View Full Version : Crooked/Broken Tails . . .

02-12-2005, 09:50 PM
I promised Lisa (catcrazylady) that I'd post some pics of Brodie's broken/crooked tail. So here are a few.

It is hard to *see* where it's broken because he's kinda got a bushy tail . . . but the middle, where it's the bushiest is where it's broken.

You just have to *feel* it to get the full effect . . .

In this pic, you can see how short & stubby & STIFF it is . . . the Vet doesn't think it will grow much more . . . the break has probably stunted its growth. It is ALWAYS sticking straight out like this . . . stiff as a board!

And here are the best shots I could get of the "crook" . . . you can kind of see where it's bent . . . but it is bent in about 4 places. Like I said, you've just gotta feel it!



OK, Lisa, now let's see Magoo's broken tail!

Anyone else have a broken kitty tail???

02-12-2005, 10:32 PM
Nope no broken tails here but I did have a kitty with one though. My RB Toby. His was broken near the half way mark. Don't know what happened as he was a stray.

Poor little Brodie. We can only guess what happened to that poor little fella.

But he is oh soooooooo cute though and his little tail just adds character to him.

Sweet kisses to you Brodie.:)

Laura's Babies
02-13-2005, 01:21 AM
I didn't realize his tail was so bushy! He is such a pretty boy, broken tail and all!

My Mama had a cat, a large calico girl and her tail got broke right where it joined her body. Mama lived a ways away from me but when she called me crying I knew I better go see.. So Off to Mama's I went. I told her lets just watch it and see what happened... Well, the tail died and I had to go get Patches and take her all the way back to where I lived and take her to my vet to have her tail removed. It broke Mama's heart when I returned a tailess patches to her but over time, Mama thought it added to her beauty and she didn't step on Patches tail ever again... she thought that was the neatest part. No pictures..... That was many years ago.

02-13-2005, 04:35 AM
And that tail,gives him,an air,of distinction,and Scrappy Angel,will be dividing his time,betwen his Twin,Brodie,and Scrappy Magoo,Helping both Cats Out,What a Great Cat.

02-13-2005, 12:24 PM
*BUMP* for Lisa to see!

Where are you catcrazylady???

:p :p :p

02-13-2005, 04:33 PM
Geez christa I'm sorry. I asked for the pictures and then I don't check in until late. Sorry!

Magoo was a total pain! I spent hours trying to get these three pictures. I bet I deleted thirty pictures before I finally gave up and accepted these! He knew I was following him and everytime he turned around to face me I would get behind him again. After a while he would just sit down as soon as I came up behind him!:rolleyes:

See how it kind of kicks off to the side? It can go down straight but he holds it off to the side all the time.

I did manage to get this one of him half way standing and eating.

Poor Brodie's tail is really obvious! Bless his heart! It is kind of cute though and sure gives him character.;) :D I guess no one else has any obvious broken tails to show.

02-13-2005, 05:10 PM
Some of you will remember and I will never forget how Lexie unbe-known to me sneaked under my set of draws(furniture) and I got her tail caught, she was rushed to the vet and in the end they decide to amputate a portion of her tail, she healed fine and now has a shorter stubby tail with no definition, she is absolutely fine, I am curious why your cats tails were left, does it depend where the break is. Here is my baby.

02-13-2005, 05:20 PM
Carol, in Magoo's case there is no telling when or how it happened. He just came that way!;) :D
I think it is the same situation with Brodie but Christa will have to verify that.

02-13-2005, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by carole
I am curious why your cats tails were left, does it depend where the break is.

We adopted Brodie when he was about 6 weeks old. His tail had already been broken like that and had healed at the time . . . we have no clue how it happened, but he had to of been very very tiny when it happened since it had already completely healed at 6 weeks! He didn't seem to feel any pain when we'd touch it and since he can move the tip & base, there's no reason to amputate it.

Lisa, you're right, it gives them character!!! LOL