-17-2005, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by slick


:eek: :eek:

02-17-2005, 05:44 PM
Kay not to start any thing here but I beleve Karen said she thought it was coming from robins(sp) account but if some one hacked it it did come from there but not from Robin. so both would be right.
I love all you young people I wish it could be Shagrali here but its a really bunch of people.
Karen thank you so much for acting so fast to fix this before more bad feelings happened.

02-17-2005, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by gini
You don't know what to believe anymore? Do you think Karen would post things that are not true? She and Paul own this site - I would think they would want to maintain the integrity of this site at all costs.

Karen herself says she believes she knows what happened, but that she has no proof one way or the other.

So by your reasoning, we're to follow Karen's beliefs and not have opinions of our own? Don't question, just agree and that's that? None of us said we don't believe Karen, just that we're not sure who the actual culprit was.

I only question it because of some curious circumstances. I see no reason why someone would “spoof” Robyn's IP address/steal her password, then come here, create a fake username, and post the way this person did. If this person's intentions were to hurt Robyn (why else would they use her IP?) why sign up under another username and post? Why not post as doglover9501, surely that would have incriminated her right away? If Robyn's just an innocent bystander and not the target, why not "spoof" Kay's address and post nasty thing under her username?

I don't know what actually happened, these are just questions in my mind. If Robyn didn’t do this, then yes, I feel horrible for her. The point is, no one knows, and I personally don’t know her well enough to say whether I believe her story or not.

02-17-2005, 05:48 PM
Kay I am so sorry to hear that nasty things were said about you, and of course one can understand how you would be feeling, personally I do take your feelings into account, but also Robyn's, I am not sure on all the details myself, therefore I am in no position to judge.

I am sure it is confusing for everyone especially kay, what exactly to believe, but I think we just have to try and put trust in someone somewhere.

I can only hope that Karen's findings are indeed right, it is a very sad thing to see this type of Rubbish happening on PT.

As I see it Both kay and Robyn have been victims here,and I feel for you both.

02-17-2005, 05:59 PM
I don't think we can blame anyone here for not being able to trust people anymore.

Let's put ourselves in Kay's shoes and see how she feels. Then let's say Robyn's not guilty of this as it seems to be now. Put yourselves in her shoes and see how she feels.

Personally, considering Robyn is innocent, I cannot even begin to imagine how she feels. KNOWING how Kay was suddenly personally abused by an unknown person, I also cannot begin to imagine the distrust SHE feels now. One cannot know until they're in the other person's shoes.

I do not doubt Karen on this in the least bit. I do feel she did the best she could. I know she has been investigating since it happened. Let's put ourselves in Karen's shoes too, and see how hard it must be to moderate all these people justly and fairly, especially when such things happen. I'm sure she doesn't want to make the mistake of blaming the wrong person.

No one's perfect. We all make mistakes. Considering the situation everyone affected is in, I cannot say who is right and who is wrong. I'm neutral on this issue. I say we should just let it go. YES I know its not easy for those affected, and it is terribly difficult to have someone accuse you and not know who it is, BUT...it might be impossible to positively know the real culprit behind this. It is a scary thought. I do not know if I can put my trust in everyone on PT anymore. I am grateful...SO grateful that I never gave my personal information openly on the board. I'm so glad I never got pressured into it. Why? I can now see that there ARE people here who are not to be trusted, and the sad thing is, we don't know who they are. I don't know if I'll ever be able to develop trust in a new person I meet online again. The people that I've come to trust on PT are people I'm grateful for, and people who have become my good friends. I 'know' I can fully trust them, but on the board...I really cannot trust people I don't know deeply enough. Its just too public here. You don't know who you're going to come across. Its a feeling that's the result of all this trouble that's been going on lately. Sad? Yes of course its sad...but its just how I feel now. I will always trust the PT'ers I have come to know deep down, but I'm not sure I will ever put my trust in anyone I haven't come to trust yet. Trust is one thing that's hard to put back together again once its broken.

PJ's Mom
02-17-2005, 06:06 PM
Why can't this be settled between Karen, Robyn and Kay? It's really none of our business anymore so I can't understand why some of you are demanding answers. It didn't happen to you...Kay was the victim here, and apparently so was Robyn. Let them sort it out with Karen. Kay can do what she likes with the information she gets. As popcornbird said, let it rest already. :)

02-17-2005, 07:45 PM
I'm really glad to hear that it wasn't Robyn after all, because I also would've never thought she'd do such a thing..

But I'm also confused as to how the person could get in and use her IP address:confused:

02-17-2005, 07:45 PM
Anybody who wants the ansers to Amy's questions can PM me, and I'll send it to you. I am trying VERY hard to end this issue. I will not lie. I am sending Kay another PM.

02-17-2005, 08:49 PM
Do you mind sending me the answers to Amy's questions, too?

