View Full Version : Do you have puppy parties?

02-12-2005, 12:55 AM
Just about everyone here celebrates their dogs birthdays, but do you have a party for them?
We have one at least once a year, sometimes we combine the party with all our friends that have dogs and celebrate every pups birthday, sort of like the horses birthday. It's really a great social occasion with friends who have dogs. The dogs love it and have heaps of treats, we even have a cake (just for humans).
Here are a few pics from our last puppy party, We had about a dozen dogs in attendance.


02-12-2005, 01:32 AM
I have had dog parties in other places that I have lived. When I first suggested it after moving up here, everyone thought I was absolutely mental! I have brought it up intermittantly and I'm sure at some point it will come to (begrudging) fruition!

02-12-2005, 05:17 AM
Originally posted by schteve_d
I have had dog parties in other places that I have lived. When I first suggested it after moving up here, everyone thought I was absolutely mental! I have brought it up intermittantly and I'm sure at some point it will come to (begrudging) fruition!

I know what you mean. People without dogs kind of look at you a bit weird when mentioning it. :D

02-12-2005, 11:49 AM
Great pictures! Sounds like a wonderful time:D

We don't necessarily have puppy parties, but I have thrown a party for my dogs before (but our family was the only one in attendance).
We do have dog get togethers at the park and people from many miles away come. We always have a wonderful time!

02-12-2005, 12:51 PM
I would love to lol but while it would be fun for me, my dogs would go beserk, and Happy would get sick with stress. not to mention if ya told anyone around here we were having a puppy party they would look at me funny and gove a snotty sounding "no". so on birthdays the doggies get there own birthday cake(real cake, for the dog and the humans) in a shape that reflects the dog, for example Happy got a sheep for her birthday because she is a border collie lol and Misty got a cow because she is a cattle bred BC. :p and of coarse they get presants the pics and such :p