View Full Version : What is wrong with me?

02-16-2005, 11:23 AM
I'm posting this in hopes of some possible insight, or maybe at least some commiseration :p.

I don't know what is wrong with me lately. I think for about the past two weeks I have been this way and it only seems to be increasing. I'm having more and more trouble concentrating, getting things done, and making decisions. I'm having trouble word-finding, sometimes suddenly can't remember how to spell a simple word or mathematical problem. I was so embarrassed and distressed last week when for some reason I could NOT remember what 9 x 7 was, and ended up having to pull out my calculator to be sure. I am having a terrible time making decisions, and when I do I keep going back and second-guessing, questioning, and wondering if it was the right one, even simple decisions that don't really have much impact.

I am generally a pretty focused and goal-oriented person, but the past two weeks I just cannot seem to "get it together." I'm spending a couple hours longer than usual with work every day lately because I keep getting distracted or don't get started until later in the morning than usual. Every night when I go to bed I think to myself, tomorrow I will really pull it together and be more focused, but it's just not happening. I also feel more worn out lately. I know something is going on when I find myself unable to even really concentrate on my book when I read at night, because I have always been a very avid reader and get fully immersed in books.

I do not feel particularly down or anxious, but I do have a feeling of just general burnout. The only thing I can think of is spring/cabin fever and restlessness from that. I really get discouraged when at the end of the day I realize I didn't accomplish half the things I wanted to. I just want to get out of this rut and I'm not sure how. :(

02-16-2005, 11:29 AM
I'm sorta feeling the same way, so I'm beginning to think it's a 'spring fever'.

I can't focus at work and I give myself a list of things to do when I get home, except I'll just flop on the couch and do nothing till I go to bed. :(

I need to get motivated.


02-16-2005, 11:38 AM
Funny...I'm feeling the same way too. There's so much I have to do with work/school/home and like you two, I just don't want to do anything.

We need help with motivation...its so wierd, I'm so not like this, ever!

02-16-2005, 11:42 AM
I have to say that I feel just you all do right now, and I too am not usually like this.
I didn't even think of cabin fever, by golly it probably is related as I hate winters! LOL
I hope that we can all get our stuff together & get back on track soon.

02-16-2005, 11:47 AM
Well it's a relief I'm not the only one :). It also makes me think even more that it may be cabin fever. I do really crave going out and hiking in the woods and messing around in the yard with the plants and such. I guess I am having a really hard time getting motivated because I just feel so burned out on the routine. When I think about what I'd really crave right now more than anything it would be spring time with the plants all coming up and the trees budding out, and about a week off of work. :D

02-16-2005, 11:51 AM
I hear ya! I long for the days where I can take Kia out in just my pajamas and slippers. :D :o

I'm getting tired of bundling up..... :rolleyes:

02-16-2005, 11:55 AM
I know what you mean. That is one reason I have been away from Pet Talk for so long. I just could not for the life of me think of anything to say! So I just took a break and just lurked and for awhile, then stayed completely away. I am still having a hard time voicing what I want to say, but I keep trying.

I hope you get to feeling better soon, all of you.


02-16-2005, 12:41 PM
Spring is coming, ladies!!! Hang in there!!!!!! :)

02-16-2005, 12:48 PM
Hey Jess, Roger hasn't let any cold weather get him down. You won't be able to see him, but you can certainly hear him! I just posted another "singing" session in Pet General. :)


Samantha Puppy
02-16-2005, 12:58 PM
I'm thinking Spring Fever too. I've been making stupid mistakes like horrible grammatical and spelling errors when I'm usually meticulous with that stuff. I leave out words so the meaning of the sentence is completely altered. I can't remember how to spell certain words. I say stupid things like "Like the plates clean" instead of "lick".

At work, I haven't been able to concentrate worth anything. I get easily distracted. I am on a crazy deadline for stuff at my one office but I can't focus and get done entering the data to save my life.

