View Full Version : Porr kitty:(

02-17-2005, 01:59 AM
Me and my mother were on our way home from the grocery store on Tuesday night, and a little orange kitten ran in front of our car. Luckily, I saw him in time for my mother to swerve and miss him.
We got out of the car, and called "here kitty kitty" and the baby just ran up to us meowing. I saw a flea collar on him, so I looked at it and it had a number wrote in ink on it. We got on the cell and called the number, and got the address to where the woman/owner resided. It was like 2 busy streets over, and about 2 acres of woods between the road and her house.
We brought the baby, named Pumpkin to his owner. Needless to say, I was SO mad that she would let such a tiny kitten roam freely outside, around 9:30 at night, AND it was appearent he was outside awhile, because he was so far from home. He could not have been more than 10-12 weeks.
I told her, nicely/calmly that it was NOT a good idea to leave her kitten outside, in the cold, with just a flea collar on, and with a busy street across from her house.She "said" that he has never traveled that far before*like she would know being INSIDE the house instead of supervising his outdoor adventures*. She agreed it wasnt smart and took Pumpkin inside. I felt a little better (and yes I know I should mind my own business, but I just cant help it, it was a stupid thing for her to do) So earlier today, my mother went to the gas station and on the way there she saw him on the side of the road, hit by a car:( She said she was not sure it was him. because she just could not stop, but she said it was exactly where we found him last time, and even had a collar on:( He had crossed the 2 busy streets and woods again. I know this is wrong, but that night I thought "she cant care about this kitten, or she would atleast supervise him, or bring him in after dark!" And I almost just brought him home with to keep, but I felt that was wrong and would be stealing. Now I wish I would have. :( It just makes me sick and angry. Poor baby Pumpkin:(
Please pray that if it was him, or even if it wasnt , that he has a good time in the RB:(

02-17-2005, 02:37 AM
Oh! How very sad:(

You did exactly the right thing by bringing him back to the owner and trying to give her some good advice. I am so sorry that it may be that she let little Pumpkin outside and that he was hit by a car:( Even if it was not Pumpkin - still sorry!

But, you may have made a difference to this woman in the way she treats kitties in the future, after being warned and then losing her kitty!:(

I think you did what was the best you could do. Pumpkin had a collar and name and so you trusted that the owner was more responsible.

Thank you SO much for caring about this litle kitty and I know Pumpkin (or whoever that baby was) is now happy at RB. Also, this kitty had at least one person (you) who really cared for his/her welfare.

Higs, Debbie

02-17-2005, 06:35 AM
Stupid irresponsible pet owner! :mad: :mad:I wouldn't have given him back. That idiot certainly didn't have a clue, especially after it's happened before!! I pray that the next time you see him won't be dead on the side of the road! :(

Thanks for caring so much!! You're a sweetie!

02-17-2005, 07:08 AM
:mad: They should see what a sqaushed kitten looks like. Perhaps they'll remember that the next time they adopt a kitten and let it roam.

I know that some places its common for cats to be indoor/outdoor. But they always wait til the cat is many months old and trained to not wander far and to not go near the roads.

Rie Rie
02-17-2005, 07:42 AM
OH, that makes me so mad. I think I would have gone back to her house and asked if her kitty was home and if not, tell her it was on the side of the road, DEAD!!!! Stupid lady!!!!

02-17-2005, 08:19 AM
Some People,have not been rauised,to treat Pets,withcare,and that is awful,that that Little Orange Kitten,had ,to pay,for tthier stupigdity.Dont feel Guilty,as most people,would assume,that if they had a collar,with an address,that someonecared,for this Kitten.He is,at the Rainbow Bridge,having his introductory Welcoming Breakfast,and will soon,be An Eternal Pet Talker Kitten Angel.

Laura's Babies
02-17-2005, 09:20 AM
Gosh Rie, you and I think to much alike.... I would have went streight back to that house and told her "I think your kitty is dead on road "such & such.. If you didn't want him, you should have let me have him before he got KILLED!"..

02-17-2005, 01:02 PM
Oh Katie, don't blame yourself! You did what you could do, and it was left in the hands of the STUPID owner! :mad:

Play hard at the bridge baby Pumpkin.:(

((((HUGS)))) Katie

02-17-2005, 02:57 PM
I agree, What a stupid lady! she does not deserve to have animals! You did the right thing.

Originally posted by Rie Rie
OH, that makes me so mad. I think I would have gone back to her house and asked if her kitty was home and if not, tell her it was on the side of the road, DEAD!!!! Stupid lady!!!!

02-17-2005, 04:42 PM
Nope...with me regardless of if he had a collar on, I'm sorry, but a 10 week old kitten would NOT have gone back to that person. If he was near her yard, then yes, but so far from home no way! :mad: He would have gone *POOF* and that would have been that. You were a dear to bring the kitten back to her, and don't blame yourself at all please. I agree that the dead kitten should be showed to her. It may make her rethink the next one she sends off to it's death. :( Bless you for caring for the baby in his short lifetime.

02-18-2005, 01:47 AM
I can not help but feeling guilty. I HATE this feeling.
Me and my mother drove by the road tonight, on the way to the store, and the kitten(whether is was Pumpkin or not) and the kitten had been moved from the side of the road. I just wish I would have done more.
My mom was going to stop the other night(to see if it was him and tell the owner if so), but she is like me, and gets very terribly upset, like me when it comes to the death of animals.
I just dont know what to do.
Do you guys think I should go talk to the lady, or should I just let it go. I do not want to cause any problems, but I just feel so bad about this whole thing. Any advice?
PS- Next time I see a baby outside with a collar, I am going to keep it, until I can find a nice indoor only home for it. They just dont deserve it! I thought when I found this kitty that maybe it snuck out of the door by mistake, I just did not want to steal a kitten, just incase it was an accident and not purposely. And then again, I did not want the owner to get another kitten once this one disappeared:(
Thank you all for the wonderful hugs, and for the encouraging words. It means so much;)

02-18-2005, 09:08 AM
It's an awful sight seeing a helpless baby dead, but it wasn't in any way your fault. I would tell the woman, though you have no physical evidence anymore. Sometimes seeing is believing, and would have maybe jarred her enough to not let the next one out. It may have been a different kitten as well, but it seems too coincidental. :(

02-18-2005, 01:14 PM
Katie, you did the right thing. Maybe you should go tell the lady - but only if you feel safe doing so. I'm sorry about Pumpkin. Tad and I tried to catch a calico last night but it ran off. Don't feel guilty - you did the right thing.

Love, Tina