View Full Version : Smoochie

sasha the cat
02-14-2005, 11:36 PM
Oh! you are sooooooo adorable! My KatMa never had the pleasure of meeting a Hedgehog so it is nice for both of us to meet you today.

Your human is besotted by you [which is how it should be]. What a clever trick: aping your person by sticking your tongue out back at her!

Mew! I do hope your person did not "get rid of" other pets! The statement: "After going through so many kinds of animals ..." is very scary to comtemplate!

Live long, healthy, happy and cherished by your person. Have a fabulous day being our Pet of the Day.


02-15-2005, 01:34 AM
Oh my Smoochie, you are one adorable pet!! You sound very affectionte and a tad bit spoilted ;) I think its adorable how you hitch a ride in your mommies bag. I bet you love your wheel, its definitly sounds like a fun past time- and your mommy probly enjoys watching you having fun in it. I agree with your owner, Smoochie, you sound like a very unique pet {and a very special one} I can tell everyone around you takes an immediate love for you. You are a smart caring animal, and I can tell you have alot of spunk. Congratulations being pet of the day. You are a one of the kind pet, and the best friend anyone could as for.

Lots of hugs and kisses


02-15-2005, 08:54 AM
Darling Smoochie, your guardian stated at the beginning of your tribute that there were no words to describe his/her love for you, but I think he/she did a beautiful job explaining your bond and just how very special you are! There was definitely a connection the very first moment you met! And from then on, your love and companionship has only grown, and you are without a doubt the apple of your human's eye. It's not hard to see why Smoochie, just looking at your photo makes me want to give you smoochies on the nose :D. You are indeed a most precious and adorable girl, unique and brimming with personality and intelligence. I hope today is extra special, with lots of rides in your purse and filled with all of your very favorite hedgehog hors d'oeuvres. Congratulations Smoochie, our darling Pet of the Day!

02-15-2005, 12:39 PM
Oh Smoochie!!!:D What a precious little soul you are and SO very loved!:) You were the answer to your human's greatest wish, to at last find that one special creature that she/he could love unconditionally, always and forever, and have that love returned! It's not everyone who is so lucky to have their fondest wish fulfilled. But that's just what happened to your devoted guardian, the day you came into her life, Smoochie:) From day one, there was no doubt YOU were the one! What joy you bring to her life, every moment of every day! And how blessed you both are to have one another to love and cherish. And I too know exactly how you got your name...You're the most loving little furkid on the planet and you sure know how to "smooch!"!:D I just wish I could see you all curled up in your traveling purse, taking in the world. What a precious sight that must be:) I hope for you and your wonderful human many, many more years of friendship, love and happy times! Congratulations to you dear Smoochie, our most precious and deserving Pet of the Day!

02-15-2005, 12:57 PM
Your name certainly fits you. I'd love to give you a big old SMOOCHIE !!!
What a smile :D seeing your wonderful picture gave me today!
I'd love to see you play with your mommy!
Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Pet of the Day!:D