I think it's Spring Fever, even though I'm hoping to have one more big snow before the warm weather arrives.

02-16-2005, 06:18 PM
I have to say, it's definately not just you. I feel like I never get anything done here lately and I just don't have the "oomph" to do it either.
Spring will be here soon thank goodness, and I hope that's all it is for you too is spring fever:)

02-16-2005, 06:32 PM
That sounds alot like what's happening to me! The doctor thinks I have ADD, and my counsellor thinks I have a learning disorder, so now I have to go to a pshychiatrist and see what's wrong. My only problem with that is, another of my symptoms is procrastination. I was told to see a psychiatrist in early January. Still haven't gone! :o

Hope you can get it together soon! I know that feeling of going to bed at night and thinking that you will acomplish all of your goals the next day, but never end up doing much of anything. It sucks!

02-16-2005, 06:34 PM
I must have it, too. I can't seem to get motivated at all and there are lots of things to be done. Can't be the weather because it's been nice down here. Hope it goes away soon. Good luck with yours. Also, just recently, I've had trouble typing. Been hitting lots of the wrong letters like they're mixed up in my head or something. Maybe it's just getting older? Makes me feel weird, though, as I've never had that problem.

02-16-2005, 06:36 PM
LOL!!! I guess we're all feeling that way right now. It must be the weather. I've been feeling really 'unfocused' lately too. Its weird. I just can't get myself to do the things I 'need to', and its getting frustrated. I want to make myself more active again...somehow, but I feel so drained right now and don't know why. Hopefully as the days get longer and spring arrives, we'll all get back to being ourselves.

02-16-2005, 10:28 PM
Val, your weather may be warm/nice but I still wonder if after a few months of the shorter days and less hours of light it wouldn't have the same "winter" effect. It seems so many are experiencing similar 'symptoms' lately judging by the responses here. When I think about it, even in school I had a harder time focusing when it got towards the end of winter.

Jordan, if you have been having problems focusing for an extended period of time there could be something like ADD going on, but when I was a senior in high school I went through a similar phase that lasted most of my school year simply because I was just stressed and unhappy... if you have a lot going on in your life, it could be that too. Either way it probably couldn't hurt to make an appointment and see what the psychiatrist thinks.

I think just sharing this and knowing I'm not alone has helped me feel better about it all. Now maybe tomorrow I really WILL do better LOL :D

02-16-2005, 11:32 PM
Oh, geesh! I'm not the only one!

I have got NOTHING accomplished today.

I did about 10 minutes of homework and that's it.

Well, it's different for me I guess, this week I get off of school. But in the last little while, I've been doing nothing. What did I do today?

Got up. Brought Major in, walked him, fed him, ate oatmeal. After that, nothing important comes to mind. Then again around lunch time, I brought Major in again, and then went outside and ran around with him and played with him. Again, nothing important after that until around 4ish where I walked Major and played with him again. Then I talked on the phone. I fell asleep on the couch. I brought Major in, walked him again around 9ish and fed him again. Then I watched Lost at 10.

And I still have a big list of things that need to get done. Funnily enough, this is the same list I've had since Sunday, which only is getting bigger, never smaller as the days pass. There are things I NEED to do but I am so lazy and procrastinate all the time. The only thing I never slack off on is Major lol. I feel that spending time with him are checkpoints and I should be accomplishing things in between those. But I'm not, I'm being a lazy bum and going on the computer, eating, or sleeping. My, what an active life I lead. I need to get motivated. :o

02-17-2005, 12:03 AM
Being cooped up stinks. And all the temperature changes doesn't help. I know there's been studies on the effects of winter and the darkness and cold. Sure doesn't do a body good! Spring can't come soon enough! (and then MY excuse will be that's it's too nice to do anything but play outside with Logan). Seriously, I notice a behavior change in Logan too! She can't wait for the critters to emerge and stay outside late.