02-17-2005, 09:00 PM
I did.

Samantha Puppy
02-17-2005, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Anybody who wants the ansers to Amy's questions can PM me, and I'll send it to you. I am trying VERY hard to end this issue. I will not lie. I am sending Kay another PM. I'd like to hear, too...

Thanks. :)

02-17-2005, 09:11 PM
Folks, please PM me with the request, it's easier for everyone than having to read the same question and answer "send me?" "yup did" over and over. samantha Puppy, I'll PM you now.

02-17-2005, 09:22 PM
With all due respect for everyone here..........and not knowing where you live............it is 10:15 PM Karen's local time.

I betcha she would just love to go to bed and call it a night.

Unless..........could it be????? Karen is really just a robot and she CAN work 24/7...........never needs to eat, sleep, talk to her husband - pet Miss Hoppy:D :D

02-18-2005, 01:01 AM
All I want to say is:
Whoever did it shame on them.
And Kay has Karen ever failed you before?


02-18-2005, 02:41 AM
I feel so terrible about the whole thing.
Kay, I know your feelings as SO hurt right now. I hope that you know that noone here feels the way "theblob24" feels about you. You are caring, kind, compassionate. Dont let it get you down, It was just an immature attempt at hurting you and others. Dont let them spoil Pet Talk for you. You are too much of an asset to PT to let it bother you. *HUGS*

Karen, Thank yuo for trying to make Pet Talk an even more amazing place to be;) *HUGS*

And Lastly, Robyn, I am also so sorry you had to go through this. I do not believe it was you. I have never heard you make a rude comment towards anyone, anything. I hope that you also can get past this, and continue posting. I love your pets, and seeing them often. It will all work out in the end. I wouldnt let something so immature and stupid ruin Pet Talk for me. It is a wonderful place, and soon all will be forgotten by most. Keep your hopes up, and keep looking into who would do this, and just know that no matter what, we still love ya;) *HUGS*

02-18-2005, 05:46 AM
My point, yesterday, to you, Kay, was that I trust Karen and I was surprised that you would insinuate that she might be lying. If you can't trust the moderator of the group, then who can you trust? I'm sorry if I disappointed any of you. It wasn't my intention.

02-18-2005, 05:49 AM
I don't know the whole story...and don't need to. I am just going to trust that Karen has it under control the best she can and that PT life will go on the way it was intended...

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-18-2005, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by GraciesMommy
I don't know the whole story...and don't need to. I am just going to trust that Karen has it under control the best she can and that PT life will go on the way it was intended...

I don't understand the situation either. But I trust Karen in this!
I'd like to advize anyone 1 thing: Forget about it, and relax!:)

02-18-2005, 08:14 AM
I wish this would all stop. I hate all this fussing.

All I know is that I hate seeing my friend's feelings hurt. I don't understand why people feel the need to do that.

I don't normally post in these kinds of things, but I know people are hurting and I hate to see that happen here.

02-18-2005, 08:27 AM
I think it is FAR EASIER for all of us to forget this, than it would be for Kay. SHE was the one someone talked poorly of, not us. It is always easier to walk away from something when you don't have a horse in the race.

I don't blame Kay for her feelings. Not one bit. Having said that, Kay, you are WAY too much of a respected PTer to let one bad apple get to you. I do know you are hurt, I would be too. No one likes to be attacked, personally. BUT, I hope you know that there is a HUGE majority that doesn't think one iota less of you or your trio based on what anyone else might say. K, Kay?

Love you!

ps- I do place my trust in Karen, completely. While maybe she spoke prematurely, at one point, after a full investigation, if this is the result, I am a believer.

Laura's Babies
02-18-2005, 08:31 AM
I missed it all but I don't like that kind of stuff anyway...

I DO wonder WHY people like to cause problems like that for other people, why can't they let people be and let life go along as it was meant to! They WILL get what they have coming one day... I find God has a strange sense of humor and He seen all, no bad deed goes un-noticed.

But I have LEARNED and changed my password, something I would not have done had I not seen this thread..

02-18-2005, 08:37 AM
I really like what Johanna said. I hope you are listening to how much people care about you Kay. You certainly are a very well respected PTer. You know I love you and the muttlies please don't let some idiot make you forget about all the people who care about you!

Hugs...Robin :)

02-18-2005, 10:03 AM
I have not replied, because I wasn't sure how or what to say, as I did not see the original insulting posts, just a bit of the confusion the next day.
I think if I could have put in into words, my feelings would echo Johanna's. Well said!

Samantha Puppy
02-18-2005, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies

I DO wonder WHY people like to cause problems like that for other people, why can't they let people be and let life go along as it was meant to! They WILL get what they have coming one day... I find God has a strange sense of humor and He seen all, no bad deed goes un-noticed. Because some people have no life and their "fun" is to cause problems for other people. That's why hackers and computer virus creators exist. They are losers with a sad, sad existence and try to spread their misery among as many people as possible. They just don't realize how much more pathetic it makes them.

