View Full Version : Spook to the white coats tomorow

02-13-2005, 07:59 PM
My kitty girl Spook is finaly getting in to be spayed tomorow morning. Please say a prayer for her hoping that all goes well!! Her vet is very good, and I know I shouldn't worry but of course I'm going to!!

Remus will be lonely all day and a little :mad: that he won't have food tonight. Poor boy lol.

Those two play so much...any suggestions to keep them calm while Spook heals? Should I separate them for a while?

Thanks for your pawsitive thoughts!

02-13-2005, 08:49 PM
Good luck spook. I wouldn't worry too much about them playing. She'll tell him she wants nothing to do with play. Besides, I can promise you that he'll not recognise her when she returns home... she'll have all those yucky vet smells on her. He'll lay low from her for a few days until she starts to smells like her normal self.

02-13-2005, 08:54 PM
Hope everything goes well Kristina!! Can Remus have some food in a separate room huh?? ;)

I hope Remus doesn't have a hissy like Dylan did!:eek: He freaked at the vet smell last week when Lizzie and Robbie were done.

If Spook is like Liz - she will not feel like playing and like catnapper said, Remus won't like how she stinks!:p

Does she spend the night at all?? Let us know when everything is over and how it goes!!

02-14-2005, 12:06 AM
I'm sure that Spook will be just fine. Prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.:)

02-14-2005, 12:31 AM
Hey Kristina, if you didn't worry, we would all think there was something wrong with you.;)

Prayers on the way that everything goes well with Spook.

02-14-2005, 01:01 AM
We'll be saying "good luck" and "healing" prayers over here for sweet Spook. :)

02-14-2005, 06:03 AM
I will never forget,the time,that Scrappy had ,to be off his dinner,as he had an operation,the next day.So I put him,in the bathroom,and he CRIED!So I emptied the dishes,and let him,out.Well he was hungry,thus the crying,and when he went from empty dish,to empty dish,the look,on his face,was something,to see,as he couldnt figure out,who ate the food,taht was normally,there! And we wish spook,the best,and Sheba Angel,will go,with her,and be her Guardian Cat Angel.

Laura's Babies
02-14-2005, 09:42 AM
We ALL worrry as you have seen on these boards when ours go in for spaying. It is normal to worry, they are our babies and we love them. Let us know when you hear something after it is done.

02-14-2005, 08:25 PM
An Uppydate!!

Spook is quite well and is resting quietly *I've never seen her so calm!* Remus took a cautionary sniff and then went on his merry way. He seems more interested in sniffing the carrier :rolleyes: Spooks belly is shaved, but they used desolving stiches so she doesn't need to go back. The vet said she is very healthy :D but she was in heat *dummy me didn't even know!* so it cost a bit extra. I'm glad I went to the vet I did because they seem to really go the extra mile for our furrykids!

Remus was very glad this morning to get his breakfast. He was a pill all day though *bouncing off the walls, knocking things over* Glad I was at work and the hubby was kitty-sitting! He seems much calmer now that he knows his buddy is back home safe.

02-14-2005, 08:32 PM
Good to hear Kristina!! Please give Spook some kisses and a nice gentle pat.

Good boy Remus for not hissing at your sister!!

02-14-2005, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Good to hear Kristina!! Please give Spook some kisses and a nice gentle pat.

Good boy Remus for not hissing at your sister!!

Remus isn't the hissing type. The only time I hear him hiss is if he is sleeping in a box and I pick it up suddenly *always gotta check boxes for kitties before I throw them away!*

He didn't even hiss at Spook during introductions. Spook hissed at him and he ran away!!