View Full Version : Zeke at flyball *update*

02-13-2005, 03:42 PM
Zeke has been attending level 2 flyball for a little while now, and he is doing EXCELLENT! I'm SO proud of my boy! Especially after tonight's class.

He was doing really well from the start of level 2, but he still ran off a lot. Tonight, he didn't run off ONCE. Ever time he came straight to me like a good little boyo :) I even started him where his is suppose to start (like, not right at the jumps) PLUS they're starting to take the fencing down between the 2 lanes and he runs at the same time as the dog in the other lane :)

I think his times ranged from 5-6 (seconds, is it??? I duno..) They said he is going well for just starting, and once he realizes he is racing his time will come down more :)

I changed his treats to cheese today, I think that did the trick. I'm not sure if the club will continue lessons after this one is over, but I hope they do. I've love to train him well enough to be in competitions! (assuming he is fast enough/is trained right)

02-13-2005, 05:49 PM
yay Zeke! :D he sounds like an awesome flyball dog!! I'm sure he'll be able to at least compete in fun matches this summer ^_~

Gonzo is going back into flyball in April.. expect tons of pics from that, and updates, lol. I wish he was already as good as Zeke sounds :p

02-13-2005, 06:08 PM
Great for Zeke! I'm hoping to see some pics, too. I think you should pursue it if you both enjoy it and he's good at it. I would love to see flyball in person. I just love watching it on tv.

02-13-2005, 06:25 PM
The flyball people take pics, appearintly...but I've never seen them. I can't take pics while there either because Zeke is a HANDFUL!!! And I go myself ;)

Hey Val, you can come with me and bring your cam. k? :rolleyes: :p

02-13-2005, 06:34 PM
Yay Zeke!!! :D

02-13-2005, 09:03 PM
Way to go Zeke!

02-13-2005, 09:56 PM
Good boy Zeke! :)

02-13-2005, 11:37 PM
What wonderful news Audrey :D. 5-6 Seconds is pretty good for a big dog, thats what Clover runs (And Elvis about 4.3 Seconds). It sounds as though Zeke man is going to make a kick butt Flyball dog. Keep up the good work.

02-14-2005, 12:48 AM
Way to go Zeke! I'm glad he's doing so well!! :)