View Full Version : To my Valentine, Barbara......

02-14-2005, 10:43 PM
Well, as my mom says, it has been a rough week or so. We are still upset over the loss of our friend, Jonza. :( But we know he would want us to celebrate Valentine's Day in style, so I am a bit late, but I would wish you, Barbara, the very best Valentine's Day, ever. :)

I am being as sweet as I can be. I spent the day at Dr. Robinson's office on Friday because I had a new sore on my leg. :eek: I got a shot, and they told my mom if I weren't better today, then we should call them so I could take more medicine. My mom said "thank goodness" when she realized I was better and we didn't have to take any pills or medicine at home! :p

I love you, Barbara. Happy Valentine's Day to you!!!! :D


02-15-2005, 02:57 AM
My dearest Valentine Butter,
can you imagine- this year was the very first year in my life in which someone asked me to be his Valentine- and it was you Butter:)

I am deeply touched and send you thousands of kitty nosekissies.

I am also glad to hear your little leg is better and happy for you (and your mom) that you don't need more meds at the moment.

Hope you had a wonderful day.

Your human friend Barbara

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-15-2005, 03:37 AM
Awwwww, isn't this beautiful:) . A human and a cat: it is gift from life: you both are lucky!!!!

02-15-2005, 08:00 AM
You'd better tell Siegmar to get with the program, Barbara!!! :p My charming blue eyed boy has his eyes on you!!! :)

02-15-2005, 08:13 AM
After more than 25 years it might have happened that Siegmar takes me for granted. Maybe he needs a little stir by the blue eyed looks of a boy who could be a friend of my sons;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-15-2005, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
After more than 25 years it might have happened that Siegmar takes me for granted. Maybe he needs a little stir by the blue eyed looks of a boy who could be a friend of my sons;)

:D :D

Barbara, I also can't believe Siegmar never asked you to be his valentine! What is he thinking?

After being so crabby last week, Terry had lots of question marks on the card that was with my flowers. It went something like this;

Be my valentine? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

And he was quite happy when I said yes, even though he's a pain in the old behind sometimes, I would still be his valentine. ;) :D

02-15-2005, 09:51 AM
Okay okay, just kidding- around here Valentine's day was never known until maybe ten years ago (just like Halloween BTW). Now of course you see lots and lots of ads etc. I think it is cute and I am very happy that Filou and Tigris have Valentines but I am also very happy to have Siegmar. Everyone who ever met him thinks he is precious and so do I - even if I have to admit that he is not so much the flowers and jewelry guy:D

Sorry Butter I don't wanna hijack your thread- you are still my one and only Valentine;)