View Full Version : The Spirit of Henry

02-11-2005, 05:26 PM
Henry went to the Bridge on Labor Day 2002. He was just a bit over 2 years old. I still cry when I think about him – he was so full of life and love.

A month later we adopted Abigail (Abby). So we were back to 5, and all was peaceful and quiet – more or less – until the middle of March 2003.

It was a weekend. Saturday afternoon, I was standing at the kitchen sink and out of the corner of my eye I saw Abigail, on the counter, heading for the refrigerator. I figured she was going up to the top of the cupboards for a nap. But when I turned to look up – no cat. And when I went looking for Abby, I found her sound asleep, on the bed in the back bedroom.

Later that day, I was in the hall bathroom, at the sink, in front of the mirror. Again, I sensed/saw Abby walking behind me. She was obviously heading for the bath tub. We keep a pail full of water there for the times the power goes off and we need to flush – we have a well and no power means no water. Once again, when I turned, there was no Abby. And I found her in the cellar.

Sunday afternoon: we are sitting on the couch, reading the paper. We both hear the sound of a cat running across the front deck – we’ve heard that sound millions of time since moving to this house. I go to the front door, expecting to let Duffy in – only there is no cat at the door. And there are no footprints in the snow that fell over night!!

By now I know – it is Henry, come back for a visit. Douglas is a bit skeptical, but has no other answer. BTW, Abigail and Henry have similar markings – each has dark and white in the same areas of the body.

I was delighted – Henry had come back to tell us that all was well; he was okay. It was only later in the week that I realized his true reason for returning. We didn’t know it on the weekend, but Bernadette was going to The Bridge on Thursday. Henry had come to tell her all would be fine; he would see her there.

Over the past 2 years, I have sensed Henry’s presence on more than one occasion. Just last week, I heard him running across the roof of the house – the only cat we’ve had that ever did that.

I wonder if any of you have ever been visited by the spirit of a RB cat? Or am I nuts?

Laura's Babies
02-11-2005, 05:40 PM
I catch a glimps of a cat now and then but I have never figured out which of mine it is.. I see it out of the corner of my eye, drop my hand down to pet it and that is when I realize there isn't one there... EVEN on the boat I work on!

02-11-2005, 05:43 PM
Yup, I see Goldie strolling into the kitchen just like she always used to do .... fluffy tail held aloft in that beautiful golden plume of hers - just to let me know she's keeping an eye on me and my new two.

02-11-2005, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Grace

I was delighted – Henry had come back to tell us that all was well; he was okay. It was only later in the week that I realized his true reason for returning. We didn’t know it on the weekend, but Bernadette was going to The Bridge on Thursday. Henry had come to tell her all would be fine; he would see her there.

Okay, I'm balling again! What a sweet thought that Henry had come to help take Bernadette home.
I dont know how much more I can take this week.

02-11-2005, 05:52 PM
Darn this LES!!!!:( :(

02-11-2005, 06:30 PM
Oh I get goosebumps whenever I read or hear something like this.:eek:

When my RB C-Fer passed away in Nov. 2000, I often felt him laying on my head as that's where he would sleep every night.

I still feel him every now and then, but not like I use too.

02-11-2005, 07:05 PM
As I am relatively new to cats, I have yet to lose one. However, my RB dog Rat has visited several times. There is a full length mirror on the front of an old wardrobe in our living room. Several times I have walked past the mirror and saw Rat following behind me, as she constantly used to do. I have also heard her tags clinking, a sweet jingle jangle that was hers and hers alone. I am always heartened when she makes an appearance. I wish she would stop by more frequently but I feel sure she is quite busy with her buddies in heaven and does us a great favor by fitting us in her tight schedule on occasion. :)

02-11-2005, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by iloverat
As I am relatively new to cats, I have yet to lose one. However, my RB dog Rat has visited several times. There is a full length mirror on the front of an old wardrobe in our living room. Several times I have walked past the mirror and saw Rat following behind me, as she constantly used to do. I have also heard her tags clinking, a sweet jingle jangle that was hers and hers alone. I am always heartened when she makes an appearance. I wish she would stop by more frequently but I feel sure she is quite busy with her buddies in heaven and does us a great favor by fitting us in her tight schedule on occasion. :)

I'm so glad to discover I'm not alone. Along with you, I always feel so much better when Henry has visited. The other cats seem to be reassured by his visits, also.

02-11-2005, 07:18 PM
Ok i know now no one here will think I'm crazy. I beleive 2 of my RB dogs are in Merlin I have seen them both in things he does.

02-11-2005, 07:38 PM
The Other Day,as plain,as anything,I saw BJ,The Meezer,sitting,with His Cat Friends,the way,thatnhe always did,when he was here,and hecvstills sleeps,with them,now that he is An Angel,and there are Times,that I have seen,the Other Cat Angels,around The House,especially Pouncer,and Scrappy.And I have Seen Karina,on the Porch.

02-11-2005, 07:50 PM
I see and hear Bassett all the time. I will be sitting and watching TV, and I will hear her collar jingle down the hall. It can't be Tilly or Nutmeg, because they don't wear collars anymore. I will here a cat meow but Tilly and Nutmeg are fast asleep. I will see a flash of grey streak in a doorway, and I know it's her :)

The night before I went to my first day of clinical I was laying in bed, and Nutmeg meowed, but it sounded EXACTLY like Bassett, and then she just started staring at the ceiling, and I knew Bassett was there to tell me she was proud of me.

02-12-2005, 09:45 PM
Special thanks to all who responded. It's wonderful to find out others have shared in this type of experience. Much nicer than thinking I was a slightly off grandmother - :)

02-13-2005, 05:07 AM
I dont see my RB pets. but i dream about them off and on. :D

02-13-2005, 08:58 AM
I'm constantly sensing one of my RB kitties around. But then again, there's plenty here. Henry came to assure Bernadette passed over the bridge with him by her side. :) :) :) Yup...LES hitting here too. I'm missing my youngster Henry who went to RB way before his time. :(

02-13-2005, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
Yup...LES hitting here too.

What is this LES that both QSL and Slick have said?

02-13-2005, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Grace
What is this LES that both QSL and Slick have said?
RICHARD started it! Leaky Eye Syndrome http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys2/bawling.gif

02-13-2005, 10:27 AM
Thank you - I experience that quite often. Just never knew the proper medical terminology!