02-18-2005, 02:39 PM
Interesting thread and responses.

Us guys will just beat the crap out of each other, then go out and grab a beer.

On the internet it's a little different. We'd toss a few eff bombs each other's way and then email porn websites to each other..

I can't believe all this over some characters that appear on a phosphorescent tube....If you know it's not true why make a big deal out of it????

So someone said something bad about me???

I guess I'll have to change my name, sell my belongings and move to a place where no one knows me and start all over again.

My cat was insulted too!!!

I guess since he understands every word that he reads on the internet - he's damaged beyond all repair.

Trust me, If you think someone tossing some stupid email your way is the end of your planet, lock yourself in your room and have your meals brought in.

One day someone will come up to you and say it to your face.

And on that day you'll be able to put a face to the 'voice' and then you'll meet, in person, someone who really doesn't like you.

Here's a tip about the stuff you see online.

Only worry about it if it's a sporting event that you have wagered on-and the score ain't going your way.


There is an old adage that goes something like this-

If no one is writing about you, you ain't news.

There are some newspapers that I'm just not interested in.


When I get consternated I just eat more fiber.


PJ's Mom
02-18-2005, 02:55 PM
LOL Richard. Well said. I was gonna say something along the same lines...since I only belong to boards consisting of mostly guys. (except this one) You don't see this kind of thing there, but since I'm a woman, I chose to remain silent. :D

02-18-2005, 02:59 PM
I didn't find it that amusing.

Thanks Richard, I can always count on you to be so supporting.

02-18-2005, 03:14 PM
While I empathize with Kay's pain and hurt and am glad to see that many are reaching to her in kindness...I suspect other folks may have been also hurt by whatever was said by the individual who made up the false account and impersonated another. Kay - I am not minimizing what has happened to you - I really do feel sad for you...

But, do some of you also understand the pain that young Robyn (DogLover9501) suffered through quite silently? She was fearful that she was to be banned for something she knew nothing about and sat by while her reputation was discussed and evaluated. She trusted Karen to find the truth and I believe that has been done.

I spoke with her while she was still in the dark about what had happened and was waiting hopefully for her name to be cleared and the truth to be found. She was in contact with Karen and trusted her to investigate. At her saddest, her concern was for her friends and whoever was hurt in her name She stays outside of the General discussions for the most part and I don't believe she has ever taken part in anything controversial or unpleasant - preferring to quietly post pictures of her pets and read the threads in Dog & Cat General.

It really seems to me that she needs some apologies from several folks here. I read some very ugly things said to her by some whom believed she was the culprit. If you can't apologize publicly - then how about privately?? Thanks...

Thank you to those who have already put in a kind word for Robyn and/or PM'd her privately - she told me last night that those words of support have carried her along through this. She is doing OK because she knows that she has done nothing wrong.

*edited for terrible spelling - sheesh! I taught English but still don't spell well when I am feeling sad or passionate about something....

02-18-2005, 03:36 PM
Robyn has heard those words from me, privately. Perhaps I need to reach out to others, too, which I haven't done, privately, but have done publically.

Debbie, you have been a true friend to Robyn through all of this mess, and I'm glad you were there. Many of us were probably PM'd her at her original address on Pet Talk and she was never seeing it because she had a new nickname and was told not to check the one we knew.

I choose no sides in this whole thing, except against the person who caused the trouble to start with. I couldn't "see" Robyn doing such an injustice to others in the way it was described. I just didn't want to see Robyn, Kay or Karen treated so poorly in the responses of others. I probably should have kept my mouth shut, and in hindsight, I would have. Hope they all understand where I was coming from. I know Robyn understands and I hope that Kay does too.


02-18-2005, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I didn't find it that amusing.

Thanks Richard, I can always count on you to be so supporting.

I'm sorry that you were made to feel even worse now Kay :(

For those of you who didn't see the thread, it was HORRIBLE! I am 26 years old and would have been in tears if those things were said about me. Of course her dogs' feelings aren't hurt, but don't you think HER feelings get hurt when her precious babies are being critcized? She was also personally attacked in a horrific way.

Robyn is lucky to have Karen post in her defense. While the hurtful words are still ringing in Kay's head, Kay will have a much tougher time getting over this :(

02-18-2005, 04:01 PM
Aly, my post was not meant to be "in Robyn's defense."
It was simply the truth of the whole matter.

I try very hard to moderate and not "take sides," which I'm sure you did not mean to imply.

Feeling were hurt on both sides, and will take time to heal.

May the healing begin!

02-18-2005, 04:09 PM
Thats what I meant, Karen. That you clarified the situation for Robyn.

