View Full Version : Sister's dog (part 2)

02-14-2005, 09:13 AM
Jake (her JRT) is going to his new home today. I found out that I actually have met the guy before. I guess he does stuff with the army or something and is a friend of my moms roommate. He seems like a good guy. Plus, he lives in the country and always wanted a JRT. He is going to get training for his behaviour problem and all that stuff. I know it's mean, but I'm kinda glad he is going to him. I think he'll have the lifestyle he NEEDS. Plus he has no kids and stuff..

So anyway, my sister and I are going to the HS today to look at dogs. I'm happy to say it seems she will listen to my opinion this time. I wanted her to get a golden (depending on the dogs there though) no younger then 5-6 months. (she said they want one 4-5months...close enough)

So anyway...I'm afraid cause there are a lot of YOUNG pups there. They really are ADORABLE....which I'm afraid she'll end up with that jsut cause they're small and cute (exactly what I DONT want her to do) I think her husband is going, and I hope he won't do that....he was the one who said 4-5 months. He seems more reasonable then my sis :rolleyes: Wish us luck at finding the perfect dog for her...


I hope someone will read this before I leave in an hour..but what do you tihnk of Collie mixes? Not sure there ARE goldens.. Are collies a good family breed? No mean? (like labs can have behavior problems maybe more then goldens)

02-14-2005, 10:59 AM
To me, Labs and Goldens have really, really similar personalities. I guess Labs do tend to be more active and oral as far as chewing goes, so maybe those are the types of behavioral problems you are referring to? I wouldn't rule out labs and lab mixes though. They are wonderful family dogs. I grew up with one as my first dog.

I think Collies are great dogs too. Basically, it boils down to individual personalities and the way the dogs were brought up. I'd just visit with as many dogs as possible and talk to the shelter workers to get as much background as possible on each dog.

If you're looking at dogs in the 4-6 month age range, they are still in their socialization window where you could pretty quickly help them out of problem behaviors/habits/fears/etc if they have any. I trained Lolly through a lot of problems at the age of 5 though, so it is possible any time. I wouldn't get hung up on trying to find a "perfect" dog from anywhere because no matter what, any dog will require at least a little training.

I'm sure you know all that. I'm just rambling :) Good luck!

02-14-2005, 11:49 AM
Good Luck with your sister today. I'm glad to hear that Jake is going to such a great man.

My only concern about a collie is the hair, there's a lot of it. A collie or anything with that thick coat will be a lot of grooming. Does your sister have time for that?

02-14-2005, 12:18 PM
Good luck to your sister in picking a family companion. :)

02-14-2005, 12:52 PM
Collies and Collie mixes can have high prey or herding drive. Many do think of hyper little kids as sheep, and will nip at them, which is the reason so many end up in shelters. On the other hand, many Collie mixes can be great with kids. Have the kids meet the dog at least once before adopting any dog, if the Collie shows herding instinct, or is fearful or stressed around the kids, that might not work out.

Also, remind your sister that a small mixed breed puppy can grow to be a very big adult dog. adult/young adults are usually the best way to go because you can predict growth and temperament.

good luck ;)

02-14-2005, 01:28 PM
I failed.

I wanted her to get an older dog, but it looks like she (and me too -_-) fell in love.

There were 3 ADORABLE lab/border collie pups. (mostly lab) about 6-7weeks old. All they have there is puppies really. But still, I held one of them, and it just cuddled into me. Soooooooooo precious! So it looks like she'll be getting a little labbie girl. They look just like Jo when she was a pup!!!! <333333333333333333333333333333

I told her I wouldnt mind helping with training the pup as I duno if they can take her to obedience or not. There is no way I'm letting this pup have any behavior problems...she's keeping her FOREVER. I love her already...:rolleyes: Good thing is she is already spayed...(isn't that young though???) I know she never got around to neutering Jake, so I'm glad it's already done.

02-14-2005, 06:18 PM
She got the lab pup...I'll be sure to visit it tomorrow and take some pics...^__^

02-14-2005, 06:44 PM
"which I'm afraid she'll end up with that jsut cause they're small and cute (exactly what I DONT want her to do)"

shame on you :p

lol, just kidding! It happens to the best of us! ^_^ puppy sounds suuuper cute, I just saw the most adorable bc/labbie pups at our shelter too. I wish them a LOT of luck, and I'm praying the puppy takes after its Labbie parent ;) lmao

02-14-2005, 08:22 PM
There is no way you wouldn't fall in love with them. There weren't like any older dogs either -_-

I mean, they snuggled right into you and fell asleep -_-!! I told her I'd train her if needed, she's not getting rid of her! She's learned a lot from Jake so I hope this dog will be great for her. She cried when she gave jake her his new home, so atleast she was sad about him leaving....-sigh-