View Full Version : Valentines Day

02-11-2005, 11:37 AM
This year, I decided to instead of buy my parents gifts for V-day. I am going to buy them dinner since they work at a retail store they see Valentine's day stuff all day so I want to do it a little different...

I was thinking about buying them dinner on Sunday since Monday is Valentines Day and they could be working until 7 that night. I don't know. Do you think it would be okay doing it an hour early?

I don't know if I should get them BBQ from a local restaurant around here or order in a pizza. Which one would you suggest?
I can't cook lol so I have to buy it from somewhere hehe. I was going to get them a steak from our local steakhouse, but it was like 16 dollars for each lil steak and I can't afford that.

I am going to get them a milkshakes or ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins for their desserts as well.

Does this sound okay, or does it sound tacky? I mean they been working around Valentines Day gifts all of Febuary and I bet they are sick of looking at it lol! and We have to eat supper anyway so why not I buy it!

02-11-2005, 11:48 AM
If I were your folks I'd love BBQ. You are so thoughtful to think of all that.

02-11-2005, 12:59 PM
okay BBQ it is then lol!! I thought that would be better. They have big bbq plates at this one business for like 4 dollars a plate. So thats what I'm going to get. Its super good too lol!! then I'll go by and get the milkshakes lol

Thanks alot for the help.

02-11-2005, 01:03 PM
Mississippi BBQ sounds wonderful! Does it come with Southern Style corn bread as well? Any room at the table for an extra person ;) :p

02-11-2005, 01:09 PM
Something else to consider is maybe getting them a gift certificate to a restraunt so they can go out when they want to. That is what I do for my parents.

02-11-2005, 01:09 PM
What a wonderful Valentine gift!!! They will LOVE it:D
BBQ and ice cream for dessert!! How about some handmade cards on the dining room table?? What a sweet and thoughtful daughter you are:)

02-11-2005, 01:24 PM
What a VERY thoughtful thing to do for your parents :D! I will try and think of something special for my parents :) like take them swimming next weekend :) or maybe even this weekend:). You are such a great daughter to them :)

02-11-2005, 01:45 PM
Thanks everyone... Yeah it does come with Cornbread here lol!! Mississippi is Cornbread heaven lol!! And sure you can come. the place that makes it is soooooo good.. If you ever come by Mississippi I'll take you and buy you a plate from there too.. But heck if you come to MS I will get my mom to make you a homemade meal lol! My mom can cook like southern lol!! Thats why you can tell by looking at me I don't go Hungry... hehehe!!!

02-11-2005, 01:46 PM
The homemade card deal is cute, but you know what I did.. I bought several different boxes of the lil cards lil kids give to their friends. and I'm going to put them around the table..

Thank you so much again. Ya'll made me feel good today lol!