I've been using bad wording on things all week and not portraying the right messages :o :o :o

I'm sorry. I can't even find the right words to say what I meant, but I think you know! Right? :p

02-18-2005, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
You don't see this kind of thing there, but since I'm a woman, I chose to remain silent. :D

I see you enjoy the benefits of fiber, too!:cool:

02-18-2005, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by aly
Thats what I meant, Karen. That you clarified the situation for Robyn.

I've been using bad wording on things all week and not portraying the right messages :o :o :o

I'm sorry. I can't even find the right words to say what I meant, but I think you know! Right? :p

Yup! We all have "words not mouth coming of out right" days! Guess it applies to keyboards, too.

And, Richard? I have had to stand between two "boys" (neither of them Paul, don't worry) so they wouldn't do MORE violence toward each other AFTER the beers have sunk in. So while you may think "men" do disagreements better, I do not beg to differ on that, I just DO differ!

02-18-2005, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Karen
And, Richard? I have had to stand between two "boys" (neither of them Paul, don't worry) so they wouldn't do MORE violence toward each other AFTER the beers have sunk in. So while you may think "men" do disagreements better, I do not beg to differ on that, I just DO differ!

I never said men do disagreements "better", they are just more decisive and get the nitty gritty out of the way faster, not smarter, faster.

Not a proponent of fighting to solve anything....Just weary at the time and effort wasted on frivolous arguements and petty incidents.

My mom said it best-

Hurt feelings never killed anyone.

And then, there is-

If someone tries to hurt you with words, show then how hurt you are by ignoring them and living your own life.

But her best, by far......

If you are suffering from consternation, try olive oil.

;) :confused: :eek: :)

PJ's Mom
02-18-2005, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
I see you enjoy the benefits of fiber, too!:cool:

Indeed. The olive oil works wonders. :D

Seriously, maybe the people whose feelings got hurt need to step back and think of people like Randi who have a whole lot more to worry about than someone saying something mean to them.

Let it go. It could be worse.

02-18-2005, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom

Seriously, maybe the people whose feelings got hurt need to step back and think of people like Randi who have a whole lot more to worry about than someone saying something mean to them.

A whole giant post from me and you hit it in one sentence.....

AMEN......'nuff said.

02-18-2005, 04:37 PM
To let you know, i've been grieving for Randi, not knowing what to say.

I've even felt bad for feeling the way I have for the past few month or so because of Randi and her situation. Maybe I should suck it up, maybe I shouldn't care, but the point is I DO. And that should be enough. I've felt like CRAP this year. This year has not been happy for me, and this has just loaded on top of it.

Sorry my feelings aren't worthy enough for you, but you'll NEVER know until you're in my shoes.

I highly doubt you'd want someone to say "get over it", "step back", or something along those lines when you haven't been feeling well.

Thank you to those of you whom have been supportive... I really do appreciate it. :(

02-18-2005, 04:44 PM
QUOTE]Originally posted by Logan
Robyn has heard those words from me, privately. [/QUOTE]

I appreciate it it Logan. Robyn said that lots of folks were very kind to her! Your words and others, both publicly on this thread and privately are what helped her get through this.

My plea is to those who discussed her guilt, suggested she was lying and still did not believe her innocence after Karen tried to impartially state what she had discovered. DogLover9501 is back on her original account and quite reachable now. Please, focus your anger on the one who did these things to Kay and anyone else who may have been maligned.

I suppose it is time for *me* to put this behind. It is my mother-heart that aches for Robyn. She is really doing quite well and I find her to be a healthy, resiliant and strong young woman. Had I been the one accused, I am not sure I would have coped as well - and I am an adult.

02-18-2005, 07:29 PM
Kay I understand what you are saying, and just want you to know, your feelings are important to me as are Robyn's, this is not the first time I have seen you go through stuff like this, and it is sad, take care Sweetie and giant Hugs to you.:)

4 Dog Mother
02-18-2005, 09:31 PM
Some people are more sensitive to things people say. It is easy for others to say ignor it, get over it, move on. But when you are having a tough time, when you are already not feeling the greatest about things in your life, the last thing you need is someone saying mean and cruel things about you and your pets.

I have done a lot of work with Marriage Enrichment. In one of the talks, there is a saying feelings are not right or wrong they just are. None of us can tell Kay how she should feel right now. I am 53 years old and it has taken a long time for me to not take to heart things people say - I don't care what anyone says about words, not hurting you - they do. Kay needs to be given the time and space SHE needs to work through this hurt.

I hope and pray that she will be able to do this and remain a part of Pet Talk. She will be missed by many if she decides to leave.

02-18-2005, 09:47 PM
4 Dog Mother you said exactly what I was thinking, but unable to put in such words, I agree with you 100 per cent.:)