View Full Version : Hamster rescues

07-20-2000, 05:15 PM
I live in the country, and have done my share of dog and cat rescues. It still breaks my heart when I think about defenceless domestic pets being abandoned in the country to fend for themselves. I've found countless cats and kittens. My mother found another one at their farm last week and found a home for it. I found a sick pet rabbit in my back garden a few years ago. It was so sick, all I could do was bring it food and water and keep my guys away so it wasn't harrassed. My husband wouldn't let me take it to the vet, so it died within a couple of hours. I don't know if it was sick before they abandoned it, or if it got sick trying to look after itself, but I don't know how anyone could do that. The strangest rescue I've done was a few years ago now. My husband and I were dropping off some recycling, and I was having my ususal poke around to see what kind of GOOD STUFF (you know reusable) was around, when I saw something move behind one of the bins. "Look" I called out to my husband "Hamsters" He told me I was crazy, there's no such thing as wild hamsters. Well, of course there aren't but what better place to dump pets you're tired of than the recycling depot? We caught the momma and one baby (if there were more they didn't make it) and put them in box we found (proably the one their former family brought them in, I discovered it had some hamster food in it when we got home). Made a quick stop at the pet store for a few supplies and home with the new pets my husband didn't want, but didn't have the energy to argue with me about.

08-03-2000, 12:20 PM
That is a very sweet story. Do you still have them? A couple of years ago, a friend of the family gave us a hamster. She was the sweetest little fur ball and boy was she cute. She would stuff her puch with food and would get stuck in her tunnel. One day she got out of her cage and was climbing through the walls. I was spending the night with my down stairs neighbor the night she got out. The next morning we got up and her dad said, "This morning at about 4:00 there was a big tan hamster or rat or someting on our couch but I put it outside." I told him she was mine. We couldn't find her. He tried and offered us his cockatiel because he was getting rid of it anyways. I didn't think my mom would wan't it so I didn't bother sking. After getting rid of the bird I tolf my om about and she said, "Sure, I would've taken the bird." I was so mad about myself after that. But now I have a guinea pig and a gerbil and I'm thankful. Thanks for listening.
