View Full Version : Catmandu Gary...Are you posting from home?

02-11-2005, 05:00 PM
Did I just read that you are now posting from your desk at home?

This is so exciting that I think I'm going to explode!!!:eek: ;) :D I'm so happy for you to know that you can join us anytime you want now with no time limitations or nasty computer neighbors!

YIPPEE GARY!!! We are all so looking forward to all your posts anytime you want to post them!:D :D :D

02-11-2005, 05:05 PM
I got that inpressiom too. Hello Gary!!!!

02-11-2005, 05:07 PM
I am indeed,typing from my Found Ca Hotel,where Princess,and Micheal,are sitting watching me type,and sam,just walked past.I thank ,the Pet talkers,who made this possible,and it is so nice,to talk,while thetre is no little clock,at the corner of the screen ticking down,And when I get,the names,there will be Toy Mice coming,as the proceeds,help the Homeless Cats,of Hamilton.

02-11-2005, 05:12 PM
Wahoo Gary!!!!:D :D :D I thought that is what I understood from one of your posts!

This is wonderful! Now sit back, relax and yap all you want on PT. Nobody has a clock running!;) :D :D :D
I swear this has made my day!!:)

02-11-2005, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by catmandu
I am indeed,typing from my Found Ca Hotel,where Princess,and Micheal,are sitting watching me type,and sam,just walked past.I thank ,the Pet talkers,who made this possible,and it is so nice,to talk,while thetre is no little clock,at the corner of the screen ticking down,And when I get,the names,there will be Toy Mice coming,as the proceeds,help the Homeless Cats,of Hamilton.


I do know where you can get some PURRNO to look at!!;)

how does it feel to have a clock that counts UP??:D

02-11-2005, 05:14 PM
(((Gary))) This is wonderful!! I saw "6pm" on a post of yours!!! I can just picture you there at home, warm & cozy with kitties all around - and NO SCHEDULE!! No bus stop to walk to, go get a snack if you want, and post anytime you feel like it!! YAY!!!

02-11-2005, 05:27 PM
Gary!!! Oh, a dream come true for all of us! Our Gary is online and available to us 24/7!!!:eek: :eek: :D

We love you!


02-11-2005, 05:27 PM
EEK! I actually have goose bumps! This is fantastic! Now you can become even MORE addicted like the rest of us :p.


I think I will email you RIGHT NOW!!!

Laura's Babies
02-11-2005, 05:28 PM
....and to have a kitty in your lap while you are writting about them.... OH GARY!! I am so excited for you!!! (((( WE LOVE YOU GARY!!)))))

02-11-2005, 05:48 PM
That's so great!! I'm so glad it got there so fast and its already set up for your viewing pleasure!

YEA! Gary 24/7!!! :)

Kiss those kitties for me...right now! ;)

02-11-2005, 06:45 PM
Hi Gary...

This is a dream come true. Having our Gary with us 24/7 with no time schedule.:D

It's funny, today I was thinking how you were enjoying being at home with all your kitties around you while you were on the computer. :)

02-11-2005, 07:42 PM
So fae BoBo,is the most curious,and is sitting,om my lap,as I type,I forgot,how heavy,this little budle,of musle is! If there any extra letters,BoBo added them.

02-11-2005, 08:11 PM
What fun it must be not to have to get dressed and go out into the frigid cold Canadian weather to be on PT! I have a funny feeling we'll be seeing posts from 3A.M now! It must be such a tremendous feeling having all your special kitties that you talk about right there with you! YAY!!!!:) :) :)

02-11-2005, 08:17 PM
Oh, Catmandu! I'm so very happy for you! Now we'll be able to have updates from The Found Cat Hotel at all hours!!! You all are great for making this happen for Catmandu!!! YAY!

02-11-2005, 08:38 PM
Oh Gary... I am sooo very happy you have your own computer! What an amazing place PT is!

02-11-2005, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
I have a funny feeling we'll be seeing posts from 3A.M now!

Oh my gosh ... I remember the first day I got my computer and got online! I think I literally spent the first 24 hours straight on it, and didn't even notice! :eek: :D

02-11-2005, 08:46 PM
It's true Kim. It's amazing how fast the times goes by when you are reading and posting in threads.

One minute i'm looking at the time and it's like 3.30 p.m.. The next thing I know it's like 9:00p.m.

I can't tell you enough Gary, how exciting this was to do this for you. I'm so glad that Kim made this happen.:D

Laura's Babies
02-11-2005, 10:49 PM
I had to come back AGAIN and see if he posted again and to hear he has BoBoo in his lap :D ? I have smiled since I opened this thread again and it is just the most wonderful feeling in the world!!!!!

(Kim, you have to be totally on cloud 9!!!)

I do think this is one of the most exciting things I have seen, heard or read about in YEARS!!

02-11-2005, 11:11 PM
Gary just remember you have to stop to eat and take care of your diabetes. I some times forget , I know more folks here than in my neighborhood.

02-11-2005, 11:18 PM
What a wonderful dream come true, Gary!! So good to see you online at your own home! I am so very happy for you, it will be good to see more of you on Pet Talk, anytime!


02-12-2005, 04:44 AM
I have a new co-worker, and yesterday she said to me: "I avoid the internet as much as possible. It's a dangerous place with evil people in it, and nothing good comes from it."

Things like this project prove that she's sooooo wrong!!

Gary, I'm so happy that you got your computer delivered, and that everything works fine! Now you can talk to us whenever you want! :) Have a lot of fun!!

PetTalk is such a wonderful place! When I had my surgery last year, I got so many calls, gifts and cards from all over the world, and all that made this difficult time so much easier. I think many people around here made that experience meanwhile... Now the PetTalkers brought joy to a special and caring person, and to know that just makes me happy. :)


02-12-2005, 06:37 AM
Gary- I'm so glad you can post from home now! I've always enjoyed your posts and now we get to see more of them!!!

smokey the elder
02-12-2005, 07:51 AM
I'm so glad you got your new computer! I see the Geek Squad was successful. You need to learn how to post pics now!

Yeah, the Internet is so evil.:rolleyes: Online group hugz for PTers with troubles of all kinds, and support of a more tangible kind too.

02-12-2005, 08:22 AM
The Intrenet,iaa Tool,and like every tool,there are going,to be People,that misuse it.My Dear Mother,told me that once,you canuse a hammer,to build,or hit,someone,over the head,with it!I ,for one,am glad,that the Internet,is here,and the Evil People,are the minority.If you used that logic,you would hide your head,in the sand,like the Ostrich!Michael,is watching me,and MEEEEEOOOOWS Hello!